
July 1, 2007
WWFの「 米軍北部訓練場のヘリパッド建設の中止を求める


We demand an end to helipad construction in the US Armed Forces Northern Training Area

 WWF Japan
 (World Wide Fund for Nature Japan)

 WWF Japan has identified the forests of Yanbaru in Okinawa, where many endemic and rare species live, as an area whose protection should be prioritized. As one of the most important natural environments in the world, WWF Japan has already begun conservation activities in the area. The construction of new helipads in the US Marine Corps Northern Training Area will destroy Yanbaru’s natural environment and will threaten the peaceful livelihoods of the local residents, and so we strongly demand an end to their construction.

 In the Northern Training Area (Jungle Warfare Training Center), there still remains healthy Okinawan sub-tropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. This forest is an important habitat for many endemic species and subspecies at risk of extinction, such as Okinawa woodpecker (Sapheopipo noguchii) and Okinawa rail (Gallirallus okinawae). According to an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (2006) produced by the Naha office of the Defense Facilities Administration Agency, over 4,000 species have been recorded at the site planned for the construction of the helipads and in the surrounding area. 12 plant species and 11 animal species are endemic and/or subspecies, and between 177 species (Environment Ministry est.) and 188 species (Okinawa Prefecture est.) are threatened with extinction. This fully meets one of the criteria for selection by the World Heritage Committee (to contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.). Much forest has been lost due to the development of Okinawa following its return to Japan in 1972. However, the approximately 7500 hectares of forest occupied by the Northern Training Area has been preserved in its natural state, and has become a refuge for wildlife. The building of access roads and six military helipads, which would destroy the rich biological diversity of the natural environment, must not proceed !

 At both the 2000 (Amman) and 2004 (Bangkok) meetings of the World Conservation Congress, the IUCN(the World Conservation Union) recommended the conservation of the Okinawa woodpecker and Okinawa rail, and of their habitat. The IUCN made the following recommendations to the Japanese government: that they create a conservation plan for biological diversity and for species threatened with extinction; that they consider nominating Yanbaru as a Natural Heritage site; that they create an action plan for the establishment and protection of a nature reserve; and finally that they carry out an environmental assessment which includes a zero option (i.e. not building the helipad). The IUCN also recommended that the US government confer with the Japanese government with a view to enabling the protection of wildlife based on US forces environmental control and management, and that the US government cooperate with the Japanese government’s environmental assessment. The Japanese and American governments, both of which are affiliated to the IUCN, should follow these recommendations and not build the military helipads, and instead devote their energies towards the protection of these wildlife habitats.

 According to the previously-mentioned Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Defense Facilities Administration Agency, Naha, 2006), if measures are taken to avoid or minimize impact, there should be no particular difficulty in conserving the environment. However, the report itself is not subject to environmental impact assessment law. Furthermore, because it was written on the premise that the helipads would be built, the report and its procedures do not represent a legitimate environmental assessment. The effectiveness of steps to avoid or reduce damage is questionable. It is clear that the report’s conclusion, namely that there were no environmental protection problems, is mistaken. Rather, if the results of the same report’s survey of current environmental conditions are scientifically examined from a conservation/biological viewpoint, it is clear that helipad construction and military helicopter training will greatly affect the natural environment and its wildlife. The conclusion that should be derived from the report is that this inappropriate construction must be abandoned.

 The six American helipads are planned to be built around the district of Takae, in Higashi village. The construction of the 75m diameter helipads and Osprey VTOL (vertical take-off and landing aircraft) military training will seriously affect the living environments of the residents of Takae. This small village has about 150 people, with 20% of its population being of junior high school age or under. The exposure of residents to both the unbearable roar of aircraft engines and the danger of air crashes are acts which ignore fundamental human rights, and infringe the Japanese Constitution’s guarantee of a peaceful, cultivated and healthy life.

 At the 2008 G8 summit, held in Japan, the main environmental themes were the prevention of global warming and the conservation of biological diversity. In 2010 the Japanese government wants to hold a meeting of the partner-countries to the biological diversity treaty. At a time such as this the construction of military helipads amidst the rich biological diversity of the forests of Yanbaru can only be seen as greatly lacking in common sense.

 Taking all the above into account, WWF Japan demands an end to the construction of the US forces helipads and access roads in the Northern Training Area.

 For inquireies please contact

 Shin-ichi Hanawa
 WWF Japan, Conservation Division
 3-1-14 Shiba Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0014 Japan
 TEL.03-3769-1713 FAX.03-3769-1717
 E-mail: hanawa@wwf.or.jp



Last updated  July 1, 2007 03:01:39 PM
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