Anti-Oppressive Values in Social Work Social workers have been critiqued by a wide range of users for their propensities to oppress service users. Discuss this statement by referring to one of the client groups: black elders ソーシャルワークにおける反社会的圧力という価値観 「ソーシャルワーカーは多様なサービス利用者から圧力的であると批判されている。この問題について以下のサービス利用者グループのひとつを選び、議論せよ」 私が選んだのは「黒人高齢者」
Legal framework 1 Children Act Case study 法学1 Children Act ケーススタディで法律、制度を多用しつつシングルマザーで二人のこどもがいるある家庭にどう法的に介入するかを論ずるもの。血縁のお父さんが黒人で差別を受けている男の子と現在の母親の恋人の男性から虐待を受けている女の子。
Children and Families What factors would you emphasise in developing an anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory approach to work with children and families? Discuss in relation to either race and ethnicity, or children and disability, or women, or men.
Legal framework 2 Adult low and practice 法学2 成人 ケーススタディ 3つの中から選択で障害者、高齢者、精神保健がでた。 私が選択したのは高齢者。 人生で最大困難これほど泣いた課題はなし。死ぬかと思う勉強量! ちなみに使用した法律だけで以下の通り!
CCPD - Community Care Plans Directions 1991 (guidance) CDCA -The Carers and Disabled Childrens Act 2000 CFP -Caring For People 1989 (guidance) CRSA -Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 CSDPA -Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 DDA -Disability Discrimination Act 1995 DPA -Disabled Persons Act 1986 EMI -The elderly and mentally infirm HA -Health Act 1999 HASSASSA -Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983 HSPHA -Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 LA -Local Authorities MHA -Mental Health Act 1983 NAA -National Assistance Act 1948 NHSA -National Health Service Act 1977 NHSCCA -National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 OT -Occupational Therapist RHA -Registered Homes Act 1984 RRA -Race Relations Act 1976 SDA -Sex Discrimination Act 1975 SS -Social Services SSI, SWSG -Social Services Inspectorate; Social Work Services Group