


クイズ 次の英文はクリスマスにまつわる事を説明しています。説明している word は な~んだ?

:These are the things that you give to other people and that Santa will give you .
:A type of deer with antlers . This animal likes to live in very cold places and eat grass .
:An area above a fireplace that lets smoke go outside . You should keep this clean on Christmas Eve .
:Snow pressed into a ball for throwing . If you get hit with one of these , it can hurt !
:A type of tree , such as a Christmas tree , with green leaves throughout the year .
:This can make a ring sound . It is a piece of metal that is hollow inside and has a small ball inside . When the ball hits the metal , this will ring .

Happy New Year ! あけましておめでとう!
I wish you a Happy New Year ! 新年おめでとう。良いお年をお過ごし下さい
We wish you a bright and successful New Year . 明るくめでたい新年をお祈りします。
Here's to the New Year ! Cheers ! 新年を祝って 乾杯!
Wishing you peace and happiness in the New Year . 新年が良い年になりますように。
I hope you have a happy New Year . 良いお年を!
I wish you a prosperous new year ! 実り多い一年になりますように。
Hope this year will be a wonderful year for you ! 素晴らしい一年になりますように。

 ちなみに  寝正月 を英語で言うと・・
I spent New Year holiday doing nothing .

Congratulations to those who will become 20 years old this year .

From this age on , you are allowed to drink alcohol and smoke .

And you gain much freedom but at the same time , you also have to be responsible for your actions .

I hope you will become a nice adult .

日本語で「愛してる」は照れくさいけれど「I love you .」と英語なら言えちゃうかも。

Happy Valentine's Day .
Be My Valentine .
You are my Valentine .
Will you be my Valentine?
Can you be my Valentine?
Love From your Valentine !
This valentine was sealed with a kiss .
Sorry this valentine is wrinkled. I hugged it!
You're the Best .
You Keep My Heart Spinning .
Wishing you Love on Valentine's Day !
Walk With Me I Love Being Near You !
From Your Valentine


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