お買い物 満々美人

お買い物 満々美人

space 月と地球の関係 ※【PC版】

space 月と地球の関係 ※こちらのページはパソコン版でご観覧されることを、お薦めします。
   I represent infinity to myself and I represent ideas by words. ...up to infinity... Everybody has limitless possibilities...through all eternity... Mariko
space-time (time & space) simple

--- space ---

The moon is still mooning over Earth.

When the moon is full, could you remember me?
The earth put me in mind of you chiefly because you are an earthman.

Short poem by Mariko

Wallpaper - Poetry was just written in the background (image poem for wallpaper).

   by Mariko
s3-moon copy.jpg


The moon is still mooning over Earth.

When the moon is full, could you remember me?


当時のこと、よく覚えてますよ(^m^ )クスッ

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