Geriatric Cognitive Impairment
Neutered male dogs and spayed female dogs are at increased risk of progressing from mild to severe geriatric cognitive impairment compared to intact male dogs. There weren’t enough intact geriatric females available for the study to determine their risk.
Geriatric cognitive impairment includes disorientation in the house or outdoors, changes in social
interactions with human family members, loss of house training, and changes in the sleep-wake cycle.
The investigators state “This finding is in line with current research on the neuro-protective roles of testosterone and estrogen at the cellular level and the role of estrogen in preventing Alzheimer’s disease in human females.
One would predict that estrogens would have a similar protective role in the sexually intact female dogs; unfortunately too few sexually intact female dogs were available for inclusion in the present study to test the hypothesis”
次回はこれまでに翻訳して紹介した 避妊・去勢手術の後遺症
獣医は避妊・去勢手術をすると、 乳腺腫瘍
や 子宮蓄膿症
の予防になるとも主張して避妊手術を勧めているが、悪質な詐欺だ。 避妊・去勢手術によるいろんな 後遺症や合併症
避妊・去勢手術の後遺症として発症しやすくなる 骨の異常形成
や 尿失禁
、 血管肉腫
、 精巣腫瘍
、 ワクチンの副作用
、 肥満
、 前立腺癌
、 甲状腺機能低下症
、および、 骨肉腫(骨の癌)
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