Let’s talk a minute about this little sitcom that everyone seems to watch. One that kind of haunts my day to day life. Seriously,  The Big Bang Theory . I can not tell you how often people step into our comic shop with wide eyes like it’s a strange and foreign land wondering what it must be like to ‘live in The Big Bang Theory”. No really. That show has made us all neurosurgeons and physicists or blond flakes. And since I’m the girl, they often assume the latter for me as well. Thanks. And I’m pretty sure my father had finally stopped thinking working at a comic shop was just like the comic guy from the Simpsons and was finally starting to think it could be ‘normal’ right around the time Sheldon appears to the world. No really, thanks.

So, naturally, every time someone walks in and says, “This must be what it’s like to be on the Big Bang Theory…” I fight the urge to roll my eyes (only proving that flake thing right) and remind them that the Big Bang Theory is a made up show.

Sadly though, it hit me this weekend, as my first customer was a Big Bang enthusiast and it was his first time in my shop. He set up camp and started a rather thorough exploration into the anatomy of a comic shop and as the morning rolled on it happened. My Sheldons, Leonards, and even an Amy or two were arguing about various topics around the store.  And as much as I enjoy their company and their amusing arguments that none are going to let the other ever win any way, I realized that this man who was watching us all was absolutely right. Yes, there are perfectly normal people at comic book stores. There are also extremes that sway in all directions. And there are even twitchy social awkward physicists. The last one just happens to be the one everyone is hunting for right now.



Tomato Soup Cupcakes

tomato_soup_cupcake_0142 from Baked

Don’t tell anyone what’s in these! They are delicious (almost like a carrot cake) and are the perfect winter-y cupcake. After they have devoured it and are gushing over your mad skills – hit them with the secret ingredient. They will be shocked!


For the Cupcakes: 

  • 2 10 3/4 oz cans condensed low-sodium tomato soup
  • 1 teas baking soda
  • 3 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 teas cinnamon
  • 1/2 teas freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1/2 teas ground allspice
  • 1/4 teas salt
  • 1 teas baking powder
  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 4 large eggs

For the Frosting: 

  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 12 oz mascarpone cheese, softened
  • 4 cups confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 teas vanilla


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Line two cupcake pans with paper liners; Set aside.

In a medium bowl, pour in the tomato soup. Sprinkle baking soda over top and stir; Set aside.

Sift together the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, salt and baking powder in a medium bowl. In the bowl of your standing mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.  With your mixer on low, add the flour alternating with the tomato soup in three additions, mixing until just combined. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl and mix for a few seconds more.

Divide the batter evenly into the prepared cupcake pans. Bake for 25 to 28 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool for 30 minutes in cake pans before turning out to cool completely.

To make the frosting, cream the butter and cheese until smooth in the bowl of your stand mixer with a paddle attachment. Reduce speed to low, and slowly add the confectioners’ sugar until incorporated. Add the vanilla and mix a few seconds longer. Scrape down the sides and make sure everything was combined. Cover tightly and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

Transfer frosting to piping bag fitting with a large tip, or frost cupcakes with an offset spatula.


tomato-soup-cupcake-0087 tomato-soup-cupcake-0089


  1. Tomato makes total sense. It’s sweet. Weird, but sweet. I wonder if Dudette would like them after I told her what was in them. 🙂

    I am proud to admit that I’ve never watched The Big Bang Theory. Hubby loves it, but I think it’s obnoxious. I’ll stick with Castle and Bones. When my man and a friend of his get together and start talking about the show, I DO roll my eyes (and I dare either one of them to even hint the word blonde in my direction!). 🙂 Stay warm, Kita.

  2. I have heard of these but have never taken the plunge to actually make them. I’m so glad to hear someone I actually trust say their good. I’m with you on the Big Bang Theory. Never seen it. I try to avoid shows with a laugh track. I don’t like to be told when to laugh (:

  3. I can totally relate. People find out I have a PhD and ask me if I like the show. Or wonder how I’m so normal.

    Anyways… I’m totally intrigued by these cupcakes. I even have a can of tomato soup in the cupboard (leftover from my sick day last week!) that I can experiment with!

  4. Just think about all the money that show is bringing in though! And bringing new comic enthusiasts! I need some more people to argue with about if Batman is a superhero or not… Tomato soup is crazy original! It definitely caught my eye!

  5. Sounded weird at first but I can’t wait to try them. With the marscapone in the frosting, do you need to keep them refrigerated? Thanks Kate!!

  6. I LOVE THIS! I once had a slice of chocolate-tomato soup cake and it was utterly delicious! I bet these are too!

  7. My family has been making Tomato Soup cake since the 50’s (when BHG and Family Circle Magazine had categories under “lunchbox” cakes – i.e. no frosting so you could cut it up and put it in a lunch box with little or no mess). My(grown and on there own) kids will just love this,one of my son’s best friend still begs for this everytime I see him!

  8. The show is funny…but I think comic book nerd types differ than physicist nerd types, which differs from computer nerd types, which differs from engineer nerd types. Sigh, you have to know a lot of nerds to know the differences I guess.

    Tomato soup, huh? Who would have thunk?

  9. How creative! Your story cracked me up. I feel for you, because I can only imagine how hard it is not to laugh or, like you said, roll your eyes in exhaustion.

  10. oh, this cracks me up. at least you have people coming in to check it out but it’s funny how their impression of the store is based upon the show.

    I’ve always heard from people that tomato soup cake is great. I think the special ingredient just mentally tricks people. gotta try them out for myself.

  11. I am loving the idea of a wintery carrot cake actually. It’s different – but hey – love tomato soup – so why not. I’ve found black bean fudge to be delicious.

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