


Today I will tell you a story about Conan,my pet rabbit and my dog,Tennessee. We used to have a big sheltie named Rex. After his death, my family experienced a pet loss syndrome. We didn't feel like buying a new dog then. One day, I was at a petshop near my house and that was my first encounter with Conan. There I saw a very tiny and adorable,Peter Rabbit look alike 3months old bunny.My sister was with me and she,too liked thae bunny at her first sight. We both chipped in our money to buy the bunny and other supplies. That's how Conan became one of our family. He was very small when he first came but he ate alot and he grew into a quite a big rabbit. He's pretty heavy when you hold him with your hands. Few months later, our second sheltie,Tennessee came in to our family.What's so strange is the relationship between Conan and Tennessee. You might think that a rabbit and a dog are eachother's enemies. But No! They get along vey well.I wonder sometimes if Tennessee knew that Conan had been in our family before him, because Tennessee obeys and seems to protect Conan. When someone in my family says,"Conan", Tennessee would get up instantly and walk over by Conan. They chase eachother in circles,too. Maybe Tennessee gets his natural instict as a herding sheepdog. When Tennessee uses his front paws to move Conan towards him or when Tennessee bites Conan for just fun, and when Conan is in a very bad mood.....Tennessee gets a powerful hind leg kick in the stomache from Conan. Us, humans get Conan's powerful hind leg kick,too! That 's why in our family, Conan is so called the "Godfather" and everyone is a bit afraid of him.When they're in a good mood, they are snuggled up tight together for an afternoon nap. Conan and Tennessee, they're both one of a kind! I want to go home and see them because I miss them alot!

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