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ある農家では、ニンニクを干していました。ニンニクを収穫して、それから田植えをしたとのことでした。 (続く)
【 Bon appétit ! 】
The traditional saa paper from Laos is made from the mulberry bark cut and pounded into small pieces. After being soaked in water, they are boiled and then soaked in alkaline, then rinsed and beaten with a wooden mallet (木槌) . The fibrous pulp obtained is put into water another time, and then stirred and sieved (ふるいにかける) at the bottom of which a piece of silk is stretched, so that the dough is covered the entire bottom of the sieve and then we retrieve the sieve of the water. The Saa paper pulp will be sun dried to the sieve material before being processed into traditional saa paper.
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風呂敷の様なもので幼児を器用に抱っこし… 2022.12.08
2009年頃からラオスでは電気オートバイ・… 2022.12.07 コメント(2)
海はありませんが、魚はよく食べます in … 2022.12.06