#HopeProject is to make the world a better place where more and more people will have #Hope for the future.
We believe the core issues of all challenges we face in the world are Water & Food, Energy, and Education(referring to UN 17 SDGs)
Without water, food, energy, you can not survive. The situation leads to no opportunities to get quality education.
Quality Education means to get opportunities to learn to achieve your goals and dreams whatever they are.
To make the world a better place where there are less conflicts and more peace where more and more people have #Hope for the future.
For poor kids to be self-sufficient to pursue their own goals and dreams.
Unfortunate kids in underserved areas esp in Asia and Africa.
What we have done
visiting the Water rich areas to meet politicans, burocurates, private enterprises together with entrepreneurs in Europe and US. Discuss the issues between abundance and scarcity to bridge the gap.
Invested in WaterAid, Table for two, d.light, Khan Academy by #Hope Fund for find out how it works.
Water for WaterAid : https://www.wateraid.org/uk/ Food for Table For Two : http://www.tablefor2.org/home Energy for d.light : http://www.dlight.com/ Education for Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/ (To find out if it woks. It could work on one platform?)
To generate returns by taking advantage of water resources in Hokkaido, making a bottle of water with #HopeWater as a label attached to send Portable Solar Energy LED kits to unfortunate kids. (Mission to be continued)
what we do
Bridge the gap between abundance and scarcity like too much water and too little water, too many food wastes and too little food, obesity and hunger.
Connecting the dots in the area of Water, Food, Energy and Education, Meaning cross-functional business on one platform by strategic alliance with peers with shared vision and goals not only in Japan but in the world.
How we do
Trust with each other 4P(Project, Peers, Passion and Play) Do what you say work hard Think outside the box No permission to act We act as we think until we get there. Be there, see, listen, smell, taste, feel and see it coming. Try to understand first and to be understood. Be a good listener. Learn from people. Learn from failures. Respect local culture and tradition connect scientists, engineers, artists, designers to create the synergy. Dream big, aim high, act bold. People with wisdom, empathy, and compassion can change the world for better. Based on this mindset, with technologies, much better. Maximize social impacts over maximizing financial returns
Social impacts
Local Production, Local Consumption, Local Maintenance
Rich Natural resources in Hokkaido Growing Inbound Tourism to Japan #HopeFund (Naka Private Fund) Crowd Funding(Makuake, Campfire, Readyfor) VC Strategic alliances with public and private sectors ICO
I appreciate it if you could provide us with your insights, feedbacks to make it work better to make #HopeProject happen.