お買い物 満々美人

お買い物 満々美人

Otometubaki 乙女椿 ※【PC版】

Otometubaki 乙女椿 ※こちらのページはパソコン版でご観覧されることを、お薦めします。
  I represent infinity to myself and I represent ideas by words. ...up to infinity... Everybody has limitless possibilities...through all eternity... Mariko

Scientific Name: Camellia japonica var. (pink) (decumbens)
Japanese common Name:cv.[*Otometsubaki] (Maiden Camellia)
The language of flower: - moderate merit, grace of bearing, charm, discreet

--- Otometubaki ---
(When in love, maiden heart now leaps and now wavers.)

I have got a telephone call from my boyfriend late at night.
He said to me,
"I'm gonna pick you up at our usual sea soon,
just because I wanna be with you,.. with you always.".

Oh! yes, I am very pleased!

I still remember that excitement I knew
when I first met him in here.
We fell in love with each other the first sight,
and my heart fluttered in anticipation.

So do not say that "love is blind", please.

Because this calm sea of midnight is as smooth as glass reflecting lovers and all the minds put together.

He and I know all about each other's senses already.
That is why I want to see him as soon as possible.

Perhaps I love myself in love...

Ah, the thought gives me palpitations.

poem by Mariko
(Scientific Name - botanical name)
学名: Camellia japonica var. (pink) (decumbens) cv. Otometsubaki
花言葉: - 控え目な美点・気取らない優美

--- Otometubaki --- 
(恋すると乙女心 ときめき、心ゆらぐ)

彼がね、「いつもの海で すぐに君を迎えにいくよ、

ええ、そうよ とても嬉しい!

そして 私の胸は期待に震えてた

そう 「恋は盲目」なんて言わないで

この穏やかで 真夜中の海は 恋人達と心の中
すべてを合せて 鏡のように映し出すのだから

彼と私 もう互いの気持ちなら すべて知っているわ、


ああ~ 思っただけでも胸がドキドキする

花言葉ページは⇒ The Language of Flowers 興味あれば見てくださいネ。

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