26 But he pretends not to know. He finds freedom in this life, But he acts like an ordinary man. Yet he is not a fool. Happy and bright, He thrives in the world.
36 The fool will never find freedom By practicing concentration. But the master never fails. Just by knowing how things are, He is free and constant.
愚か者は集中を修練しても、 決して自由を見いだせないだろう。 だが、師がしくじることはけっしてない。 ただ、物事をあるがままに知っているから、 彼は自由でいて揺るぎない。 37 Because the fool wants to become God, He never finds him. The master is already God, Without ever wishing to be.
44 The mind of a man who longs to be free Stumbles without support. But the mind of a man who is already free Stands on its own. It is empty of passion.
45 The senses are tigers. When a timid man catches sight of them, He runs for safety to the nearest cave, To practice control and meditation.
感覚は虎だ、 臆病な人は、虎を見ると 一目散に近くの洞窟へと逃げだして、 集中や瞑想を修練する。
46 But a man without desires is a lion. When the senses see him, It is they who take flight! They run away like elephants, As quietly as they can. And if they cannot escape, They serve him like slaves.
47 A man who has no doubts And whose mind is one with the Self No longer looks for ways to find freedom. He lives happily in the world, Seeing and hearing, Touching and smelling and tasting.
48 Just by hearing the truth He becomes spacious And his awareness pure. He is indifferent To striving or stillness. He is indifferent To his own indifference.
49 The master is like a child. He does freely whatever comes his way, Good or bad.
師は子どものようだ、 良い事も悪いことも、何であれ、 起こるにまかせて振る舞う。
50 By standing on his own A man finds happiness. By standing on his own A man finds freedom. By standing on his own He goes beyond the world. By standing on his own He finds the end of the way.