Smoked brisketis tender, juicy beef, seasoned and smoked for hours, until it literally melts in your mouth. A meal worth waiting for!

I just watched a promo video for a local BBQ cook off and the one thing I noticed (other then the meat) is that the only people tending to the smokers and grills were big, sleeveless, baseball cap wearing men. Um… Did the ladies miss the memo on this one. I didn’t even know there was a BBQ cook off going on until the day of, but I am not a competitive grill master. I do like to get my eat on though.

But, I can’t be the only woman who is the master of the flame in her household. I often like to pretend I’m going round for round with the top chefs from across the country when that first blast of smoke rises up and coats my clothes and my taste buds start their happy dance.

As the day wears on and I know that a masterpiece smoked brisket is slowly working its magic, I can’t help but snicker and remind myself that I am the grill master, at least in this house.

Learn how to make smoked brisket - a cut of beef that is so flavorful and tender, it will melt in your mouth! Recipe on


Smoked Brisket

From BHG Special Interest: Grill It! 2011


  • 1 3 to 3 1/2 lb fresh beef brisket
  • 1 12-ounce can of beer
  • 3/4 cup lime juice
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 3 tbs vegetable oil
  • 3 tbs steak sauce
  • 2 teas chili powder
  • 2 teas ground cumin
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • Hickory wood chips


Trim fat from meat. Place meat Learn how to make smoked brisket - a cut of beef that is so flavorful and tender, it will melt in your mouth! Recipe on in a large resealable plastic bag set in a shallow dish. For marinade, in a medium bowl, combine beet, lime juice, onion, oil, steak sauce, chili powder, cumin and garlic. Pour marinade over meat. Seal bag; turning to coat meat. Marinate in the refrigerator for 6 to 24 hours.

For at least 1 hour before smoke-cooking, soak wood chips in enough water to cvoer. Drain before using. Drain meat, discarding the marinade.

in a smoker, arrange preheated coals, drained wood and water pan according to the manufacturer’s directions. Pour water into pan. Place meat on grill rack over water pan. Cover and smoke for 5 to 6 hours until the meat is tender. Add additional coals and water as needed to maintain temperature of about 200 to 210 degrees F and moisture.

After 5 to 6 hours, check that the meat is done to your liking, and remove and let rest for 20 minutes. After restring, thinly slice meat across the grain.


Learn how to make smoked brisket - a cut of beef that is so flavorful and tender, it will melt in your mouth! Recipe on

 Told you all there would be a use for all that BBQ sauce  I shared with you the other day. It goes on the smoked brisket, of course. 😉


  1. I have to confess that I rarely use our smoker/grill. Why is that? Hmmm! I love this recipe! I think we will swap roles and the hubby will prepare it in the kitchen and I will grill on the patio. Sounds like a plan. Great post.

  2. There are definitely some ladies out there tending the smoker and the grill that can put any man to shame. I’ve seen a few in action.

    But not me of course. (Just kidding)

    Awesome looking brisket!

  3. The meat is cooked to impeccable perfection. And I can only speculate what wonderful things happen with a sip from that Dogfish Head brew you’ve got to accompany it! Very well conceived!

  4. Hot stuff. I was just thinking…those BBQ sauces would be perfect with this puppy. Your flame is most definitely on. Buzzed 🙂

  5. Kita, you’re not alone in being the bbq person in your house. My husband, bless his uncooking heart, always burns stuff lol.

    I have a new smoker I have been waiting to break in… this sounds like it may be the recipe I use 😀

  6. That looks so delicious! Love beef brisket but never venture to cook it on the barbie. That’s one thing I must do one of these days.

  7. looks amazing Kita! I know not many chick out competitive cooking especially on the grilling turf. I’m sure your brisket would win you a couple of hearts and even a ribbon. Beautiful photo you look like you set up a BBQ joint with that basket. Adorable. Keep Grillin

    take care!

  8. Hubby is the grill master here…unless I need pretty grill marks for my blog…he just doesn’t get that. Your brisket sounds amazing…I’ve only just started using this cut of meat, but only to slow cook in the winter. I’d love to try it on the grill…so thanks for the inspiration, Kita!

  9. Delish! In our family….I’M THE GRILL MASTER! I can’t help myself….and hubby likes the results, so it’s a win/win!

  10. Nice job! I’m BBQ obsessed this summer and it looks like you really nailed it with this brisket. What kind of smoker do you have? I would love to get one, but I live in the city and barely have room for my Weber.

  11. That is some serious meat and great pictures. You are the Master!

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