★はじめての日(The First Day)

              ―はじめての日(The First Day)―

              I wish I could remember the first day,
              First hour, first momnent of your meeting me;
              If bright or dim the season, it might be
              Summer or winter for aught I can say.
              So unrecorded did it slip away,
              So blind was I to see and to foresee,
              So dull to mark the budding of my tree
              That would not blossom yet for many a May.
              If only I could recollect it! Such
              A day of days! I let it come and go
              As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow.
              It seemed to mean so little, meant so much!
              If only now I could recall that touch,
              First touch of hand in hand! - Did one but know!

              Christina Rossetti

              あなたにお会いした はじめての日
              はじめてのとき はじめての瞬間を
              それとも 夏だったのか冬だったのか わからないわ
              五月に、いくらお会いしても 花咲かぬ恋の芽に。
              でも去りゆくのにまかせましょう  去年 こぞ 雪のように
              跡形もなく 消え失せた日を。
              ささやかな事に見えたけれど とても大切だったの。
              ああ あの感触を おもい出せたら!
              手をにぎりしめた あの感触を おもい出せるかしら。

              松浦 暢 訳/


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