【前回の単語】 7月27日の「pediatrician」(Thepediatriciantakes over after the obstetrician.)
pediatricianの意味は、小児科医、 a doctor who has special training in medical care for children という意味です。
【Bon appetit!】
Filigree is an ornamental work of fine gold or silver wire, often wrought(加工される、細工される)into an openwork(透かし細工)design and joined with matching solder(ハンダ、接合)under the flame of a blowpipe(吹管). It was made in ancient Egypt, China, and India. Saxons, Britons, and especially the Celts(ケルト族)in Ireland were skilled at devising intricate and ingenious designs in the Middle Ages. Today, it is employed in Mediterranean areas, as well as in Mexico, India, and Scandinavian countries.