Christ in the House of Martha and Mary Diana and her Nymphs The Little Street The Girl with the Wineglass Woman with a Lute A Young Woman Seated at the Virginals Woman writing a Letter, with her Maid
Константин Степанович Мельников(コンスタンティン・メーリニコフ)の建築もちょっと空想した(blogをはじめたのが2003年ころ、展覧会は2002年に行っていた)、こちらはアヴァン・ギャルドだけれど 角ばった窓が印象的。
"...Your life will have changed and the 'functional' needs will have changed withit, yet you will still want to live in the same house. No, function cannot provide all the answers."(Мельников)