次に、いくつか実例を紹介します。工学系の準国家資格であるFE(Fundamentals of Engineering)テストの例を出すと、例えばミシシッピ州では:
In order to qualify for this exam, Mississippi law and Board regulations require anABET accredited B.S. degreein engineering, or an acceptable equivalent, or a B.S. degree in engineering, engineering technology, or a related science that is notABET accreditedplus a graduate degree in a curriculum that is ABET accredited at the undergraduate level.
How do I transfer to the UI from another college or university? All students with 14 or more transferable semester creditsfrom accredited colleges or universitiesare considered for admission to the UI as a transfer student.
6. TRANSFER CREDIT. (See Rule 114, Requirements for Undergraduate Degree.)_(a) Colleges and universitiesmust be regionally accreditedfor transfer credit to be awarded.