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全46件 (46件中 1-46件目)
What did I do?????Yesterday, I wrote that I can't remember when or where I hit myself when I noticed a blue spot on my body.Other than that, sometimes I don't know (not "can't remember") what I did even a second ago.:)Also, my computer popped-up something that I didn't expect.I must have hit the wrong keys.But I don't know what I did!.:)Recently, that kinds of stuff happens to me more and more. argh! :)
A Blue SpotI noticed a blue spot on the front part of my thigh today.I must have hit it on something.But every time stuff like this happens, I can’t remember when or where I hit myself. :)How about you?
"A site where we can listen to both the US English pronunciation and the UK English’s one and compare them"I've never searched web-sites where we can listen to both US and UK English words' pronunciations.To practice writing my diary in English, I just want to introduce the following web-site that I searched for and found it for another reason. (Anyway, I forgot the reason.:))Here is the web-site:http://www.wordreference.com/Enter a word in the box and click "English Only" dictionary (English Definition) and you'll see the word's definition as well as buttons to listen to the US and UK pronunciations.I don't know if it's true or not, but I think if we mastered any English from a English-speaking country, like US English, we might be able to guess the meanings of the words from other country from the context.What do you think?Is my guess wrong?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<この日記を添削してくださった方のご意見の紹介>I think you are right. As a native US English speaker it is usually pretty easy to understand British people, but sometimes they say something and I have to think about it for a second before I realize what they mean.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Today is the last day of summer school.My son and daughter went to the school for 24 days.My son took “American Literature” which their teacher assigned many writing essays to the students as their homework.Writing an essay was the hardest part for him.He had to read numerous books and write about them by following the teacher's instructions.The instructions were very difficult to understand.He had days that he stayed up all night to finish his essays.Some of them he wasn’t able to complete.The word that I heard multiple times from him was “Literally Elements.”That was the key to write an assay about the books.He needs to continue practicing writing essays for the rest of the summer.But the summer school is over, and today my daughter and son have no homework at all.How nice! Yipee!!When they got home, we all took a nice long nap. :)
Today, I just said to my daughter in English, "Me and Yuji are going to eat!".Right after I said that, I realized I was using the words incorrectly.I had to say "Yuji and I are going to eat!".My daughter told me: "When we say something like, "Me and _____ are going to the movies.", Some students try to correct us, (even though they really don't have to...-_-) "You have to say, "_____ and I are going to the movies."Then I asked my daughter, "Oh, most of your American friends say, "Me and _____..."?She said, Yes.I think eveyone in the world probably thinks about themselves before others.In Japanese, the speaker is mentioned before other people.For example, 「私と______は映画を観に行く。」What about you? Do you think of yourself before mentioning others?日本語みたいに、先に自分の事をいうという気持ちがあるようですね。そういう気持ちがあるのにも係わらず、誰かが、自分の事は後にいうようにって、決めたのかしら?それとも昔は、相手の事を先に考えるという気持ちがあったのでしょうか?どうなんでしょう?^^その事について話している、English speakers のフォーラムにでも探してみようかしら。^^◆地球が温暖化している事を証明するために、北極まで泳いだという7月19日付けのニュースを読みました。すごいですね。
Parent/Teacher ConferenceWhen the Parent/Teacher Conference is held at my children's high school,parents who want to talk with their child's teachers attend the conference.Parents who don't wish to their child's teachers don't go.Usually the conference is held in the evening for 3 hours and for 2 days.So the conference is optional for all parents.Students have homeroom teachers but they are not in charge of them like teachers of Japanese schools.They only gather the students by their last name and grade level to hand out report cards or other information.So the conference gives the parents an opportunity to talk with all subject teachers that their children take at school.Both of my children take 7 subject courses, I am able to meet 14 teachersif I want to, and if there is enough time.The conference is usually held in the gym.They arrange chairs and tables by teacher's last names in alphabetical order.If the parent wishes to talk to a certain teacher, they could just go to the teacher's assigned table.Each parent is allowed to talk for 10 min.After they are done talking, they can go to another teacher.The school has 4 counselors who are in charge of their students.Each student is assigned to a counselor according to their last name.For example:Counselor A (A-Fa)Counselor B (Fe-L)Counselor C (M-Sa)Counselor D (Sc-Z)My children's school has nearly 1000 students.So each counselor takes care of about 250 students.The parent can meet their counselor any time with an appointment.頑張って書いて見ましたが、どんな感じか分かっていただけるといいのですが・・・^^
My son goes to Japanese school which is only held on Saturdays. This kind of school is called "補習授業校".He studies in a department of a high school level.At this level, we have a Parent-Teacher-Student conference, usually every parent and their child are given 15 min to talk with their teacher.My son always wants to talk longer than the time given.When his teacher says "That's it." at the end of our conference, He says, "えっ!先生、もっと話そうよ^^" (What's? teacher, Let's talk more!) :)It sounds like we're just chatting than having a conference.He really likes to talk with adults.: )Next time, I'll be writng about a Parent-Teacher conference at his American high school, which is also my daugter's school.
I’ve been writing diaries in English for a long time.And by doing that, my flow of words has become smoother than before.I now wish to write sentences with less mistakes, and eventually without any mistakes.If I want to be good at English, I know that I should have someone like an English teacher to correct my writings and speakings, and get their feedbackCorrecting is a difficult task.But I can’t afford to pay for numerous tutoring hours.So let's find friends who is willng to correct our writings and speakings.By the way, if a small child says the wrong words or uses words incorrectly, their mother would explain what was wrong and tell her child the correct thing to say every time.To improve our writing and speaking skills, we must go through the same process, don’t you think?昨日の日記の総字数は、777でした。何かいいことがあるといいな?^^
If the speaker who reads English sentences of "Listening Practice CD" is a woman, most of the time, I can repeat(imitate) them with the same pitch of the speaker.: )Otherwise, I repeat them with a different key.: )Could I say it is "Simultaneous Sounds Key Transposition"?: )Of course, I try to repeat them with the same tempo and tone as the speakerI'm sure all of you do so too.: )最近は、日記を添削をしてもらうようにしていますが、添削してもらうと、必ず、自分では気がつかないタイポが見つかります。うう~(><)他には、例えば、ワードなど使ってタイピングしていると、思わぬポップアップが出てきて、「私、何もしてないのに、なんでこんなことになるの~?」という事が多くなって来ています。何もしてないのに、何かなることなんてあり得ないのに。^^
What English dictionary do you often use?I have three types of dictionaries.A portable electric, a regular written book and a computer program dictionary.I always keep my portable electric dictionary in my purse to look up words at anywhere, anytime.The written dictionary, I don’t use so often anymore.Most of the time, I use the computer dictionary, called “Bookshelf” that I bought long ago.It is a comprehensive dictionary that includes English-Japanese, Japanese-English, Japanese-Japanese, English-English and it has many usage examples.It includes an option that is “searching keyword” (covers all types of dictionaries at a time) which helps me the most.If I put in a word or phrase, it will show all articles that includes what I had put in.It also includes a Japanese dictionary for thesauri, proverbs and data for words.Today, I tried the online dictionary that was highly recommended by my blog friends (usakosan-san and kai*-san).They listed many examples which are very helpful.I asked my son, what online dictionary he uses and what is highly recommended by his English teacher.He said, most of students at his school use “Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/)”, and his English teacher recommends most dictionaries from the Merriam-Webster. The company also has a website (http://www.m-w.com/) that provides different kinds of free online dictionaries.I prefer this online dictionary because they had audio pronunciations for free.: )Anyway, my kids often use "Bookshelf" the computer dictionary on their computers to look up words for writing essays which is also the one I’ve been using. : )
When I learn new phrases or words,I look them up on my Japanese-English dictionary,which helps me a lot.And I also use "Google" in English version,instead of the Japanese version to look for articles containing those phrases or words, written by English native speakers.I'm just wondering if there is anyone else who goes through this like I do. : )emailが動詞として使われる事を知ったときも、おもしろいな~と思いましたが、google も google it! というように、使われていますね。^^日本語では、「ググる」って言うそうですね。^^なんだか可愛いな~と思うのは、私だけ?^^話は変わりますが、和製英語、ものすごく増えましたね。えっ、うそ、これも今や和製英語なの?って驚くことばかりです。^^
Yesterday, both of my kids had to write a essay about a book.Both of them had to stay up late to finish it.There was always a method of writing and the method was explained by the teacher and students got a piece of paper of the explanation.They are very complicated for my kids and I to write.My daugther seems to enjoy writing.My son is always struggling when writing essays.Both of them always take a long time to complete it for different reasons.昨夜は、子供二人とも遅くまでサマースクールの宿題のエッセイを書いていました。息子は、エッセイが大の苦手。エッセイでは、難しい言葉をたくさん使った方がいいので、語彙力の低い息子は、いつも辞書をひきまくって、探している。でも、辞書を引きまくって難しい言葉を使っても、それが本当にふさわしい言葉でなければ、だめ。先生のチェックでは、huh?なんて書かれてしまう。^^辞書をひくのは、確認が主でしょう。使い方を知っている言葉が難なく出てこないとだめ。本をしっかり読み、日常で使われている難しい言葉に興味を持ち、覚える力が必要。これは、まさしく、私にも言えることですね。^^彼は、人生の半分以上アメリカで暮らしていますが、英語より日本語の方が得意のようです。英語はどうも苦手。数学は英語でも得意。まぁ、コンセプトが分かれば、英語はあまり必要としない科目ですしね。^^向き不向きはあるので、苦手なものはものすごく大変だけど、今は、乗り越えなくてはならない大切な時。そして、頑張れるとき。がんばれ、子供達よ。^^
I wrote about volunteering yesterday.So I'm writing about one of volunteer works today.I went to a hospital last month with my family after we had a TB test(skin test) at our clinic.Only my husband had a positive TB skin test, so he had to be taken chest x-rays and they told us that we had to go to the hospital to take those.We were kept waiting for a long time at the hospital.While we were waiting in the lobby, I saw a couple of seniors working at the imformation desk.They were wearing a red jacket, and looked nice.:-)People stopped by the infomation desk and asked them where they wanted to go in the hospital was.The senior told them courteously each time.I was really impressed their attitude and the system.I suppose they were volunteers.Their attitude give us comfort.And the lobby was beautiful with plants, a fountain and looks really new.We had sunlights through the celling windows.Other than that, there was a desk for valet parking by the entrance.The volunteers were young men, not seniors.:-)先月行った病院の受付には、素敵な、紳士、淑女のご年配の方がいらっしゃいました。病院のカラーと思われる赤いジャケットを着て、来る人来る人に、「そこを真っ直ぐいって、エレベーターに乗って、2階の・・・」などとにこやかにそして、丁寧に説明をしていました。彼らは、背筋を伸ばし、とても素敵に座っていましたが、多分、70歳くらいではないかと思います。^^とても感じがよく、こういう人達がいるって言うのはいいな~と思いました。時間が止まったかのように、なんだか、とても安らかな気持ちになります。ボランティアでやっているのだと思われますが、「世話をしてあげる!」という傲慢さはもちろん見えないし、何もすることがないときは、お喋りを楽しみ、「てきぱきと忙しく働く」というようでもないのがとてもいい。^^ところで、この病院のボランティア申込書(Volunteer application)の中には、こんな質問があります。Have you ever been convicted of a crime?If yes, please give date, place, charge and disposition of conviction.Is there any felony charge outstanding?If yes, please give date, place, charge and current status:Are you volunteering to satisfy a court required community service?If yes, please list of your probation officer’s name and phone number.罪を犯した人が、ボランティアをしなければならないというのがありますが、すごいですね。^^ところで、先月、家族全員、ツベルクリン検査を受けました。主人だけ陽性だったので、胸部のレントゲンが必要だったわけですが、今度また、そのことについて書きたいと思います。^^
I've been very busy these day because of my kids and voluntary work.I had several days that I had to stay up late.Today, I've finished one of my duties which was voluntary work.What a relief!:-)By the way, I like to stay up late for my hobby.:-)But those days were not for my hobby, so I was exhausted.:-)
I checked my son's essay with him.The title of the essay was "Interacting with Grammer".His teacher gave him 4 web pages to learn grammer and to have fun.:-)He visited all 4 pages and do them all.Then he had to write an essay about it.First website is founded on parts of speech in a field of grammar.There are ten topics listed in a cell.Each contains a full introduction of each part of speech chosen in a well comprehensible form.Also, to avoid misapprehension, examples are shown to well understand the topic selected. Last but not least, after the explanation of a topic, you may take a pop quiz to test understanding of parts of speech.There is no element that will hinder individual’s learning ability.Second web address, page has fifty questions, again based on a grammar that students learnt. These questions are in a form of multiple choices and only have one answer.The objective is not to answer all correctly, but also learn why mistake has been made. When answered, regardless of what had been selected, you will receive a pop up of a complete explanation of a question that is also easy to understand. Of course if you had received a hundred percent on the quiz, you had successfully proven ones knowledge over grammar.Third and fourth links are both game web pages in relation to grammar. Both games provide questions and two choices which one of the two is correct or incorrect. First game must destroy all letters of the wrong answers before any of them hit the ground. This is a difficult game because not only it is testing student’s wisdom of grammar, but it also tests individual’s ability of game playing. As a result because of the game, you are more thrilled to learn grammar than directly learning from a teacher. Other game is as thrilling as the first one. Players click a dollar amount under one of the available grammar categories, the question will show up. Then choose an answer by clicking the choice. The entertaining part of this game is that players' score is in dollars. You may gain money to their total if answered correctly, but must think twice before answering, or else money received could be deducted.ハイスクールの先生が英文法を学ぶ面白いサイトを教えてくれました。3番目と、4番目のサイトは、ゲームです。^^3番目のサイト、ちゃんと狙ってるのに、撃ち落したくない方に当たってしまったりして、また最初からやり直しって事もあります。^^間違っている答えの方を撃ち落すので、頭が一瞬こんがらがって、間違えたり。^^;単純ですが、A,Bが地上に落ちるまでに答えないといけないので、ささっと文章を読んで、「これおかしい!」とすぐ間違いに気づける能力(英文に慣れている)がないとだめですね。基本的なことが確認できるので、私には、良かったです。^^問題を纏めて見たいくらいです。^^それぞれリンクしてあるので、ご興味のある方はどうぞ^^
Yesterday, I wrote about a swimming pool in Japan.But it was not a correct information.I was a liar!:-)My blog friend kai*-san gave me a commnet for my information and she said her school had not own swimming pool too and they set a temporary pool on the field of the school in summer.<WOW!Ah....Wait a minute.I have imagined the temporaty pool was as big as swimming pools that were constructed.:-)I don't know if my imagination is right.:-)I just remembered that my kids had a temporary swimming pool at their preschool.I should get more imformation from kai*-san.:-)Anyway, after I read her comment, I asked my husband if his school had a swimming pool.He said that his school had not a pool too and also they had not a gym.<really?:-)So I continued asking."So, where did your entrance ceremony or graduation ceremony take place?""We put all 4 classrooms together.""Whaaat?" "How?""We took off all partitions between the classrooms."My husband and I grew up in different places, and maybe I have to say that there is a great age gap between he and I.:-)いや~生まれ育ったところにはプールが必ずあった、というが一番のそう思わせた理由ですが、(それでも違う地域に住んだことがあり、その両方の地域にはプールがありました。)体育の水泳って、必須ではなかったのですね~「日本とアメリカの教育の違い」という説明書には、よく、「日本は何処に住んでいても同じ教育が受けられるけれど、こちらは、住んでいる場所によって、受けられる教育が違います。」ということが書いてあります。体育に関しては違うということでしょうかね~?^^しかし、教室をくっつけることが出来るようになっていたなんて。^^これも、ある意味、私にとっては、That's amazing!です。^^
I don't see any swimming pool in elementary schools here and middle schools as well.Only high school have one.Children enjoy to swim at community swimming pools, swimming clubs and their own swimming pool at their house.:-)The middle schools have no swimming pool here, but they have swimming teams as their cocurricular activity and they have to go the high school in their school dictrict after school to swim.So their parents need to drive them to the high school and pick them up.They share the swimming pool by days and times.In addition, we have no all year-round sports.Like spring season, we have tennis, track, etc and in winter season, we have swimming,volleyball, etc, in fall, we have cross country, foodball, etc.So kids are able to enjoy many sports.Swimming team program usually runs in Winter.We have indoor swimming pools.We have a severe winter so that we don't have any sports outside in that season.By the way, I guess most schools have a swimming pool in Japan.It sounds like cool! But it would be not cool thins for students who don't like to swim.:-)More speaking about sports,They have no sports day like Japan has.I felt funny when most of my friends said to me "You should be good sprinter" when we lined up to run together.Becuase I'm difinitely not a good sprinter.I always finished either last or second last.:-)Other than that, I like to play a ball game.:-)運動会には必ず、かけっことか、徒競走がありますよね~いつも徒競走で並ぶ時は、いつもこんな会話になります。「あなた、足速いでしょ~」「そんなことないよ~いつもビリがビリから2番目だし~」「うっそ~、そんなわけがないわ~」「だから本当なんだってぇ~(ToT)」スポーツ好きだからって、足が速いとは限らないのよ~^^でもなんで、私は足が遅いのか、不思議です。^^子供2人はしっかり私に似てしまって、どべかどべ2^^主人は比較的足が速いから主人に似ればよかったのに、似たのは顔だけ。かわいそ~に。<おい^^
My friends and I went to one of the Elementary School.We introduced ORIGAMI to the 3rd grader as an activity of the Japanese culture.I was a speaker, so I prepared for the speech.Origami is one of the Japanese art.It’s to fold a square paper into shapes.We had 2 different kinds of Origami for that day.One is KABUTO”, Japanese warrior’s helmet, like soldier’s helmet in early time.We used a newspaper that we cut it into square to make big one.So students enjoyed to wear that too.The other one is “Pikachu”from Pockemon.I said the words, "This i-----s?"as showing "Pikachu"to the studens,soon they said "PIKACHUUUUUUUUU".That was a fun part for me.:-)
There are many fundraisers (not a person) in United States, in school, in community etc.I have 2 children in high school. (not seniors)Recently parents of senioirs of the school intorodued us to a popular tradition fundraiser for the senior party.They want to collect money by selling "wishes" which will be prominently(目立つように) displayed as part of the decor on the evening of the Senior Party and then given to every senior to keep as a memento at the conclusion of the party.Here is the direction to donate.- put your message on a card and decorate it.- pay $5 per card!Here is an example message.Dear Anthony Sercan,You have been such a great role model to meand I will never forget you!Have fun at college!From your favorite Sophomore, Mary.You pay money to decorate cards on the Senior Party and to give it to your favoite senior. Will you do that?:-)
Yesterday, my daughter went to the prom.Prom is a big dance party at the end of the school year for seniors.Actually, my daughter is a sophomore, but her date was a senior and asked her for his date. Prom is something to excite but spend money a lot!We were really lucky to get an inexpensive dress ($22) and a purse ($2) on sale. WOW!We were also trying to get new sandals but we couldn’t find any nice ones, so she gave up getting new one.She has nice sandals but they just don't really match to her new dress. Those were that I bought to her for the homecoming party last year.One more thing we needed to buy was a boutonniere for her date.Boutonniere is a flower to be pinned at date’s lapel (fold on jacket.)She went home at 1:30 AM yesterday.For your information,Here are tips for girl and tips for guy. Hope you’ll enjoy reading. :-)娘は昨日、ハイスクールのプロムに行って来ました。時間になると、プロムデイトの彼(プロムに行くためのパートナー)が、車で迎えに来ました。普段は、娘を迎えに来るときは、携帯に電話があって、玄関に来る前に、外に出て待っているので、勝手に娘が出て行くし、特に相手の男の子と話す事もないのですが、昨日は、違いました。ドアまで迎えに来てくれた彼は、彼「Mrs. ○○○○?」(私の事です^^)私「ハーイ!^^」彼「My mom stick with us and she's gonna take picture・・・」 (母は僕達にくっついて、写真を撮るから・・・・)私「Okay.」何でわざわざこんな事を言いに来たんだろう?????と疑問の私^^プロムの時は、ちゃんとプロムデイトの親に挨拶するらしいですね~^^こっちは、ソフモアだし、あまりエキサイティングしてなくて・・・^^娘もその事を知らなかったのですが、後から考えると、きっと緊張してたんだろうな~っと。他にも言いたいことがあったみたいだったけど、知らない娘も、「じゃあ早くいこ~」とか言ってるし~用意してきた言葉を全部言わずに行ってしまった感じです。^^It must have been the most exciting part for him before the prom.I was sorry to him because I didn’t expect it and give him proper words.娘の感想「シニアの親が写真を撮りまくるのでうっとおしかったぁ~」っと。そりゃあ、ハイスクール最後ですから、親も興奮しますよね~^^
I went to the Library with my daughter to borrow some books the other day.She needed books to get information about 19th century's American Education.While she was searching books, I went down to youth section to see children's books.Many years ago, I had read many children's English books for my kids.I read Japanese Children's books for my kids also.I checked out 2 children's books on that day.One of the books' title was "The BANANA SPLIT FROM OUTER SPACE" by Catherine Siracusa.It was fun to read.Okay, I'm writing a summary of the book.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------There was a Ice-Cream stand(shop) owned by Stanley. He was a PIG.Everyone stopped at his stand on the road to town.But since the big new highway was built near the stand,everyone drove the new highway and no one stopped at Stanley's Ice-Cream Stand anymore.He made a big sign on the top of his stand so that everyone can see the sign.大きな看板を立てればお客さんがまた来てくれるなんて、商売はそんなに甘くない!立地条件は、モーストインポータントなのだ!^^But everyone wouldn't come back.やっぱり^^Suddenly there was big crash to the sign.It was a flying Saucer(UFO) stuck at the sign.えっ?^^The green pig named Zelmo came out from the saucer.He came from Mars.He was also selling icecreams on Mars.He wanted to land in the Stanley's parking lot but he missed. After they had a nice talk, they decided to go Mars together.The saucer took off but there was something wrong.It spun around and around.The big sign of Stanley's Ice-Cream was still stuck to the saucer.So they had to land somewhere.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Can you guess where they landed?)Soon they heard cars honking their horns.They landed on the ???????. :-)The Ice-crean stand was a big success again.:-)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------分からなかった英語のメモThe saucer shook and shivered, but it didn't budge.・shiver 身震いする・budge ちょっと動くThe saucer landed with a gentle thump.・thump ゴツンと打つこと
I've been practicing for MC in Japanese these days.Because I will be doing as MC shortly at next our concert.It would not be long speaking.I want to speak using polite words and speak with all my heart.I hope the audience will feel my warm and enjoy our concert.By the way, yesterday, my blog friend posted her comment on my blog.She wrote politely and tryed to write perfect English.I felt her warm.Thank you for your nice comment!:-)趣味で行っている演奏会では、司会もします。演奏がメインなので、司会は、あまり長くならないようにすっきりと話す事を纏めておいて、そして、はっきり気持ちを込めて話す必要があります。2年前から初めたボランティアでの演奏ですが、司会もそれから務めるようになりました。それまでは、人前で話すということはあまりありませんでした。それゆえ、声のトーンや、目線、姿勢、話の始め、語尾をはっきり話す、英語のように、機能語、内容語とストレスをかけるところとかけないところなど、色々と勉強になりました。司会は、英語よりも、日本語での司会が多いのですが、それでも、日本語でしっかり話せるようになってきたのは、英語をきちんと読む練習もしているからのような気がします。さて、次の演奏会ではきちんと話せるでしょうか?まずは、心を込めて話してきたいと思います。^^舌を滑らかにするために、鏡の前に立っては、毎日お経のように練習しています。^^
There are so many English articles that I have to read.I want to more listen, speak and write in Englsih than to read!I get emails and articles everyday.I wrote on the top page of this blog, that is"Reading is just to get information".To improve my English, listening is so important.I want to say exaggaratively, "It is essential for me".To get times for listening, I have to read articles fast or to do skip-reading.:-)There are not so important artiles that I get.It is necessary that I find which articles are important and skip junk articles.By the way, I'm glad to write my feeling in English here and have friends reading my blog.:-)
Do you use a pair of rubber groves when you wash dishes?I do.Which side of groves does tear easy? Right or Left?If you are right hand, probabry right grove does it.On the other hand, left grove does not. It's very long lasting!:-)I wanted buy only right groves, but they don't carry them.:-)So I buy a pair of groves and the left groves are accumulate.:-)I looked for articles that describe good ideas to use accumulated groves.There was an article that said "Turn the left grove inside out and use it for right hand."At first, I thought it was not so good idea, but it's not!It's very comfortable than I thought.:-)食器を洗う時、ゴム手袋をするのですが、いつも破れてしまうのは、右手の方で、左手の手袋は使わないので、た~くさん溜まってしまいます。^^捨てるのがもったいないので、何かいいアイデアがないかとネットでさがしていたら、「左手の手袋をひっくり返して、右手にはめるのよ~^^」と言ってる人がいました。最初は、「え~あまりはめ心地よくないんじゃないの~」と思いましたが、やってみると、意外や意外、気持ちいいいでないの~^^右手の手袋を裏返して、左手にはめたいぐらいです。^^<それじゃあ、意味がないじゃん^^
I don't like people who ALWAYS teaches me stuff in an overbearing manner,even if I never ask for help.My friend ALWAYS does it.She always tells what I already know.I expressed my feeling that I would not like her to do that.But she never stop it.How do I get rid of it?Well, there would be only way that I keep away from her.
I was feeling tired.Because I had partially headache.It's about around right back lower part of my head.But after I replyed to the comments in English for my blog.The headache has gone!I have enjoyed replying.:-)I have same experience after I played my musical instrument.I always feel better after that.Anyway, I'm going to go bed early tonight.:-)Good Night everybody!:-)To my blog friends,Thank you very much for your comments!:-)To future my blog friends,Please leave your comments in English.And talk!:-)
When do you want to speak in English eagerly?Probably, you really have something to speak about.Well, it's quite natural.:-)But, when do you have something to talk about?Probably you experienced some new things and you were really excited about it or you felt bad about it.OR, you hear exciting things or negative things, OR read some impressed articles.And then, you really want to talk about it to someone.Man cannot live without expressing their feelings.So, experience new things and listen or read in English about something.By the way, you have to have someone who are eager to listen to English or to talk.:-)
Hi Everybody!How have you been up to?I've been keeping busy these days.I know I don't have to be busy.But I have lots things what I want to.Have you had a time that you took long time to do something what you wanted?I hardly quit my job until I reached my goal.I might be able to be finished my job next day.But you know I'm a mother and a wife who have something to do everyday.I should live alone?:-)If I did, I'm able to take a nap whenever I want.:-) 先週、突然、朝起きたら、右の奥歯の奥の歯茎が大きく腫れていて、ビックリしました。食べ物を食べると、喉の右の方が痛い。右の首筋を押すと痛い。原因はどう考えても、疲れだと思うのですが、初めての事でビックリしました。今は、もう直りましたが、歳ですからあまり無理をしたらいけないのは分かっているのですが、症状が現れるまで、元気なもので。^^;土曜日には、玉ねぎを切っていたら、左の指を結構深く切ってしまいました。色々考えながらやってるとダメですね。深く切ったのは、久しぶりですが、今は、一応ミュージシャンなので!?もっと手をいたわらないといけないなっと。^^それってなんか嬉しい♪なんて思えるんですが、変ですね。^^来週演奏会があるので、練習が出来ないと困るな~と思っていましたが、とりあえず、大丈夫そうです。^^前日でなくて良かった。^^
We had heard another tragedy. This event has sparked to numerous debates.One student said "I had an interesting debate in my English class today and the question was raised what if we armed everyone? What if all the students were armed? Would this still have happened? Doubtful. ""If everyone was armed, he likely wouldn't have tried anything, because someone would have put an end to it right quick.""Of course there could be a million things wrong with arming students but its still something to think about."Then, came up a different opinion with a man.He said, "I don't think everybody "should" be armed. I don't see what would be so wrong with a professor or other staff being armed. The same thing with airline cockpits. I don't have a problem with that either. We have police officers who are armed. What makes them so special?"また、悲劇が起こってしまいました。わが家の子供のハイスクールも、近頃は、クラスの中へは、バックパックを持って入れないなど厳しくなっています。すべて、学校の入り口にあるオフィスに預けて入らなければなりません。アメリカと言ってもいろんな地域がありますけれど、ハイスクール全体がフェンスで囲まれている学校などや、フェンスはないけれど、学校の入り口には、怖そうな黒人のセキュリティーガードがいて部外者はいちいちチェックされる学校もあります。特に学校に通う子供を持つ日本人家族は、出来るだけ安全な地域に住みますが歩いて登校できるような安全な地域もあります。銃を持っているのは、「アメリカ人の40%」という数字が出ていますが、私の友達に聞いても、持っていない人はいますし、「40%なんていないよ」という人もいます。やはり地域によるのでしょうね。犠牲者のご冥福をお祈りします。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------◆今日のニュースGunman raged at women, rich kids, reports sayApril 17, 2007ASSOCIATED PRESS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------massacre 大虐殺sullen さレン(不きげんに)黙り込んだ,(生れつき)むっつりした,気むずかしい,機嫌の悪そうなloner 人と交わらない人twisted 〈心が〉ねじ曲がった,ゆがんだ,異常なdrenched ずぶぬれたrambling note とりとめもなく書かれたメモchillig ぞっとするemerge イまーぁジ(…から)〈事実が〉明らかになる,現れるerratic イぅらティック〈言行が〉とっぴな,風変わりな,変な;常軌を逸した 〈人・心が〉ふらついているbloody 残虐なaftermath(災害・大事件などの)余波,結果,後遺症,痛手《 of, to... 》deadliest deadly〈敵などが〉相手を斃(たお)さずにはおかない,和解できない;執念深いrampage 狂暴な行動------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BLACKSBURG, Va. -- The gunman in the Virginia Tech massacre was a sullen loner who alarmed professors and classmates with his twisted, blood-drenched creative writing and left a rambling note in his dorm room raging against women and rich kids, according to news reports today.That was the chilling picture that emerged today of Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English, a day after authorities say he shot to death 32 people on the campus before killing himself.News reports said that he may have been taking medication for depression and that he was becoming increasingly violent and erratic.Despite the many warning signs that came to light in the bloody aftermath, police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set Cho off on the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history.
My friend emailed me today.She is an American and lives in a state where I lived before.She was my doubles tennis partner.She wrote that she will be a captain of her team and she is worry about becoming a captain.I replyed her "I can not speak English very well but you can! Don't worry about it!":-)My mother-in-low is a brave person. She is not worry about doing something new.She always says "I have a mouth, eyes and ears. If I don't know how to do it, I can ask someone for help.:-)"Captain's job is the one of the challenging things, but it is a team, captain doesn't need to do everything.Once she organizes a line-up for the match, team members will help her.英語で何かを完璧にする事は出来ません。でも、日本語なら、何でも出来ると思ってしまいます。^^だって、ちょっと離れたところで英語で誰かが何かを話しているのを聞いても、何を言っているかさっぱり分かりませんが、日本語ならちょっと離れたところから話を聞いていても、すぐ何を話しているか分かってしまうくらい日本語が得意ですから。(当たり前^^)でも当たり前のことだけど、それってすごい事だと思えてしまう私は変でしょうか?^^あっ、ちょっと離れたところで、英語で誰かが話していて、"Japan"とか"Japanese"という言葉が出てくると、それはすぐ聞こえます。^^「何~日本がなんだって~?」ってな具合で。^^
I got a broblem with my cookware that I bought last November. That has one year warranty. So I called to the coustmer service to request for replacing or repairing it. They gave me an address of a company where I need to ship my cookware. They are in defference state where I live in, but they are closest to my place. I went to the USPS post office which was nearest my house to send my cookware.I also bought stamps which I love. :-)(The photo below)去年買ったディープフライヤーのふたがきちんと閉まらないので、修理会社に送りました。新しいのを無料で送ってくれるといいんですけど。^^郵送料を計算したかったので、USPSのサイトに行ったら、なんとダースべーダーが。^^一瞬アクセス間違いをしたのかと思ったくらいに、ビックリしました。^^;5月25日から、スターウォーズの切手が売り出されるらしく、好きなキャラクターのスタンプを投票して!って。^^それで、voteのページに行くと、こんなことが書いてあります。^^"Clear your mind. Now feel the Force flow through you. Use it to guide your actions as you click on the stamp you want to reign above all others. "feel the force・・・って。^^トップページで更新ボタンをおすと(フレッシュすると)、ダースべーダーだけでなく、他のキャラクターの背景画像が現れますよ。^^USPSのサイトのページのすべてがスターウォーズバージョンになったかと思いましたが、他のページは前のままでした。^^まぁ、そんなことしてたら、ものすごいページ数ですから、大変ですよね~^^それから、日記にアップしているTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROM のトランスクリプトに、和訳を付けてみました。まずは、CD1のLecture 2をアップしました。あまり上手な和訳ではないので、ためらっていましたが、それでも載せることにしました。和訳のおかしいところがありましらたら、コメントいただけると嬉しいです。^^このCDは、Amazon.co.jpで一時期、1200円ぐらいで売っていたのですが、ある時期、ページがなくなってしまって日本からは買えなくなっていたのですが、最近、アクセスしてみたら、アメリカからの直接発送で販売しているようです。でも、アメリカから直接発送ですから、日本から買うには、4000円とか、6000円とか・・・高っ。^^アメリカのお友達に頼んで送ってもらいましょう。^^でも、英語教材って高いので、このぐらいの値段くらいなら、買われる方がいらっしゃるのでしょうかね~
Last week, my daughter was absent from school because of ill. She got high fever, running nose and coughing. Today, my son is absent from school. Reason for the absent is the same from dauther's. Last night, my son said to me that he felt dizzy. He took his temperature and he showed me the thermometer and said proudly "Look! It's 39.8℃!". Teenager is happy when they are absent from school.:-) 欠席の電話は、学校のvoice mailに残すだけ。昔は、電話すると、セクレタリーがHope she(he)'ll feel better!と言ってくれたものです。^^なんだか今は、ほんと味気ないですね~ ところで、日本では、欠席する時は、高校生本人が連絡してもいいのでしょうか?自分で連絡して、親が知らなかった・・・という記事を読んだので。こちらは、もちろん、A parent must call an absence in within 24 hours.です。電話ですから、子供が連絡しても分かりませんけどね。^^それと同じことだったのでしょうか?^^ 余談ですが、昔、セールスから電話がかかってきて、私が、電話に出ると、「お母さんに代わって下さい。」と言われたことがあります。^^;私がお母さんだっつうに!^^
3月11日(日)から、Daylight saving timeが始まりました。1時間時計を進めました。子供達も、やっと明るい時間にバスが乗れるようになったのに、しばらくまた暗い中で待たなくてはいけません。^^今年から、Daylight saving time が例年より3週間も早まり、そして、終わるのも例年より1週間後になりました。ということで、4週間も長くなったというわけです。Daylight saving time begins ; 2 a.m. on the 2nd Sunday in March(3月の第2日曜日午前2時から)Daylight saving time ends ; 2 a.m. on the1st Sunday in November(11月の第1日曜日午前2時まで)結構この事を知らなかった人が多かったみたいですね。コレが決まったのは、一昨年の8月だったんですってね~^^私も知りませんでした。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------◆今日のニュース(といっても、内容は、もう2日前のニュースから^^;)Changing your clockMarch 10, 2007The arrival of daylight saving time this weekend means we will have an extra hour after work or school to enjoy sunny, warm weather.We'll spring forward one hour tonight. But losing that one hour of sleep could give you jet lag during the first week.Here are some ways to lessen the effects, from the National Sleep Foundation:・ Take a nap on Sunday afternoon.(←えっ、なるべく起きてて早く寝るんじゃないですか?^^)・ Exercise regularly, but complete your workout a few hours before bedtime.・ Start a routine of doing something relaxing, like taking a hot bath, before you go to bed.・ Make sure you're sleeping in an environment that's dark, quiet, cool and comfortable.・ Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol before bedtime.(えっ?寝る前のお酒もだめなんですか?^^)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------今日は、朝5時過ぎに、クラブの用事があり息子を送って行きました。5時って事は、いつもの4時です。^^ディライトセービングが始まった次の日にこんなに早く行くなんて~きつい~と思っていましたが、ココは、母、遅れても困るので、シャキッと起きられました。^^昨晩は、息子は学校の宿題を遅くまでやって1時に就寝、4時間の睡眠。私は息子の宿題に付き合って、その後明日の準備をして2時に就寝。3時間しか寝てません。^^National Sleep Foundationさん!?からの忠告をまったく無視しているという話です。^^明日からは、試験もあるので試験勉強もしないといけないのに、今日は勉強できるのでしょうか?^^まぁ、学校で寝てれば出来るかもね。^^;<おいただいま、こちらの時間は、12:30PMです。日本との時差は?^^
I invited my friends to my house today. One of them was a newcomer. She just moved from one of the other states in US. I wanted to indroduce my friends to her. You know, people really take care of newcomers. But if newcomers moved from one of the other state in US, people don't take care of them very much. Becouse they suppose that they can speak English. So they think that the newcomers doesn't get struggled to live in US. But it was totally wrong. You would really understand if you think as if you lived in Japan. Newcomers usually take long to settle down untill they get friends there. I had same experiece as a newcomer when I moved to one of the other state in US. I was lonely until I had new friends. Anyway, I was glad that she seemed to really enjoy talking with my friends. We'll meet once a week.
Last week, I had volunteered to serve dinner for the students who involved one of shows at high school. I had met a few parents. They were all warm and kind. They have good manner. They speak courteouly. I felt warm with them.:-) By the way, the dinner on that day was a pita sandwich with grilled chicken, lamb and vegetables. It was first time to eat grilled lamb and it was very good!!! I should tell Japanese friends who have never eaten that.◆今日のニュースfuneral お葬式ram 激しくぶつかるrig トラック、トレーラーarson fire 放火station ~を配置するFirefighters arrive for funeralA light snow fell as firefighters from around the region arrived this morning for the funeral mass of Detroit firefighter Joeseph Torkos, 47, who died Wednesday when a speeding SUV rammed his rig as it headed to an arson fire.The mass is being held at St. Hedwig Church on 3245 Junction Street in southwest Detroit. Fire crews stationed two hook and ladder trucks in front of the church. The two lined up on opposite sides of Junction, with an American flag draped between the two trucksFire rigs with flashers are lined up and down the street. The mass is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. Two hours earlier, Torkos' body was being transported from a Lincoln Park funeral home to the church in a hearse accompanied by fire vehicles. Torkos' widow, Andrea, is five months pregnant. The couple had another child, Monika, 18 months old. Detroit Police said the driver of the Chevrolet Tahoe that hit Torkos' vehicle was traveling in excess of 80 m.p.h. on 14th Street when the accident occurred. The driver, Robert Lee Waller III of Detroit, 31, did not have a license, police said, and had a handgun in the SUV and a bag of cocaine in his pocket.放火の現場に向かっている途中事故にあった消防士さんは、妊娠中の奥様と、1歳半のお子さんを残して、亡くなってしまいました。80マイルを越えるスピードを出しぶつかったドライバーは、ドライバーライセンスを持たず、おまけにハンドガンと、コカインを所持。人の死は、多くのメッセージを残します。メッセージを受けるべく人が耳を傾けてくれることを祈るばかりです。消防士さんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。
I mentioned about my daughter's iPod yesterday, I found a interesting news. (below) By the way, I decited to have a class to teach Quilting for English learners. Because I really really want oppatunities to speak English a lot! I had have done this in my ESL class many years ago. But at that time, it was just a presentation "How to make a quilt". A few students asked me to teach them in detail another day. But I didn't have a cofident and I couldn't afford to teach them too. I have to make a flyer to imform this class. If I called "a class", it sounds like I'm exaggerating. But it's definitely not. I just want to teach in English. What should I name for the class? "Learn about something in English" ("Your first Quilting")? I'll think about it more.◆今日のニュースban 禁止する、禁止令jaywalking 信号を無視して横断することstruck strikeの過去、過去分詞 衝突するpedestrian 歩行者---Ban Proposed On Cell Phones, iPods In Crosswalk---Ban Would Apply To Cell Phones, MP3 players, BlackberrysNEW YORK -- A state senator from Brooklyn said on Tuesday he plans to introduce legislation that would ban people from using an MP3 player, cell phone, Blackberry or any other electronic device while crossing the street in New York City and Buffalo. NewsChannel 4 reported that Sen. Carl Kruger is proposing the ban in response to two recent pedestrian deaths in his district, including a 23-year-old man who was struck and killed last month while listening to his iPod on Avenue T and East 71st Street In Bergen Beach. "While people are tuning into their iPods and cell phones, they're tuning out the world around them," Kruger said. The proposed law would make talking on cell phones while crossing the street a comparable offense to jaywalking. Some pedestrians said they were not worried about their safety while using their electronic devices while walking. "I look for the light," said Venus Montes of Williamsburg. "I'm still looking," said Lance Gordon of Far Rockaway. "It's not like I'm not paying attention." Others said the proposed ban would not work. "I don't think anyone's going to be up for this," said Patricia Lewis of Staten Island. "I don't think anyone wants this." Some pedestrians think the proposal was a good idea. "It's too dangerous," said Nicole Lake of Jersey City. "Drivers don't pay attention and pedestrians don't pay attention." (http://www.wnbc.com/news/10948106/detail.html)ざっと記事をみていたら、MP3の前に"a"じゃなくて"an"がついている!MP3を(エムピースリー)と読むからですかね~?^^気がつきました?I need someone's help!"a comparable offense to jaywalking"←これは、「信号無視横断に匹敵する違反」というように訳せばいいんでしょうか?たまに主人の車を使うことがあるのですが、エンジンを掛けると、ものすごい音でCDがかかります。この人を捕まえてください!^^
I found my daughter's iPod Nano in the drawer of the Kitchen cabinet when I just pulled out something from the drawer. "There you are!" I said.:-) This was not first time to hid that. I thought I put it in the one of closets. I had been serching that for a long time. I totally forgot where I hid my daughter's iPod Nano.:-) Why did I hide that? I'm a mother. I think you can guess.:-) I have had hidden my son's game controller too. :-) ◆今日のウェブページ今日は、今日の行事にちなんだ、ウェブページの紹介です。アメリカのschool yearは9月から始まる事が多いのですが、今日は、学校が始まって100日目のということでエレメンタリースクールでは、100日目を記念したactivityを行う事が多いです。10年前、家の息子も先生に「100つの何かを作ってきなさい!」と先生に言われて、でも、アメリカに来て半年を過ぎた頃ですから、何のことかサッパリ分からず、教室にいって、先生に実際にみんなが作った物を見せてもらいました。でも自分の息子が何を作ったかこちらも覚えていません。とホホ。ある日本人の生徒は、お米100粒を画用紙に貼り付けていたりしていたような・・・家の子は、マシュマロだったかな~いや~本当に何を作ったか覚えていないなんて。まぁ、そういう行事があったのを覚えているだけマシとしましょう。爆^^---100th days of the school Celebration---(http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/proj/100th/act.htmより抜粋、編集)trail mix (ナッツ・ドライフルーツなどが入った)ミックススナックjumping jack 跳躍運動Jello ゼリーミックスの名前Boo Berry ハロウィーンの時に作るブルーのゼリー 正体はコレ↓swedish fish 魚の形をしたグミ 正体はコレ↓ocean mural 海の壁画◆Suggested Activities for 100th Day Here are some favorite activities teachers are doing when celebrating the 100th Day of School!! 1. Have the children make a collection of 100 items and display them on a poster board 2. Make up your own trail mix using 100 items of each ingredient 3. Line up 100 children 4. Say hello in 100 languages 5. Exercise 100 times, (10 jumping jacks + 10times touching toes, etc.), take out a stop watch and you have 100 seconds of silence. 6. Work with a buddy and trace each others' feet. Each of the children colors and decorates one foot, and then combine with the other children in other classes, tape the footprints down the hall and mark off every 10 feet until you reached 100, so the children could see exactly how many 100 footprints are. The children will really enjoy this. 7. Make several boxes of Jello "Booberry" flavored jello (it is blue in color). Pour it into a shallow glass pyrex plate and let it set for a little while. Before it completely sets, insert 100 red candy swedish fish. You count as you insert them. Then let the jello completely set. When set, you have a 100 fish aquarium. While it is setting, make an ocean mural. Have 100 clip art fish for children to color. Then glue them one by one onto our ocean mural while counting. When finished, you can eat the jello aquarium scene.私はやっぱり、7番をやって欲しいかな~とても綺麗そうですよね~^^ところで、school yearって、日本語でなんていうんでしたっけ?だれか教えて下さい。(泣)
My kids have no school today due to frigid temperatures. I didn't notice that this morning. So my kids went to the bus stop.A driver passing by the bus stop told about today's school closing to the students who were waiting the bus early this morning.They usually take a bus at 7:05am.They have to wait in the dark.I loughed at the last paragraph of this article below.:-)I'd better give chores to my kids tomorrow?:-) Any way, they're really happy to have no school tomorrow again.◆今日のニュース--- Metro school districts cancel Tuesday classes ---firehouse (小規模の消防署)ailment (えぃルメント 軽い病気)brace for (<攻撃などに>備える。準備をする)surge in calls (さージ 電話が殺到する)rejoice (ゥリじょイス 喜ぶ)chore (ちょォアー 雑用) School districts across the metro area cancelled Tuesday classes today in the face of forecasts calling for another day of bitter cold temperatures. The school districts are trying to avoid a repeat of what happened this morning when the temperature was well below zero, forcing many districts to cancel classes, some at the last minute, because their buses wouldn't start in the cold. Schools weren’t the only place where the cold was causing headaches. Some firehouses struggled to operate with no heat. Hospitals braced for cold-related ailments. And AAA reported a surge in calls for roadside help. Many kids likely rejoiced at having an extra day off. Not Ann Jenkins. “I was mad. I wanted to go to school. It's boring here,” said Ann, 12, a sixth-grader who spent the day doing chores.
Yesterday, I watched TV news from Japan. They were introducing about the song "Sen no kazeni natte". This song was oridinally writen in English. I wanted to hear the English song. So I serched and found that on the internet. Then I listened the song and tried to dictate the lyric. There are lots of blogers who writes the lyrics of the song. But I didn't see any correct lyrics for the song at all. Maybe they copied and pasted the oridinal poem. It was just one's poem.To all my loved one-Do not stand at my greave and weep(Sung version for musical)1.Do not stand at my grave and weep.I am not there, I do not sleep.I am a thousand winds that blow.I am the diamond glint on snow.Do not stand at my grave and cry.I am not there, I do not die.2.I am the sunlight on ripened grain.I am the gentle autumn rain.When you awake in the morning's hush,I am the swift uplifting rushOf quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night.Do not stand at my grave and cry.I am not there, I do not die.When you awake in the morning's hush,I am the swift uplifting rushOf quiet birds in circled flight.I am the soft stars that shine at night.Do not stand at my grave and cry.I am not there, I do not die.Do not stand at my grave and cry.I am not there, I do not die.http://www.donotstandatmygrave.com/sample.htmOn this page you can hear one of the sung versions of "Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep."Hope you'll enjoy listening!
The groundhog "Woody" say that spring is just around corner. But it's been very very co------ld. There are many people who has no power, freezing water pipes and so on. We hope we won't get any problem.◆今日のニュース(2月2日は、Groundhog Dayなので、それにちなんだ記事です。)--Local groundhog predicts spring is near.--groundhog (ウッドチャックとも言われる北米産のリス科の動物)influx (到来 いンフラックス)Howell (場所の名前)prognosticating (予言する プログのスティケイティング)Woody (Grandhogの名前)onlooker (見物人 おンルッカァー)papier-mache(張子の ぺいパァ マしぇー)wander (ぶらぶら歩く わンダー)signify (知らせる しグニファイ) Despite the recent influx of bitter winter weather, Howell's prognosticating groundhog, Woody predicted this morning that spring is right around the corner. At 8 a.m., in front of about 75 onlookers at the Howell Conference and Nature Center, Woody walked out of a small papier-mache house, which was sitting on a short stage, wandered over to nibble on some bananas and peanuts and stayed out for at least 30 seconds -- signifying a near end to winter."I was hoping that Woody would predict an early spring," said Richard Grant, executive director of the nature center. “We can’t stand this deep-freeze forever.”Fellow prognosticator, Punxsutawney Phil, also predicted an early spring.
About 4 years ago, I was on a diet. I was succesful in losing my weight with my friends' supports. A few years later, I had never gained weight without exercising. But now, I gaind weight again. I just eat a lot in the those years. Why did I eat a lot? I should say I had lots of stress. I get started to be on a diet again. The following is what I wrote 4 years ago. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------◆ 主婦のダイエット法 ◆私のダイエット法は、有酸素運動と、食べすぎ注意といった、いたって単純なものです。しかし、単純なことでもなかなか続けるのは大変。成功の秘訣は、なんと言っても友達の励ましでした。只今、5ヶ月で5キロ減に成功しています。(2002年11月12日現在)自分でもビックリしてます。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------◆体を動かす有酸素運動を8~20分。これで、体脂肪燃焼の準備完了です。 (エアロビクスのビデオを見ながらエアロビ。 または、エアロビのようなテンポのよい音楽をかけながら、踏み台昇降。 私の場合は、階段一段目を使いました。)その後、エアロビのようなテンポのよい音楽をかけながら、掃除、洗濯など家事を一気にまとめてします。(この間、ずっと体脂肪が燃えてます。)アイロンがけ、洗濯物をたたむなどは、できるだけ、立ったまま音楽に合わせて、足踏みしながら。体を動かしている時は、水分を少量ずつ取ります。もし、がぶ飲みしたくなったら、体を動かしすぎていると思います。(ぜいぜいという呼吸になるような運動は無酸素運動で体脂肪が燃えないそうです。)◆食事で気をつけている事お腹が一杯になったら絶対食べるのをやめます。決して食べすぎないようにします。(食べ過ぎたものは、すべて体脂肪になるという意識を)また、お腹を空きすぎないようにします。菓子類は、食べないのではなく、少なめに食べてます。(食べないとストレスになって続かないので)夕飯の時のご飯は少な目に。その分、肉、野菜類を食べてます。就寝前2時間は何も食べません。もし、口惜しかったら、ミネラルウォーターを飲んでます。◆その他姿勢よく歩く。とにかく、食べたら、動く。(お腹が空いたから食べるのではなく、動くために食べるという意識を)途中、体重が減らない停滞期が必ずある事を知っておいて、減らないからといって焦らない事。ダイエット日記をつけて、友達に公開する。汗をかく事を楽しむ♪出来るだけ、毎日続ける事。
I have serched many songs by internet serch engine today. There are many sites, they are open to us that we can listen to many music through the internet. It's very helpful. I have to choose songs because I will perform at concerts this year again. On the day after tomorrow, I have a music gatharing with friends. By the way, I'm writig this as I am listening to music. Music is an essential for my life.:-)
I wanna be baby. How nice!:-) You think I am crazy? No,no. I'm Okay.:-)I just think about that I would be a good English speaker if I could be baby now.:-)They have family who teach them everything, of course they teach how to speak. if baby says something with strange words(actually it's not words, they just make sounds), then their mother or someone else who takes care of them try to understand their words by asking with correct English. And mother would never ask them tuiton. How nice! Don't you think? Please don't be serious.:-)
This is final exam week at kid's high school. Therefore Tuesday through Friday are half-days. If they failed some of the classes, they need to take the classes again in summer school which cost too high. My older son is junior now. He is facing very stressful year. I should support him very much.
These days, I've been stressing out. I have lots of things that I can't away from. It sounds like in overloaded schedule to me. I hope it will all work out. But I just have to keep my nose to the grindstone and not get too distracted by all the fun things going on.
Yesterday night, I was very sleepy. So I quickly changed into my pajamas and slipped into my bed. It was 9pm.:-)In the middle of the night before last, I completely awoke.I was thinking about my idea that I wanted to do this year.But I had to go to bet early becuase I had to get up early next morning.My kid's school resumed on that day.(1/3/07)I tossed and turned in bed all that night.I counted SHEEPS. But it didn't work well.:-)So I quited tryig to get sleep, just tried to close my eyes and keep thinking my idea.I reached a conculusion that I'd not better doing it this year at that nigit, but now...start thinking about it again.:-)I want to have a class (tuition is free) to teach my hobby (quilting or origami) in English.It is going to be a challenging for me.But I like to speech in front of people and teach people what I can do.
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