全16件 (16件中 1-16件目)
「林先生の今です」という番組で上記発酵食品が体にも脳にもよいという話をしていた。そして一般的に高齢になったら野菜中心で肉などは食べない方がよいと言われてきたが高齢になっても肉は必要だとの話もあった。最近の研究データーに基づいたお話だと思うが肉や魚など一切食べないベジタリアンは一般の人より肉体的にも精神的にも健康で長寿だとのデーターもあり、肉がお勧めの食品とは断言できないが、ヨーグルト、納豆、みそ汁は健康によいと思う。The program "Mr. Hayashi's right now" was talking that the above-mentionedfermented food was good for both the body and the brain.And in general it is said that it is better not to eat meat etc. andvegetable is better when you are aged, but there is also a story that meatis necessary even if it is older.I think that it is a story based on recent research data, but vegetarianswho do not eat at all such as meat and fish have data that they are healthymore than general people physically and mentally and have long lives. So Ican’t always recommend the meat is good for health,but I recommend that yoghurt, natto, and miso soup are truly good forhealth.
24時間テレビで永六輔さんの「生きているのは皆さまのおかげで、生きて行くのはその借りを返していくことだ」との言葉を紹介していた。私達が生きているのは生まれてから死ぬまで様々な方々のお世話のおかげで、自分が生きて行く目的はそのお世話になったことに恩返ししていくことだとの意味だと思うが、生きる目的を明確に述べており感銘を受けた。しかし体力がなくなって病気になったり、お金がなくて生活保護になったり、少ない年金で暮らすようになったらどのようにして今まで受けた恩に報いていったらいいのかな?とふっと思った。他人に尽くすのは肉体的に何かするとかお金を差し出すことだけではないと思う。病気や貧乏でも懸命に生きること、或はその生活の中でほんのささやかなことでも人さまに尽くすこと。それが恩返しであり借りを返すことではなかろうかと思った。The word "The living is thanks to everyone and to live is going to returnthe borrowing “by Mr. Ei Rokusuke was introducing on 24 hour television. Weare living by the care of the various people from birth to death, and thepurpose of living is to give back to whom we have been taken care of. Heclearly stated the purpose of living and I was impressed.However, if you become sick, lose your physical strength, become livelihoodprotected, live with less pension, how do you reward the benefits you havereceived so far? I thought that it is not only to do something physically or give money to others.To live hard even with illness or poverty, or to do just modest help forother people. I thought it would be a kind of repayment and to returnborrowing.
9月2日に第一内科の同窓会があるが、それに参加すると思われる何人かの名前が思い出せなった。「あいうえお」に順番に当てはめて考えてみたがダメだった。それでも通勤の途中で二人思い出したが後の人はだめで自信を無くしてしまった。その日は薬の名前も思い出せなくなっていよいよ自分も終わりかな?と思ったが午後になって一人思い出し翌日一人思い出して全て思い出したら少し自信が戻ってきた。頭の中のどこかに彼らの名前があるのだが奥に入ってしまって中々見つからなったが見つかってみればすごく簡単なことに思えた。私たちの頭の中には色々なことがいっぱい詰まっているのでしばらく会わない人の名前などは奥の方に隠れてしまっているのだと思う。思い出せないと認知症が進んだと思いがちだが奥の方に隠れているのだと思えば気が楽になる。時々は思い出す訓練をして自信を取り戻そうと思っている。On September 2nd there is a reunion of the First Department of InternalMedicine, but I could not remember the names of some people whom I thinkwould participate in. I applied to remember using "AIUEIO" in order andthought about it, but it was useless. Still I remembered two people on theway of work, but the latter person was not, I lost confidence. I cannot evenremember the name of the medicine on that day. I thought I have come to end.But in the afternoon I remembered one and the next day the rest, when Irecall all the things my confidence came back a little. I found their namesomewhere in my head, but I couldn’t find it as they were in the back andinside, but it seemed to be quite easy after I found it. I think that thenames of those who do not meet for a while are packed with many things inour heads and be hidden behind them. If you cannot remember you tend tobelieve that dementia has progressed, but you feel relieved if you thinkthat you are only hiding behind the back.From time to time I am trying to recall my confidence by training toremember.
強豪を次から次に撃破して埼玉県勢初の夏の甲子園優勝を勝ち取った。監督、選手、学校や県の精進を称えたい。練習方針は量より質を重視した練習で、限られた時間内に成果をどのように出していくか常に考えながら練習してきたとのことである。時間をだらだらとかけるのではなく集中して短時間で成果を出していく方法で日本一になった。我々も学ばなくてはと思った。They defeated the powerhouse from next to the next and won the first summerKoshien victory in Saitama prefecture. I would like to honor supervisors,athletes, schools and prefectures. Practice policy is practicing thatemphasizes quality rather than quantity and has always practiced thinkingabout how to deliver results within a limited time. They practiced thinkingabout how to concentrate on producing results in a short time instead ofdrowning out time, and they became the best in Japan. I thought that we alsohad to learn.
走る凶器車を使っての無差別殺人事件がスペインのバルセロナの繁華街で起きた。ISが犯行声明を出したが、信じらない行為である。頭の中が狂っている。もし宗教が根底にあるとすればそれは悪魔の宗教である。世界中で今彼らの恐怖から身を守ることが対策されているが、それ以上に大事なのは狂人である彼らを根こそぎ退治することだと思う。 An indiscriminate murder incident with running weapons cars occurred in downtown Barcelona, Spain. IS issued a crime statement, it is an unbelievable act. Their head is crazy. If religion is the underlying for it, such religion is devil. We are now taking measures to protect ourselves from their fears around the world,but I think that what is even more important is getting rid of them that are crazy.
本日の第4試合大阪桐蔭と仙台育英の試合は9回の裏2アウトまで大阪桐蔭が1対0でリードしほぼ勝負が決まったかに見えた。しかし仙台育英は2アウトからランナーを出して1塁と2塁になったが次の打者が内野ゴロで万事休すと思われたがファーストの足が離れたとしてセーフ、その後ヒットが出て2対1で仙台育英が逆転勝した。大阪桐蔭の生徒は皆泣いていたが特に打たれた投手と足が離れた1塁手は泣くに泣けない苦しい気持ちだったと思う。しかし何が起こるか分からないのが勝負の世界である。いつまでも自分のおかげで負けたと思うな。早く忘れて立ち直ってもらいたいと思う。Today's 4th match Osaka Toin and Sendai Ikuei's match seemed to have almostfinished with Osaka Toin leading 1 to 0 until 9 back 2 outs. However, SendaiIkuei took out runners from 2 out and became 1st and 2nd base, but it seemedthat the next batter was going to be all out with infield grounder, althoughsafe because the first baseman’s legs left from base, then a next batterhits and came out 2 to 1 Sendai Ikuei won the reverse.Every student in Osaka Toin was crying, but I think that the first baseman,with his legs away from base and the pitcher who was hit, were painfulfeeling that they could not cry because they missed. But it is the gameworld where you do not know what will happen. Never think forever your teamwas beaten by your mistake. Forget it quickly and get over it.
北里大学名誉教授岡部治弥先生が8月15日に93歳の生涯を閉じた。胃潰瘍の診断と治療の第一人者で多くの消化器病医を育ててきた。私もその端くれで肝機能検査に関する論文で先生から医学博士号を授与して頂いた。おおらかで面倒見がよく多くの弟子達から慕われていた。生前のご指導に感謝しご冥福を心奥よりお祈り申し上げる。Professor Emeritus Kitasato University Dr. Haruya Okabe closed the 93- year - old life on August 15. He is a leading expert in the diagnosis andtreatment of gastric ulcers and has raised many gastroenterologists. I amalso a lump of them and awarded a doctorate in medicine from him in a paperon liver function tests. He was broad-minded and kind, so he was loved bymany disciples. I thank him for his guidance on his life and pray for hissouls from the heart.
韓国の文在寅大統領は8/15の光復節の記念式典で演説して歴史認識問題に対する日本の対応に不満を表明し、彼の支援者が反日の動きを活発化させ慰安婦像を新たに10体前後設置して徴用工の像も設置していくとのことである。日本国民から見ると良い気はしないが、「彼らは文化程度が低いから」と切り捨てたような見方でなく、彼らがそれほどまでに思っているなら再度よく話し合うべきだと思った。今の日本人を見ると、とても恨みを買うようなひどいことはしないと思えるので、いつまでも恨みや憎しみを言っている韓国人は狂っているのではないかと思うが、日本統治時代には日本人が随分ひどいことをしたのかもしれない。虚心坦懐に再度よく話し合うべきだと思う。慰安婦問題にしても日本側は既に補償済みで解決している問題と言っているが韓国側は日本政府が正式に謝らないと納得できないとして10億円提供されてもまだ慰安婦像を作り続けて反対運動を続けている。「すでに解決済みの問題だから」と突き放さないで韓国民が納得するように再度きちんと話し合うべきだと思う。Republic Korean President Munjein made a speech at the memorial ceremony ofthe 15th light restoration verse expressing dissatisfaction with Japan'sresponse to the historical recognition problem, and his supporters activatedthe anti-Japanese movement and may built the comfort woman image again moreabout 10 bodies and installing the image of the enforcement worker.We do not feel good from the perspective of Japanese citizens, but I do notthink it was truncated as "they are low in culture level", I thought that weshould talk about again if they thought so much.I think that Koreans who are saying grudge and hatred forever are crazybecause it seems Japanese do not such a terrible thing as to buy aresentment very much to see the current Japanese, but during the Japaneseoccupation era Japanese people might have done terrible things. We shouldtalk about sincerely again. Even the comfort women issue, the Japanese sideis said to have been compensated and solved already, but the Korean side hasnot yet consented and they insist the Japanese government should officiallyapologize, even if it is offered 1 billion yen they still make a comfortwoman image to continue the opposite movement. I think that we should talkabout it again so that Korean people can convince without saying "It is aproblem already solved."
お盆が終わり、息子達家族も滋賀に帰っていった。私は盆中1日休みを頂いたが、重症患者さんがいて、4時頃から病院に行ってきた。受け持ち患者さんがいると心休まる時は少ない。先日30歳代の産婦人科の医師が過労で自殺した。ネットで見ると医者を辞めたいと思っている医師が沢山いる。それだけ大変な職業だがカッコよく見えるとか、給料が高いなどの理由で世間的にはあこがれの職業として医学部入学希望者は多い。医師に適する優秀な人材が希望するなら大歓迎だが実際には医者の仕事をよく知らないで医学部を目指している生徒も多い。医者の仕事内容をよく調べてから医学部に応募することを願う。After the Bon festival, my sons and my family also returned to Shiga. I gota day off in the Bon, but there was a serious patient, I went to thehospital around 4 o'clock. There is a little time when you feel restless ifyou have patients who are responsible. The other day a doctor of obstetricsand gynecology in his 30s suicide by overwork. There are a lot of doctorswho want to quit a doctor on the net. There are many people who wish toenter the medical school as a reason for looks cool, and salaries are highalthough it is very serious occupation. Although it is greatly appreciatedif excellent talent suitable for doctors is desired, but many students areaiming for the medical department without actually knowing the work ofdoctors.
早稲田大学の堀口健治名誉教授と弦間正彦教授の調査班が、本庄市内の農業者らを対象に後期高齢者の医療費データとアンケートによる調査を行った。その結果、農業者の後期高齢者医療費は非農業者の約7割にとどまり、平均寿命は男性で8・2歳、女性で1・6歳長いことが分かった。A survey team of Professor Kenji Horiguchi and Professor Masahiko Gennmafrom Waseda University conducted a questionnaire survey on healthcare costsdata of the latter-stage elderly for farmers in Honjo City.As a result, farmers' late-stage elderly medical expenses remained about 70%of non-farmers, and the average life expectancy was found to be 8.2 yearsfor males and 1.6 years for females.
七夕の時孫達が買ってきた金魚は死んでしまったがメダカはまだ生きている。餌の与え過ぎはいけないと聞いたので2日に1回少しずつ与えている。水槽の水も日曜日ごとに換えるようにしている。昔は小川で一杯見かけたが今ではあまり見かけなくなり絶滅危惧種に指定されているが、水槽で飼っている人は増えているようだ。朝起きると真っ先に見に行き、元気でいてくれると安心する。餌や水換えなどきちんとして少しでも長く生きてくれるように管理しようと思う。The goldfish bought by the grandchildren at the Star Festival,have died butthe medaka is still alive. I heard that I should not give too much food so Igive it little by little every 2 days. I also try to change the water in theaquarium every Sunday. In the past age we saw many medakas in the liver but nowwe have not seen them so much and it is designated as an endangered species,but the number of people keeping in aquarium seems to be increasing. When Iget up in the morning, go to the place first to watch and be relieved ifthey are fine. I will try to manage the food or water change so that theylive for a long time.
I've finished reading "The Ultimate Study Method to Make the Brain Serious"now. Most of the cells in the brain are decreasing with age, but there is apart that creates new cells in an exceptional way, which is the part of thehippocampus as large as the little finger on the bottom of the brain.Although the cell are born newly, peoples feel that their memory becomesworse when they get older, because they cannot use mechanical memory forwhich they must use much energy, as like when they were young. However, the association memories that associate and memorize things is saidthat if you accumulate various knowledge and relate and remember it evengetting older, you cannot lose to young people. Hippocampus can be grown by way of study and lifestyle. What kind oflifestyle is good is to always make hungry time between meals without eatingdull. Be sure to eat breakfast, and recommend brown rice, five grain rice,and rye bread etc., they do not raise the blood glucose value suddenly . Itis better to keep blood sugar level for a long time.. Because sleep removes brain waste, it is necessary to ensure sleeping timefor 7 - 8 hours. And it is possible to cultivate the hippocampus directly bywalking and jogging to a degree that breath slightly bounces at exercise andif you have a habit of doing it for about 30 minutes every day, you willmake you not only smarter but also you can prevent and treat the dementiaand the depression.The above is a way to raise hippocampus, but stress will destroy it at thecontrary and cause it to atrophy. The way to protect the hippocampus fromthe stress is to have a dream. Having a dream and studying for it is thesilver bullet for relieving stress. The content of the dream is forinstance, to travel through Japan, to become able to play some song onguitar, to become able to understand foreign movies without subtitles, etc.Anything is fine and the hippocampus does not shrink if you strive towardthat goal. A dream is not a youth's privilege. Let the old man have a dream,too.
ロンドンで行われている世界陸上でマラソンの川内が8位入賞を惜しくも逃したが9位になった。でもよく頑張ったと思う。8位選手にかなり離されていたのにゴール寸前で追いつき数秒差でゴールした。日本人魂をそこに見た。東京オリンピックにも出てもらいたいと思う。In the World Athletics Championship held in London, citizen runner Kawauchi(30 years old) got the 9th lost only a small amount of prize winning eighth.But I think he tried his best. He was a big deal far behind the eighthrunner ,but he was catching up with him just a few seconds behind the goal.I saw the Japanese soul in him. I hope him to catch the right to attend theTokyo Olympics as well.
今「脳を本気にさせる究極の勉強法」を読んでいる。頭のよしあしは生まれつきと思っている人が多いが、それは必ずしも正確ではないとのことである。確かに脳の後ろの方、つまり視覚、聴覚、触覚、運動能力など子供の頃よく発達する部分は遺伝的影響が強く8-9割は遺伝だが、脳の前の方、つまり、考えたり、計算したり、他人との交流など自己実現するための能力の方は遺伝の影響は5-6割とのことである。この前頭前野部分は勉強によっていくらでも成長する。脳の成長のカギは知的好奇心で、年齢も学歴も遺伝も関係なく成長するので、学校時代は出来が悪かったが高齢になったら優秀になったということもあるし、逆に学校時代は優秀だったが社会に出たらぱっとしない人もいる。それは前頭前野を使って常に勉強しているかいないかの差であると述べている。著者の瀧靖之さんは認知症を専門に研究している人だが、認知症予防には運動と並んで常に勉強を続けることも有効だと述べている。I'm reading "The Ultimate Study Method to Make the Brain Serious" now. Manypeople think their ability is decided by inheritance, but that is notnecessarily accurate. It is true that the parts behind the brain, that is,such as visual, auditory, tactile, and motor skills that develop well whenchildren are strongly genetically influenced, 80 to 90% are hereditary, butthe area in front of the brain, the ability to calculate, think orself-actualize such as exchanges with other people is less influence ofheredity, it is 50-60%. This prefrontal part grows as much as you study. Thekey to growth in the brain is intellectual curiosity, growing regardless ofage, education and genetics, so someone was not good to do at school, butwhen he(she) become older, he(she) will be excellent, and on the contrarywhen school days someone was excellent, but do not good if he(she) goes outto society. It states that it is the difference whether you are alwaysstudying with the prefrontal cortex. Author Mr. Yasuyuki Taki who is aresearcher specializing in dementia said that it is effective to keepstudying constantly alongside exercise for dementia prevention.
今から8年後の2025年には65歳以上の5人に1人が認知症の推計が示されている。アメリカの統計でアルツハイマー病(認知症)の主要な7つの危険因子の中で最も影響度が高いのは身体的不活動とのことである。日本でも65歳以上の高齢者を17年間追跡した久山町の研究で週一回以上運動習慣のある人はない人に比べて認知症発症リスクが有意に低下した事が示されている。認知症予防に唯一医学的証拠(エビデンス)があるのは運動である。専門家は運動内容は問わず汗ばむ程度の運動を週3回くらい行うことを勧めている。運動はおっくうだが認知症にならないために挑戦しようではないか。Eight years later in 2025, one out of every five people over 65 years has shown an estimate of dementia. Among the seven major risk factors of Alzheimer's disease (dementia) in the American statistics, the most influential is the physical inactivity. In Japan, it also shows that the risk of dementia significantly decreased in the group of exercise more than once a week by Hisayamacho research studied elderly people aged 65 years or older for 17 years, compared with those who do not have exercise habits . The exercise is recognized as only medical evidence (evidence) for dementia prevention. Experts recommend exercising of sweaty any exercise contents about three times a week. Exercise is a troublesome but let's try not to become dementia.
全16件 (16件中 1-16件目)