Fight the future by remembering the past...
Beginning where the award-winning series leaves off (and concluding with events leading into its next season),
"The X-Files" movie is an overall successful transplant to the silver screen, although neophytes tothe FOX serialmay be left in the cold. Written by series creatorChris Carter, and directed by series mainstayRob Bowman, "X-Files" succeeds by forgoing the cliches that fill its lousy television imitators. I remember whenthe X-Filesdebuted onFoxa few years back. I watched about four or five shows and I really didnt get much excitement from it, so I stopped watching the show. the X-Files Moviewas released, and since I really didnt like the show, I hesitated to see it. In fact, I never saw it in the theater. A few months later, it was released on VHS and DVD. So you would think that I cough up five bucks to rent it right No, I had desire to see it.
Than about a month ago, I was at my friends house and he insisted towatch the X-Files. I finally said yes and I was ready to see what I have been missing for almost two years.
I realized that I should have seen it when it was out in the theaters. What I missed was an apocalyptic thrillerthat had me on the edge of my seat for the whole movie. This movie, like the TV show, has an extremely complex story with twists and turns
that will have you watching it over and over again to figure everything out. Molder and Scully fightthe future as a virus that is believed to be on earth before the dinosaurs, re-occurs in Texas.
So they need to save the world before the virus (alien)
takes over. But somehowScullygets taken over by the virus andMuldernow not only has to save the world butScullyalso. It has a really good plot. You are thinking that is so unrealistic but after you see it you realize hey, that could happen, the FBI keeps things from everyone, and things are definitely being kept from them.
It is scary on occasion. Just a good thriller.
This movie will definitely make you coming back for more.!!
So isthe X-Files moviebetter than the show Lets see howthe X-Filesmovie stacks up.
I suspect that the accolades
have to go mainly toDavid DuchovnyandGillian Anderson. Duchovny infuses Mulderwith dry wit and irony -he looks hot, but he can't get a date or work on his attraction to Scully to save his life- and his portrayal of Mulder is a mix of defiant anger
at his helplessness in searching for the truth as well as world-weary exhaustion.
... He is tired, really tired.
AndAnderson's Scullyis an amazing character of contrast. Fully in control of every one of her emotions, she just cannot let go of her grip on herself, as if in letting go, she would lose all finality in her already turbulent life. Her eyes, wide and flashing fear and stubbornness at every turn
, are one of the strongest points ofScully's character.
From the banter at the beginning to the long, lingering hand squeeze at the end, this movie is at its heart astory. A tragicstory of two people who need each other but just cannot say the words in fear of the unknowns. But the end has us all hoping that one day, maybe one day,Scully and Mulderwould find their peace. And that is why I, and I suspectmany X-Philes,watched this movie and will keep watching the TV series.
This is a must see again movie,
you'll discover that in your home, in a nice comfortable bed with the lights down, you'll be transformed and become part of the action. The special effects alone are worth seeing again and to actually hear Mulder swear instead of being bleeped or cut off
adds to his character and fills in the gaps present on the series. You'll never see Mulder or Scully
draw their gun once in this entire film. It doesn't need them to pull their weapons out becauseas Mulder was told,he must fight the future...