【単語】 低タール:small amounts of tar 気管:airways 刺激が少ない:be less irritating to たいてい:typically 吸引される:be inhaled
【英文の作り方】 基本文は、「銘柄のタバコは吸引される」と、「刺激が少ない」とし、これに、説明文をつけていきます。 「Brands of cigarettes are inhaled」、「they are less irritating」を基本文とします。
比較的低タールの銘柄のタバコ: Brands of cigarettes containing relatively small amounts of tar
よりもたいてい深く吸引される: are typically inhaled more deeply than
タール含有量がより高いタバコ: stronger cigarettes
気管に対する刺激が少ない: they are less irritating to the airways
【完成英文】 Brands of cigarettes containing relatively small amounts of tar are typically inhaled more deeply than stronger cigarettes because they are less irritating to the airways.
According to a new study headed by researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, One-third of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(注意欠陥多動性障害)cases are linked to prenatal(胎児期の)exposures to cigarette smoke or childhood exposures to lead. ADHD is a condition marked by impulsivity(衝動性), poor concentration(注意力不足), and hyperactivity(活動過剰). About 2 million children in the US are treated for ADHD.