Word of Wisdom

sunsun 002

Word of Wisdom

Tashi Delek
Tibetan traditional greeting.

Ti is our basic right to be a happy person, happy family, and eventually a happy world. That should be our goal.

There is no so-called special blessing. The blessing must come from within, from one’s mental attitude.

Many of the world’s problems and conflicts arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a human family.

Whenever you find discomfort, calamities, you should know how to transport it to positive practices. It would be senseless not to see your own ill deeds as the factors that harm you.

Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow.

We are all the same part of one human family.

Tibetan culture can serve as a peaceful attitude toward fellow human beings, toward animals, toward insects, toward the environment for the whole world.

What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful.

In these difficult times, you must not lose hope. Never lose faith in the truth. In the end, everything will be all right.

Harboring angry thoughts and ill feelings can be destructive.

Eastern philosophy and Western science could be a good marriage, without a divorce.

All religions promote the kindness of mankind, and their communal efforts in praying would definitely be helpful for creating a peaceful world.

All human beings share the same basic aspiration: that we all want happiness and that we all share suffering.

Those with no religion should choose one and those reared as Buddhists, Christians, Jews, or in any other faith should stay with it.

I believe Hinduism and Buddhism were " twin brothers " who were both born and brought up in India and therefore had no reason to fight each other.

The mind is like a seed; when cultivated it gives rise to many other good qualities.

The more people praise you, there is a danger of developing arrogance.

People are equal in their basic desire for peace and happiness.

I did not understand what it meant to be Dalai Lama. As for as I know, I was just one small boy among many.

In dream time I never feel I am Dalai Lama.

Our enemies provide us with a precious opportunity to practice patience and love. We should have gratitude toward them.

While the fast pace of development in science, and economics has made the world a smaller place and brought human relations closer, many people are still on the fringes of society.

The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful.

We believe the whole world will come and disappear, come and disappear-so eventually the world becomes desert and even the ocean dries up. But then again, another new world is reborn. It’s endless.

Limitless like the ocean are your excellent qualities.

Every faith has a piece of the truth.

I believe I have some very strong connections with previous Dalai Lamas, especially the fifth.

If you’re more relaxed, I think your brain functions more effectively.

Nonviolence is not a question of holiness. It is a question of reality.

Our mothers teach us the power and value of compassion right from our birth.

Dialogue among people is necessary to promote mutual trust. It leads to better understanding and to peace and harmony.

As I get older I find my physical health getting better, I think, because of Tibetan medicine, holistic medicine.

I have the same emotions and desires as everyone else. Perhaps as a monk, I find more contentment.

Tenzin Gyatso, Buddhist monk, That is who I am. Dalai Lama is just a title.

People are too serious. All the time, too serious.

If you hold a pessimistic attitude, even small things any not be achieved.

I am sure that a day with good things-full of friendship, mutual respect, and helping each other-will come.

In my childhood, I had a religious assistant who always told me, " If you can really laugh with full abandonment, it’s very good for your health. "

human intelligence can be very helpful or troublesome.

Even if your body cannot move, you can still think and meditate.

Only continued pursuit of spiritual enlightenment can achieve real world peace.

A particularly sad fact of human history is that conflicts have arisen in the name of religion.

The roadblocks to a peaceful or happy twenty-first century are Western materialism and greed.

Tolerance, patience, and courage are the signs not of failure, but of victory.

What I preach is the wisdom of all the previous masters which has been handed down over two thousand years.

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