じゅうにし【十二支】 〔暦法〕 the twelve horary signs. 解説 十二支は次のとおり: 子(ね) the Rat, 丑(うし) the Ox, 寅(とら) the Tiger, 卯(う) the Hare, 辰(たつ) the Dragon, 巳(み) the Serpent, 午(うま) the Horse, 未(ひつじ) the Sheep, 申(さる) the Monkey, 酉(とり) the Cock, 戊(いぬ) the Dog, 亥(い) the Boar. New College Japanese-English Dictionary, 4th edition (C) Kenkyusha Ltd. 1933,1995,1998
えと【干支】 the sexagenary cycle; the zodiac signs =じゅうにし 文例 今年のえとは申(さる)である. This is the Year of the Monkey in Chinese astrology. New College Japanese-English Dictionary, 4th edition (C) Kenkyusha Ltd. 1933,1995,1998