Simple turkey and brie sandwiches. Because we have all had (and still have) those, “there’s no time or desire to make a dinner” nights.

Simple Turkey and Brie Sandwiches, from Pass the Sushi“You don’t look like a food blogger.” I can’t be the only one who’s heard that oh, 10,000 times.

I’m shocked by how many people say this to me on a day to day basis. So, just what does a food blogger look like? Are food blogger supposed to fit a type, because last time I checked, everyone liked to eat. I never realized how quickly people assume they know something about someone by the way they look. Are all kids who wear black emo? Is everyone with tattoos a punk?

Do reiki masters only have one solitary interest in life? And on top of that, why does how you look matter at all regarding what you do. In such a forward thinking open minded time, I can’t believe how much judgment we are all put under by our looks.

If you met me today, you’d see a girl with red hair, a few piercings, in a comic shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. Tomorrow, I’ll be rocking a business suit with that same red hair and nose ring – and looking damned professional. Am I supposed to be walking around with an apron on because I enjoy food? By saying such a thing, are they implying I’m not curvy enough? Too curvy perhaps? Am I not enough like Julia Child to rock out in the kitchen? So tell me, how should a ‘food blogger’ look? Because from my seat at the dinner table, I don’t really care how you look as long as it tastes good.

For all of those people who don’t think I look like a food blogger, all I can say is, see you in the kitchen.

Now, check out this simple turkey sandwich – for a food lover of any skill set.

Simple Turkey and Brie Sandwich  Recipe on

Simple Turkey and Brie Sandwich

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Author: Kita


  • Marbled rye and pumpernickel bread
  • sliced turkey
  • creamy brie
  • sliced granny smith apple
  • dried cranberries
  • S&P to taste


  • Spread creamy brie over marbled rye. Sprinkle with dried cranberries, layer with sliced turkey and apples. Place another slice of bread on top and serve. If you’re feeling frisky, grill the sucker. It makes the brie ooze out and awesome. (And if you’re feeling extra sassy, throw a few crunchy potato chips in the middle of the while shebang).


a la me and that container of brie that had a use by date fast approaching

Nutritional informations provided as a courtesy and is only an approximatation. Values will changes based on ingredients used.

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Simple Turkey and Brie Sandwich

I’ve been into sandwiches lately (maybe its because of the homemade bread kick) and this simple turkey sandwich is a great one. Enjoy! 🙂Simple Turkey and Brie Sandwiches


  1. A few years back, I thought I was rocking wearing the comic/band t-shirt underneath my business suits. Loved your post – that bread is beautiful!

  2. I’m not sure but I think I look like a food blogger either. I’m no Julia Childs twin. I’m certainly not curvy. Hmmm… wonder what photo those folks have in their mind?

    I’ll leave out the meat and that would make one perfect sammy for me. I love the look of the marbled bread. That makes is picture perfect 🙂

  3. What’s a food blogger supposed to look like? I say this sandwich is pretty good evidence of your passion!

  4. Wow, I love finding wonderfully easy recipes that look so amazingly delicious. I wouldn’t have thought to put apples on a brie and turkey sandwich! Also, pumpernickel is awesome.

    And re: the food blogger comments? all I have to say is “haters gonna hate.”

  5. RavieNomNoms says:

    THAT is a gorgeous sandwich lady! Seriously, what DOES a food blogger look like? haha, I have to say I have had people say the same kind of thing. What does that even mean!? Really.

  6. This does look good! Love the look of the bread!

  7. I love the contrast of the bread! That’s odd that someone would say that to you. Is there a food blogger “type”? Hmmm, maybe that person knows many others and they all look alike…

    Mostly I get, “What’s a food blog?” Then I give them your link and I tell them to check out your skillz.

  8. That bread is gorgeous, it really makes the sandwiches pop! And I put Brie on everything 🙂 A definite buzz!

  9. I hear ya! I have no idea what food bloggers are supposed to look like but based on what i understand, i think peopel expect us, food bloggers, to be obese. At least that’s what someone said to me: “but you are not big!”Needless to say, i was offended….

    Your sandwich looks very healthy…i like that marbely bread 🙂

  10. I agree with you wholeheartedly. But people are close minded those people are the people who don’t even read blogs and have no idea what it is in the first place. the blogging world is so diverse because its just people writing about what they like, but its sad because bloggers invest so much time in blogging, reading other blogs and developing a sense of community that people who don’t blog or read much at all don’t understand. I think blogging has the connotation of techy people or mommy blogger who sit at home and don’t come out at all which is a horrible thing to think, but ignorance is everywhere so just keep sharing your message cause you’re damn good at it.

    People used to look at me weird when i told them i was the executive chef all the time, like i had to be 200 pounds and about 10 years older and a man. But you know all you can do is prove em wrong 🙂


  11. funny the pre conceived ideas people have about how we should look. Now if you could compare yourself to a food what would you pick? :o) I would be a runner bean in shape but a chocolate fudge cake in heart!

    I love that rye bread, I have never seen anything like it before.

  12. What a gorgeous looking sandwich! It’s an artwork that!

  13. I used to get a sandwich like this EVERY DAY in college, except it had stuffing in it instead of apples. It tasted like Thanksgiving in a sandwich! I love turkey and brie together- it’s the best combo 🙂

  14. This sandwich sounds heavenly! I love the combination of ingredients, and it makes for a gorgeous presentation as well.

    What I love the most about the food blogosphere is that it is comprised of such different people. We’re all unique in the way we look, dress, cook, photograph food, and write. It would be boring if we all fit a certain mold ;).

  15. Oh, man…that has got to be my ideal sandwich! Fabulous, Kita…and I, for one, am so glad you are you!

  16. Delicious sandwich – notable because of course – it was devised by someone who doesn’t look like a food blogger. (?????*****!!!!!)

  17. imwaytoobusy says:

    Did somebody say sandwich!? I always love a good sandwich. Brie + cranberries = perfection, everytime! Sounds great.I follow a lot of blogs and had no idea you could “look like a food blogger”, but nice work defeating the stereotype. Whatever it is…. 🙂

  18. hi Kita

    that sandwich is seriously delicious! I love that bread!!
    I know what you mean about food bloggers, after the san fran festival, one thing I know for sure is that there is not one type of food blogger, we are a colorful group!
    Now that being said I have this image of you in my mind in those cowboy boots and a frilly apron!
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend

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