★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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Sep 14, 2024
カテゴリ: なぞなぞ

魔法使いの家 075-681-5227 ​​ ​​

Am8 - Pm10, Over  Offer:" At anytime ." ​​

​​ ロータス in Kyoto​​​ 今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube ​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube  ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 -
​  YouTube​
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

open, sign, lights, relationship
7月5日​ ​​​ ​​
​​​​​​​​​​知り合いに ​​ 新日本理化 ​​ メイン株 の買い付けを奨めました、資金は5000万円ー>500万円に減額ですが、​​​以前と同様​買わない​との事​​​ですが、​運​はどうなるのでしょうか?​​ 
新日本理化 @¥196x25000 、利回り1.54%  Justice
メイン株 ¥3500x1400  利回り4.59%  ​Moon​​
            ↓ ​​ ​​ ​-​​ ​​​​
9月 13日: 新日本理化  ​ Pm 3:00  + 4 +2.01% \191 X25000 
​メイン株​  Pm 3:00  +4  +0.15% 
\3001 x1400  利回り5.33%  ​​Judgement↓​​​

​​ ​​ 日経平均​​​​​​:9月13日 ​​
​​ ​¥36581.76  -\251.51 -0.68% Pm 3:00​​​​​​
​​​​​ ​Nikkei Average​​​​​​​ :  September 13th
​July 5th、​
​​I recommended to my acquaintance to buy Shin Nippon Rika and Main stocks. The funds have been reduced from 50 million yen to 5 million yen, but he said he will not buy as before.
What will happen to his luck?
Rika @ 196 yen x 25000, yield 1.54% ​​
Main stock ​@ ¥3500x1400  利回り4.59%  ​​Moon​​​
​​​Price:​ September 13th:
​Shin Nippon Rika​
​m 3:00  +4 +2.01% \191X25000 Justice​
Main stock \3001 yen x 1400, yield 5.33%  ​​
Pm 3:00  +4  +0.15%   ​​ Judgement ↓ 

ことわざ「泣きっ面に蜂」ではなく「泣きっ面に~」、~には何が該当しますか? ​​​​
​​​ 文字数は制限しません。
The proverb "To add insult to injury..." is not "To add insult to injury...", but rather "To add insult to injury...", what fits the part "..."?
There is no character limit.
To add insult to injury,
she slaps you.
You get hit by a ball.
You get stuck in a door.
You lose your glasses and fall, hitting something in the face.
You get pinched by a child.
You get covered in mud from a car splashing mud on you.
Your cheek hurts after treatment for a toothache goes awry.
​​​ You have triaxial neuralgia, and the pain gets worse when you touch your cheek.

年 戊申
月 乙丑
日 丙戌
時間不明 男性。まずこの命の用神は何でしょうか?バランスが重要とはいえ、冬の丙の身弱で水は本当に必要なのですか?壬を生かせる命はあくまでも土の少ない命という理解で合っていますか?この命はどうすれば開花するでしょうか。
I would like to have my four pillars fortune read.
Year Boshin
Month Yi Chou
Day Bing Xu
Time unknown Male. First of all, what is the use god for this life? Although balance is important, does a weak winter Bing really need water? Am I correct in understanding that the life that can make the most of Jin is one with little earth? How can this life bloom?
年柱: 戊申
月柱: 乙丑
日柱: 丙戌
時間: 不明
木を強める: 木(甲、乙)を強めることで、火(丙)を助けることができます。
土を適度に保つ: 土(戊、己)は火を助けるために必要ですが、多すぎると壬水を吸収してしまうため、バランスが重要です。
水の調整: 水(壬、癸)は基本的には避けるべきですが、適度な水は木を育てるために必要です。
In four-pillar fortune telling, it is very important to find the use god of life. Below is an analysis based on your life chart.
Basic information of life chart
Year pillar: Bo Shen
Month pillar: Yi Chou
Day pillar: Bing Xu
Time: Unknown
Consideration of the use god
Since Bing Fire was born in the winter season, it is necessary to strengthen the power of fire to alleviate the cold. Therefore, as a use god, wood (Jia, Yi) that strengthens fire is suitable. Also, earth (Wu, Ji) that helps fire is important.
About the necessity of water
Since Bing Fire in winter is weak to the cold, water (Jin, Gui) should basically be avoided. However, it is necessary to judge by looking at the balance of the life chart as a whole. Too much water weakens fire, but moderate water can nurture wood and ultimately strengthen fire.
About the life that can make the most of Jin
In order to make the most of Jin Water, a life chart with little earth is ideal. If there is too much earth, the water element Jin will be absorbed by the earth, making it difficult to exert its power.
How to make this life bloom
Strengthen wood: By strengthening wood (甲, 乙), you can help fire (丙).
Keep earth in moderation: Earth (戊, 己) is necessary to help fire, but if there is too much, it will absorb the water element Jin, so balance is important.
Adjust water: Water (壬, 癸) should basically be avoided, but moderate water is necessary to nurture wood.
To make this life bloom, it is important to strengthen wood and fire and keep the balance of earth and water properly. If you need specific advice or a detailed analysis, we recommend consulting a professional four-pillar fortune teller.

What bothers me is the dark conjunction abnormal zodiac sign of Heijutsu, and the life of Winter Hei has a lot of earth, so I can't make the most of Jin. Can I expect great luck in Kougo ?



Last updated  Sep 14, 2024 01:04:02 PM
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