(例) No one can appreciate the peace, the holy satisfaction ofmonogamytill he has passed through the wasting distractions, the unrest of polygamy.
【前回の単語】 ところで、4月16日の「atheist」(Anatheistdenies the existence of god.)
atheistの意味は、無神論者、不信心者、 someone who believes that God or gods do not exist という意味です。
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A Cornell University horticulturist(園芸学者) found that giving some potted plants diluted(希釈された) alcohol -- whiskey, vodka, gin or tequila -- stunts(成長を妨げる) the growth of the stem but does not affect the blossoms. As a result, the houseplant does not get tall enough to tip over(倒れる). Beer and wine failed to produce the effect, probably because of their sugar content. The study focused on paperwhite narcissus(スイセン) and other daffodils(ラッパスイセン), but there were also promising results with tulips.