CNN reports that the New York Public Library in New York City will distribute 500,000 books to its citizens this summer as part of the “Summer at the Library Program.” The purpose is to enrich the books at home for children and adults, and to maintain the productivity of children during the summer vacation. The New York Public Library has 92 annexes in the city. Books are available there. Books in Spanish and Chinese, as well as large print books, are also available.
After the Meiji Restoration in Japan, the folk song “if you hit the cropprd head without a topknot, you will hear the sound of civilization” became popular. Parodying with that song, I would like to dig into the cultural administration of Japan, saying Culture and culture, but your mouth alone will not do any- thing.” It is almost unthinkable that the Tokyo Metropol- itan Central Library will distribute 500,000 books to the citizens of Tokyo free of charge. It would be had to imagine preparing such a book for residents of other languages. The poorest country in cultural administration. New York City has a population of about 8.5 million. The population of Tokyo is about 14 milion.