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Babur---Humayun --Akbar--Jahangir---Shahjahan-- Aurangzib

Aurangzeb Alamgir’s Reign [1658-1707]
Abul Muzaffar Muhiuddin Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir (November 3, 1618 - March 3, 1707), also known as Alamgir I, was the ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1658 until 1707. He is commonly considered the last of the great Mughal emperors.

Aurangzeb was the third son of the previous emperor Shah Jahan. His eldest brother, Dara Shikoh, was favored for succession; Aurangzeb was third in line. He challenged the rule of his father and the succession. He was eventually victorious in the battles that occurred between him and his brothers. He killed his brothers, imprisoned his father in Agra Fort, and in July 1658, took the Peacock Throne.
He reigned supreme till 1707. His reign matched that of Akbar's for longevity.
アウラングゼーブは前の皇帝シャー・ジャハーンの三番目の息子でした。彼の長兄(Dara Shikoh)は帝位継承者として大切にされました。アウラングゼーブの継承順位は、3位でした。彼は、父皇帝と帝位継承者に挑みました。彼は、兄弟の間の争いに勝利し、兄弟を殺しました、アグラ砦に父皇帝を幽閉し、1658年7月帝位に就きました。彼の統治は1707年まで続き、長命であったアクバルの在位期間にも匹敵します。

Aurangzeb was a religious man.Praying Aurangzeb

His chief architectural achievement is the Badshahi Mosque at Lahore, the largest mosque in the world at the time it was built. In his 50 year, Aurangzeb tried to fulfill his great ambition of bringing the entire Sub-continent under one rule.



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