(例) The long-dormantvolcano has recently shown signs of erupting.
【前回の単語】 1月10日の「scrupulous」 (The nurse told him to bescrupulousabout keeping the wound clean.) いかがでしたか?
scrupulousの意味は、 綿密な、几帳面な、 extremely honest, or doing everything correctly and exactly as it should be done、 という意味です。
【Bon appetit!】
Findings from a new study provide evidence that sleep apnea(睡眠時無呼吸), in which breathing becomes blocked for brief but frequent episodes(症状の発現)during the night, can cause neuronal brain injury in children. Previous reports have tied childhood sleep apnea to deficits in memory, learning, and other mental functions, but until now no studies have demonstrated neuronal injury. It is unclear whether early diagnosis and treatment can reverse the damage.