総合優勝は青山学院で2位は東洋大学、3位は早稲田大学だった。青山学院は4連覇で素晴らしいことだと思う。3位の早稲田はアンカーの4年生は初めて箱根駅伝にだしてもらい4位でタスキを受け継いで、後ろから日本体育大学にぐいぐい追い上げられてあわや抜き去られそうになりながら必死にこらえ、終盤近くでは前を走っていた東海大学を抜いて3位になったのは感動的だった。惜しくもシード権を逃して11位になった順天堂大学も 10位 まであと一歩とせまりよく頑張ったと思う。制限時間内に到着できずにタスキを渡せずに繰り上げスタートせざるを得なかった山梨学院大学など無念の涙にくれた大学も苦しみながら最後までよく頑張ったと思う。来年を期してトレーニングを積んでもらいたいと願う。
Aoyama College is wonderful in 4 consecutive victories.
The fourth grader runner of anchor of Waseda was the first time in Hakone Ekiden, he succeeded Tasuki in 4th place and forced
to be surpassed behind by Nippon Sports College , but he endured and near the end
he surpassed the Tokai University and
ranked third.
It was very impressive
Juntendo University, which ranked 11th regrettably after missing the seed right, has also worked well as one more step to 10
Some runners were forced to start forward without getting relay Tauki as not to arrive within the time limit. As like as Yamanashi Gakuin university and others had desperate tears and suffered but they worked hard until the end.
I hope them to have
good training for next year.
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