confuoco Dalnara

the sea

Where the celestial horizon meets the sea,
I hoped to go far and far into the blue...
Well, I said so.

Deep, soft blue color of the sea embraces the clear, pale blue sky...
I wondered whether the sea ran to the South Pole
(I really longed to see penguins),

Not sure about the beach's name, where almost just two of us...
Then we crossed the street and climbed the cliff to see that horizon.


and in Sydney...
At V, we drank.
One drank a glass of beer, and the other drank Caiprinha w/ a little sugar.
There have been the live concert of a small hybrid band.
They played Hip Hop mixed with Jazz and a scent of the Arabic,
then the brown skinned fascinators started to dance. so koool!
One beat the African drum, one played the saxophone...
The fusion of rhythm and sounds were nice, and filled that night.
Really enjoyed listening to the music, w/ swingin'.
Swingin', a glass of Caiprinha in the left hand.
That's the night, the last night of City.

On the street, yellow leaves blew and swang w/ the northern sea wind,
fantastic, but not chill.
The night reminded me of the beginning of Phantom Lady ...
And the night seemed to have thousand eyes (by Cornell George Hopley-Woolrich)

Victorian terrace houses in Paddington
The fantastic rought-iron balconies in Paddington,
there were some woody, calm lane in the Artists' village.
There was a chic and tiny paper shop,
where young lady(about 7 years old) was into choosing cards for gifts...
Shapes of flowers, and colors of pastel and pale...
filled w/ springing light and air. Back of the room was studio.

I wondered I couldn't find any cat in Sydney,
although sometimes I met dogs walking...
And my friend had once met a white owl, like in the Harry Potter's,
in the park...
I heard no wash was allowed to be hung on the balcony.



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