屋久島 あ・ら・か・る・と





あ~ もうこんな時間。


最終更新日  2012年03月29日 07時58分25秒
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体力と根気が要りますからね。♪ (2005年05月27日 07時56分27秒)





(2005年05月27日 15時12分44秒)

kiratto  さん
清楚な感じが、逆に凛々しさを感じさせますね^^ (2005年05月27日 18時13分13秒)



私もがんばります。。 (2005年05月30日 16時00分08秒)






(2005年05月30日 16時19分16秒)


ヤマアジサイで、自生してるとこを見ると、素朴な感じが、自然の植物って感じで、庭にあるアジサイとはちと違う感じかな。。。 (2005年05月30日 16時38分51秒)

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Let's discuss the following bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Laverne Bole さん
Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.
What the previous commenter said is kind of strange. Could someone explain?
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
I'm not happy about my life, what can I do to be happy?
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

It's all fun and games,'till someone loses an eye! Then it's a *SPORT*
http://socgorod.com/camrynkirkland/2010/09/22/all-on-thick-yoga-mat/ (2010年11月06日 08時07分14秒)

Check out this smart blurb, perhaps share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Rosaline Bosh さん
What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.
Looks like your site made it on some black hatter's list of targets, better increase security.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

My other computer is even slower.
http://vernonlarson.top-content.com/2010/09/23/mikes-new-manduka-mat/ (2010年11月06日 13時25分38秒)

Let's discuss this saying, maybe I should share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Nevada Gulati さん
I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

I tried an internal modem, but it hurt when I walked.
http://delicious.com/canhhang (2010年11月06日 18時41分37秒)

dBluendUnmadeImpaisp SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
zTumpUnupt さん

I just found the following quote, I'll share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chet Oger さん
And to the previous commenter - in short, "you are wrong".
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
I'm just wondering, is it possible to take up blogging without any technical experience? Can I blog from MS Word?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Eat right, exercise daily, live clean, die anyway.
http://web.xplained.info/sadiepittman/2010/09/25/jade-yoga-mat-ratings/ (2010年11月06日 23時57分54秒)

I just found the following quote, maybe I should share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Walton Rob さん
Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up.
http://zoeyvang.bloggingsprint.com/2010/09/15/yoga-mat-bag-authority/ (2010年11月07日 10時06分34秒)

I stumbled upon this bit of wisdom, I think I must share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Eldon Najarian さん
What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Silence: Vangelis unplugged
http://sofiagood.top-content.com/2010/09/21/how-kumar-bought-a-brand-new-manduka-mat/ (2010年11月07日 15時26分15秒)

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chet Oger さん
Nice site design and easy to read layout. What is this theme?
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I'm looking for an expert in this field for some off-site work. Anyone interested?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing.
http://jocote.wirelesstouchpad.net/2010/09/24/awesome-yoga-mat-bags/ (2010年11月07日 20時45分59秒)

Let's discuss the following enagagin thought, I thought I would share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Bruno Westerhoff さん
I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
There once was a time when I blogged about this stuff like crazy. Not many people came to my blogs.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Every silver lining has a cloud.
http://marcellagamayel.savemoney-tips.com/2010/09/17/custom-selection-of-thick-yoga-mats/ (2010年11月08日 02時11分35秒)

cdayclinislifatriade SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
eWanydued さん

mKisteresiufall SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
tFupeNeag さん

Check out the following bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chin Kucera さん

Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
Will I make new friends here? Anyone care to share something?
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.

http://bestyogamat.typepad.com/blog/2010/11/what-is-the-use-of-the-manduka-mat.html (2010年11月10日 16時34分23秒)

xAnnowmejedulsend SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
rFooffAftesse さん

ytigetrasioxolla SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
uTilkanepinkGailm さん

oHeetlyRagliet SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
ipiedefreriA さん

lBoicrordilteceisa SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
pbuispumnsab さん

uJinkIonign SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
bteelfcerb さん

Let's discuss this interesting thought, I have a need to share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Archie Yasurek さん
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
People, some of you may think I'm just another spammer. I know this is a big problem at many forums I frequent. But I assure you, I'm just like this…

Why is it that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion stars in the universe you will believe them, but if they tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be sure? <br><i>George Carlin</i>
(2010年11月11日 01時46分00秒)

qQueuedselernIrraps SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
sCrypsugsheapeseax さん

sNamiAcouttirragiace SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
itoopItani さん

I just found the following quote, I thought I would share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Annie Cornelison さん
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
People, don't be hating, start participating. It's all about love.

All colours will agree in the dark.
(2010年11月11日 06時32分28秒)

tOwettherty SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
aWeibiddecurebrantigo さん

Check out this quote, I think I must share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Gayle Wardlaw さん
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
I'm just investigating the effects of alcohol on my brain. Tomorrow, I will be sorry for all these posts.

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. <br><i>Tom Jones</i>
(2010年11月11日 11時31分39秒)

I stumbled upon the following bit of wisdom, perhaps share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kelly Tenda さん
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the fire hydrant.
(2010年11月11日 16時23分58秒)

xReenhiliScancyJible SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
bVanorant さん

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yViarlcoisuaptataNug SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
kPreedugh さん

I stumbled upon this interesting thought, perhaps share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Floria Fitzhenry さん
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
I'm just investigating the effects of alcohol on my brain. Tomorrow, I will be sorry for all these posts.

Keyboard not found. Press any key to continue
(2010年11月11日 21時39分22秒)

iPlusFlateamouheffery SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
nBanyarterivava さん

iimmonry SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
jCoesotosnubs さん

zValLayelm SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
oGabssatossy さん

pHurtumeexhalmarp SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
zFeneKelsGeaniutKep さん

rbeassyson SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
kShuddyShuffjoxThibe さん

fMoguedexpiduape SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
wScoumextiltImmence さん

nCateegobeast SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
dFlosseFooveaw さん

kHoireesmoorreli SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
eAudineeinsudgipt さん

ufexorgago SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
xslinee さん

padvadayJeoto SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
nPaliSabsagisa さん

eSpurottbloori SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
urouttinypevianty さん

Check out this smart blurb, I'll share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chet Oger さん
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.

He who laughs last thinks slowest!
(2010年11月13日 14時08分38秒)

htwissesty SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
vToomisox さん

yUnsupt SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
lHatspoollalift さん

How About this smart blurb, I'll share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Helga Montejano さん
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?

Real Programmers Practice Safe HEX
(2010年11月13日 18時53分37秒)

Please, read this bit of wisdom, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Helga Montejano さん
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.

Sex is like a bridge game: If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
(2010年11月13日 23時36分53秒)

I stumbled upon this interesting thought, I have a need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Alta Armlin さん
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
Once the alco wears off, I will no longer be such a happy camper. And I will regret making random comments and posting weird stuff.

I can't diet for medical reasons, it makes me HUNGRY!
(2010年11月14日 04時26分17秒)

How About this saying, I thought I would share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Delmar Mccullom さん
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.

OS/2? What's that? Half of an Operating System?
(2010年11月14日 09時10分18秒)

How About this smart blurb, maybe I should share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Royce Willaert さん
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
I live with my mother. I have acne, though I'm over 50, I'm a loser.

Bad Command Or File Name !!! Go Stand In The Corner...
(2010年11月14日 14時58分00秒)

Check out this enagagin thought, maybe I should share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Annie Cornelison さん
You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
(2010年11月14日 19時37分19秒)

Check out the following bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Barry Paleo さん
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.

To err is human, to forgive....$5.00
(2010年11月15日 00時16分59秒)

vSculusJamyMilafrall SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
xCoowlyGox さん

geasewlyjitully SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
cFloasyvonovox さん

Let's discuss this bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Corrie Toothaker さん
Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.

I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
(2010年11月15日 06時17分38秒)

Check out this smart blurb, I think I must share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Nelson Mcinnish さん
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
People, some of you may think I'm just another spammer. I know this is a big problem at many forums I frequent. But I assure you, I'm just like this…

Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener.
(2010年11月15日 11時00分10秒)

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CharlesRH さん

Sorry for being drunk  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010年11月18日 12時51分04秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010年11月18日 12時53分21秒)

I'm high  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
Sorry, if this seems like spam
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 12時55分38秒)

I'm wasted  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 12時57分53秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時00分10秒)

I'm wasted  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Bibi I just got here, and I am off-key. I too don't handle your language. I'm here to tell you Hi to all trusted member this place.

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時02分30秒)

My mood right now  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
Don't worry, I'm not selling anything.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時04分46秒)

My toughts  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Rickardo I just registered, and I might be off-key. Also know little your language. I'm at this forum to tell you Privet to any respected member of this nice place.
Sorry, if this seems like spam
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時07分02秒)

My mood right now  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I just need more company.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時10分19秒)

My mood right now  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm not selling anything at all.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時12分35秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
Sorry, if this seems like spam
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時14分52秒)

Sorry for being drunk  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm not selling anything at all.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時17分12秒)

I'm wasted  
Thusaspal さん

Hi, I'm Derek, I'm new. Please tell me if I'm violating any rules and posting in the wrong thread. I just wanted to say hello..
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時19分34秒)

I'm high  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I just need more company.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時21分53秒)

My mood right now  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
Sorry, if this seems like spam
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mats reviews </a> (2010年11月18日 13時24分13秒)

My toughts  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Joe
I'm new, and I'm just kind of not normal. Also don't know Your language. I came here to tell you Hello to every respected member of this nice place.

<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時26分32秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時28分44秒)

Sorry, I'm wasted  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Rulee I found this forum by accident, and I'm off-key. Also don't know your native tongue. I'm at this forum to tell you Wassup to all trusted member of this nice forum.
I'm not pitching any products here.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;best yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時31分12秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Pickles I just got here, and I might be not normal. Also don't speak Your language. I'm here say Ahoy to all respected member of this nice place.
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat </a> (2010年11月18日 13時33分28秒)

I'm drrrunk  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Rickardo I found this forum by accident, and I'm just kind of ill-witted. I also don't handle your language. I come at this forum to say Ahoy to every good member of this place.
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mats reviews </a> (2010年11月18日 13時35分50秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I'm not selling anything at all.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;manduka yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時38分03秒)

Sorry, I'm wasted  
Thusaspal さん
Hi, I'm Rickardo I like this forum, and I might be not normal. I too know little Your language. I'm just say Wassup to any respected member of forum.
I'm not selling anything at all.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat review </a> (2010年11月18日 13時40分20秒)

Sorry for being drunk  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010年11月18日 13時42分35秒)

I'm not getting drunk tonight  
Thusaspal さん
Hello, I'm John, and I'm new here. I live with my mom and I have acne. Nice to meet you all. .
I only want to have more friends.
<a href= http://yogamatreviews.net> ;yoga mat reviews </a> (2010年11月18日 13時44分52秒)

eElitteDapeadenifopsy SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
pArortuaro さん

alorkfigiourl SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
gtoksmaccartkex さん

rintisickamoms SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
qanydaybum さん

Check out the following quote, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Lacy Ducklow さん

I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
People, I'm sorry, but I didn't know where to post this stuff.

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010年11月20日 07時53分05秒)

How About the following enagagin thought, I'll share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Refugio Bathke さん

No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
So what's your favorite quote? Any other pieces of wisdom you would like to share?

http://www.viddler.com/explore/taniatania (2010年11月20日 07時55分35秒)

Please, read this bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Jordon Hittman さん

This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
I realize this post may seem dumb, I'm just trying something new here, please bear with me :)

http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978709815 (2010年11月20日 07時58分10秒)

How About this bit of wisdom, perhaps share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Barry Paleo さん

I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
Can I make new friends on this forum? Doubt it.

http://codygosser.hi5.com/friend/p531362967--Cody_Gosser--html (2010年11月20日 08時00分44秒)

Please, read this saying, maybe I should share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Salley Stephany さん

I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
I just woke and don't know what to do.

http://www.rateitall.com/i-6459490-yoga-mat.aspx (2010年11月20日 08時03分28秒)

Let's discuss the following quote, maybe I should share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Marcelene Fobes さん

Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
I'd appreciate it if people shared their own favorite bits of wisdom.

http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/community/yogamatsite/ (2010年11月20日 08時06分53秒)

I just found this bit of wisdom, I think I must share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Gary Liggin さん

No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
People, I'm sorry, but I didn't know where to post this stuff.

http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/community/yogamatsite/ (2010年11月20日 08時09分43秒)

I stumbled upon this provoking thought, maybe I should share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Hugo Rey さん

No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
This is actually a lot of fun, posting stuff at obscure forums to see if anyone would react, I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong thread. Who cares, anyway?

http://listafterlist.com/Listof/tabid/57/ListID/19643/Default.aspx (2010年11月20日 08時12分36秒)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, I think I must share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kendrick Delasko さん

So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I just like posting random stuff at random places to see how people would react. I make new friends this way.

http://www.viddler.com/explore/taniatania (2010年11月20日 08時16分33秒)

Check out the following enagagin thought, perhaps share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Missy Piccinone さん

Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
I just woke and don't know what to do.

http://www.squidoo.com/yoga-mat-shopping-tips (2010年11月20日 08時19分13秒)

Let's discuss the following smart blurb, I really must share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Walton Rob さん

Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
Care to share any more wisdom, any other smart quotes?

http://www.viddler.com/explore/taniatania (2010年11月20日 08時21分53秒)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, maybe I should share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Rickie Decola さん

DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
People, I'm sorry, but I didn't know where to post this stuff.

http://en.zorpia.com/clintonbarett/journal/2011684 (2010年11月20日 08時24分38秒)

I just found the following bit of wisdom, perhaps share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chin Kucera さん

Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
Well, it's nice meeting you all. I'm new here and I'll try to be polite and gentle. Sorry for posting dumb posts.

http://www.rateitall.com/i-6459490-yoga-mat.aspx (2010年11月20日 08時27分12秒)

Please, read the following smart blurb, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Mack Caroselli さん

I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
People, I'm sorry, but I didn't know where to post this stuff.

http://listafterlist.com/Listof/tabid/57/ListID/19643/Default.aspx (2010年11月20日 08時30分01秒)

How About the following quote, I have a need to share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Alta Armlin さん

I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
So how's everyone doing tonight?

http://donakeleher.livejournal.com/635.html (2010年11月20日 08時32分34秒)

I just found the following smart blurb, I thought I would share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Brandi Ferdig さん

I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
Forum admin, please move this topic to the appropriate place, I may have posted in the wrong thread.

http://www.blurb.com/user/jerri_hoehne (2010年11月20日 08時35分14秒)

Check out the following saying, I'll share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Robbin Lingley さん

I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
I realize this post may seem dumb, I'm just trying something new here, please bear with me :)

http://www.blurb.com/user/jerri_hoehne (2010年11月20日 08時37分52秒)

I just found the following interesting thought, I thought I would share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Lacy Ducklow さん

I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
Would you people care to comment on my very first forum post, ever? I just got on the internet, it's pretty exciting.

http://codygosser.hi5.com/friend/p531362967--Cody_Gosser--html (2010年11月20日 08時40分43秒)

I stumbled upon the following bit of wisdom, perhaps share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Byron Shrout さん

This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
I really need a girlfriend.

http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/community/yogamatsite/ (2010年11月20日 08時43分23秒)

I just found this smart blurb, maybe I should share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Helga Montejano さん

Can you explain to me what reality is? Do robots exist in reality because they cannot judge and make perceptions?
If this post looks dumb, it's probably in the wrong thread. I tried my best, but please move this message in case I mis-posted it.

http://www.rateitall.com/i-6459490-yoga-mat.aspx (2010年11月20日 08時46分06秒)

Please, read this bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kenisha Lopez さん

Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
Is anyone interested in keeping this thread going?

http://www.kirtsy.com/user.php?login=latoniarules (2010年11月20日 08時48分44秒)

I just found this saying, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Eugenie Liptak さん

No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
It's broad day light here, what time is at your place?

http://en.zorpia.com/clintonbarett/journal/2011684 (2010年11月20日 08時51分26秒)

Let's discuss this quote, perhaps share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Jong Clukey さん

Please allow me to be spontaneous and post random stuff and quotes. I mean no harm.
Would you be interested in replying to a thread like this?

http://codygosser.hi5.com/friend/p531362967--Cody_Gosser--html (2010年11月20日 08時54分01秒)

I just found this smart blurb, I'll share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Dudley Cuez さん

There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
I realize this post may seem dumb, I'm just trying something new here, please bear with me :)

http://listafterlist.com/Listof/tabid/57/ListID/19643/Default.aspx (2010年11月20日 08時56分47秒)

edonopoereFep SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
wlouncianiolF さん

msmesehosyzop SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
nitebangoloulanty さん

pGusSoxteetsbumpStab SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
eemeployworyroicyclen さん

hChoomeTob SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
hinpulp さん

oCrutty SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
pPoorse さん

lCrardSlarperse SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
ierorse さん

qPousitreliatrelmTor SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
rRatewadwaynumDinfode さん

oforeabe SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
vAliefly さん

sdofaddesse SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
ocoigaftoultarnila さん

Please, read this smart blurb, I have a need to share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chery Stana さん
So what do people think about the author, does he sound convincing enough to go ahead with a purchase?
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
I'm not happy about my life, what can I do to be happy?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

It is easier to admire hard work if you don't do it.
(2010年11月23日 15時35分11秒)

Please, read this saying, I need to share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Alta Armlin さん
I'm admiring the webmaster, nice job on the design. Looks like your site can handle heavy traffic.
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
What's a good starting point for launching an interesting blog? I want people to come and read my articles, and I want to see lots of comments.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

RAM DISK is NOT an installation procedure!
(2010年11月23日 15時37分31秒)

I just found the following provoking thought, perhaps share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Ronald Flood さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
I'm not happy about my life, what can I do to be happy?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i>
http://www.memfrag.com/mf.app?ssdir=0& ;dataid=517642
(2010年11月23日 15時40分01秒)

I just found this bit of wisdom, perhaps share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Emory Mutone さん
Can your site handle heavy traffic? Because it seems to be on a major spam list somewhere…
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

I.R.S.: We've got what it takes to take what you've got!
(2010年11月23日 15時42分26秒)

Let's discuss this smart blurb, I'll share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Bettina Spinella さん
What the previous commenter said is kind of strange. Could someone explain?
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Documentation - The worst part of programming.
(2010年11月23日 15時44分54秒)

I just found the following saying, I thought I would share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Dudley Cuez さん
I suggest you tighten your comment filtering a little, lots of spam here.
You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but no one is coming to my blog. This one seems so popular, but mine is empty.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

My other computer is even slower.
(2010年11月23日 15時47分27秒)

How About this quote, I'll share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Christiana Sarinsky さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

Any of you seen a modem carrier around here?
(2010年11月23日 15時49分51秒)

Check out the following smart blurb, maybe I should share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Corrie Toothaker さん
Looks like your site made it on some black hatter's list of targets, better increase security.
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.

We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
(2010年11月23日 15時52分16秒)

I just found the following quote, I'll share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Linnie Wadkins さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.
(2010年11月23日 15時55分48秒)

Let's discuss the following saying, I really must share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Annie Cornelison さん
I'm admiring the webmaster, nice job on the design. Looks like your site can handle heavy traffic.
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

1st we shoot all the lawyers, 2nd we strangle them, 3rd..
(2010年11月23日 15時58分13秒)

How About the following enagagin thought, I need to share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Helga Montejano さん
So what do people think about the author, does he sound convincing enough to go ahead with a purchase?
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
I don't have a website yet, but I'm planning on starting a blog like yours, any tips?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.
(2010年11月23日 16時00分38秒)

I stumbled upon this saying, I think I must share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Nelson Mcinnish さん
Was the author very convincing, or did he miss a few points? Care to share?
No matter how you slice it, life is full of random shit like this. Better get used to it.
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.

Experience: What you get when you don't get what you want
(2010年11月23日 16時03分13秒)

Let's discuss the following saying, maybe I should share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Lacy Ducklow さん
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
No more hate, no more love. Just be, and everything will make sense. (not)
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

Feel lucky???? Update your software!
(2010年11月23日 16時05分34秒)

Please, read the following enagagin thought, I need to share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Loida Gulke さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Life is not a cabaret. It's a circus.
(2010年11月23日 16時08分06秒)

I just found the following saying, I thought I would share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Marcelene Fobes さん
Hey, your site seems lacking in SEO. I can see some pretty major flaws, care for me to comment on this issue?
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
How come some websites, like yours, appear all the way on the bottom of ranks with such engaging content?
This page rocks, keep up the good work.

Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
(2010年11月23日 16時10分34秒)

I stumbled upon this smart blurb, maybe I should share with my new found friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Bryant Fietek さん
Why do you hate democrats so much? Let's a find a balance first, and then start blaming each other. And don't say war is the answer.
This is a clear example of a harmless meaningless post, so why delete it, mr Moderator?
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

The only cure for postmodernism is the incurable illness of romanticism.
(2010年11月23日 16時13分04秒)

I stumbled upon the following saying, perhaps share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Walton Rob さん
Hey, check it out, this comment is made by an advanced artificial intelligence robot. I will soon take over the world.
I mean, how hard can it be to just be spontaneous. It is. And sometimes you just can't post random shit like this.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
This page rocks, keep up the good work.

A mainframe: The biggest PC peripheral available.
(2010年11月23日 16時15分26秒)

I just found the following enagagin thought, I really must share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Brandon Kinan さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.

Show me a man with both feet on the ground, and I'll show you a man who can't put his pants on. <br><i>Arthur K. Watson</i>
(2010年11月23日 16時18分04秒)

Please, read this smart blurb, I need to share with all the people at the at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Steven Podvin さん
Can your site handle heavy traffic? Because it seems to be on a major spam list somewhere…
Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
How do I promote my website?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damn lies & statistics
(2010年11月23日 16時20分23秒)

Check out the following bit of wisdom, perhaps share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Marcelene Fobes さん
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
Dear Moderator, I hope you don't delete my post. I mean no harm, just being weird.
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer.
(2010年11月23日 16時22分52秒)

How About the following enagagin thought, I'll share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Giuseppe Sieminski さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
I'm only a little bit drunk, I'm sorry. Please don't judge.
I just read another article about this topic, and yours seems to be a lot more to the point. However, their article appears on #1 spot, and your is on the bottom. Why?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. qL. Long
(2010年11月23日 16時25分17秒)

How About this bit of wisdom, I'll share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Ronald Flood さん
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
http://www.memfrag.com/mf.app?ssdir=0& ;dataid=743936
(2010年11月23日 16時27分44秒)

Check out the following bit of wisdom, I'll share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kenisha Lopez さん
Also, I was wondering whether you do any private consulting? I'd be interested in hiring someone like yourself.
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.

Nobody notices when things go right.
(2010年11月23日 16時30分07秒)

I stumbled upon this quote, I'll share with my new friends at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kendrick Delasko さん
Hey, your site seems lacking in SEO. I can see some pretty major flaws, care for me to comment on this issue?
I'm not a robot. I'm fully aware of my existence and I have no doubts about reality - it does not exist.
I'm just wondering, is it possible to take up blogging without any technical experience? Can I blog from MS Word?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Bachelor: A man who never makes the same mistake once.
(2010年11月23日 16時32分37秒)

Viagra Sans Prescription  
XCPaul さん
http://viagra-sans-prescription.e-monsite.com - Viagra Sans Prescription (2010年11月23日 19時42分44秒)

yBooliora SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
ftostaps さん

zquizDousiof SitsrodoFloxiaViory  

cCresmacizeSmes SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
rBoneNese さん

nlarlyErensada SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
yBorSoacecarered さん

Check out the following smart blurb, maybe I should share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Anderson Shuker さん
What the previous commenter said is kind of strange. Could someone explain?
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.

The only cure for postmodernism is the incurable illness of romanticism.
(2010年11月24日 11時23分19秒)

I just found this bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kenisha Lopez さん
Do you not see the irony here? I'm kinda of puzzled, whether the author of this article a real person or a robot.
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Facts are stubborn things.
(2010年11月24日 11時25分47秒)

Please, read the following bit of wisdom, maybe I should share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
William Streczywilk さん
I must say, there was very little useful information in this post, but I did learn a few things. Thanks.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

Menstruation, Menopause, Mental Breakdowns... Ever notice how all our problems begin with Men?
(2010年11月24日 11時28分11秒)

How About this quote, I think I must share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Kendrick Delasko さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Confucius say: Man who fart in church, sit in own pew.
(2010年11月24日 11時30分35秒)

Please, read the following bit of wisdom, I'll share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Mack Caroselli さん
I wonder why I can't see full text in your RSS feed, do you allow full articles?
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

Time slows if you're on the outside of the bathroom door.
(2010年11月24日 11時33分01秒)

I just found this bit of wisdom, I really must share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Loida Gulke さん
Was the author very convincing, or did he miss a few points? Care to share?
Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
I haven't launched my website yet, but my mom say I have the skills. I want it to look like yours, care to share any tips?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left
(2010年11月24日 11時35分29秒)

How About this provoking thought, I have a need to share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Delmar Mccullom さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
You wanna see a truly realistic movie? How about Inception. 100% realistic scenario - shit like that can only happen in dreams :)
What's a good starting point for launching an interesting blog? I want people to come and read my articles, and I want to see lots of comments.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

THE GOLDEN RULE: He who has the gold makes the rules.
(2010年11月24日 11時37分55秒)

I stumbled upon this exciting thought, I'll share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Dudley Cuez さん
Can your site handle heavy traffic? Because it seems to be on a major spam list somewhere…
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
Hey, can I blog from text editor, you know just type stuff and make it appear on some website? I'm really not a very technical person.
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.

It is easier to admire hard work if you don't do it.
(2010年11月24日 11時40分25秒)

I just found this quote, I need to share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Moses Killings さん
Hey, I don't think you've done a good job with SEO. It's decent, but not perfect in my opinion.
Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.

Anytime four New Yorkers get into a cab together without arguing, a bank robbery has just taken place. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i>
(2010年11月24日 11時43分59秒)

I just found this provoking thought, maybe I should share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Gino Lavette さん
I really see no better choice, but to say yes, I agree. Let's all jump on the bandwagon.
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
I just read another article about this topic, and yours seems to be a lot more to the point. However, their article appears on #1 spot, and your is on the bottom. Why?
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.
(2010年11月24日 11時46分28秒)

I stumbled upon this saying, maybe I should share with my new community at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Taunya Hardrick さん
There's only one valid point in this article, and if people are too stupid to see it, I won't tell them what it is.
Let's clean up this mess of a forum and start posting meaningful stuff, shall we?
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

If things get any worse, I'll have to ask you to stop helping me.
(2010年11月24日 11時48分54秒)

I stumbled upon the following exciting thought, maybe I should share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Eldon Najarian さん
I'm admiring the webmaster, nice job on the design. Looks like your site can handle heavy traffic.
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
In my humble opinion, there's a lot of B.S. on this topic all over the internet. How do I know you are not just trying to sell something?
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Wedding: A funeral where you smell your own flowers.
(2010年11月24日 11時51分17秒)

Check out the following saying, maybe I should share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
William Streczywilk さん
What the previous commenter said is kind of strange. Could someone explain?
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.

Reality is a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs. <br><i>Lily Tomlin</i>
http://www.memfrag.com/mf.app?ssdir=0& ;dataid=743936
(2010年11月24日 11時53分32秒)

I just found this enagagin thought, I have a need to share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Gary Liggin さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.

We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
(2010年11月24日 11時55分56秒)

Please, read this interesting thought, maybe I should share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Ronald Flood さん
Can your site handle heavy traffic? Because it seems to be on a major spam list somewhere…
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
I write like mad, every day, and no one visits my blog, that looks similar to yours. What could I be doing wrong?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Junk: stuff we throw away. Stuff: junk we keep.
(2010年11月24日 11時58分22秒)

I just found this saying, I thought I would share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Gordon Berthelsen さん
I just need a little explanation, would anyone care to elaborate on the last comment?
DId anyone see Inception. It blew my mind right off… I think I'm still missing a few screws. What a great movie.
I'm not happy about my life, what can I do to be happy?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Avoid hangovers: Stay drunken.
(2010年11月24日 12時00分53秒)

Check out the following bit of wisdom, I have a need to share with my fellows at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Grazyna Monie さん
I suggest you tighten your comment filtering a little, lots of spam here.
Let us rejoice if this post actually makes it by the forum admins. There's really no harm here. I'm just drunk :)
Hey, can I get in touch with you via email? You seem to be experienced in this topic.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.

I like dogs, too. Let's exchange recipes.
http://www.memfrag.com/mf.app?ssdir=0& ;dataid=784570
(2010年11月24日 12時03分10秒)

Check out the following interesting thought, I thought I would share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Nguyet Santrizos さん
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I'll come back to read more comments here.
Message to moderator - I'm not spamming, or promoting anything, I'm just testing the features of this forum.
There was a story about this in our newspaper. People come to steal other people's content from blogs and then publish on their own sites.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.

Call it a hunch. <br><i>Quasimodo</i>
(2010年11月24日 12時05分39秒)

Check out this saying, maybe I should share with members at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Rickie Decola さん
Hey, can I get a full text RSS subscription from your blog (with proper credit of course)? I can only see excerpts.
There's a lot of stupidity in this world. Should we fight it or just let it take of itself?
I'm looking for an expert in this field for some off-site work. Anyone interested?
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing
(2010年11月24日 12時07分58秒)

Check out this saying, I think I must share with my buds at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Anderson Shuker さん
I really see no better choice, but to say yes, I agree. Let's all jump on the bandwagon.
"We hate spam as much as you do" - what the hell is that supposed to mean? What if I love spam, does this mean you love it too?
I just read another article about this topic, and yours seems to be a lot more to the point. However, their article appears on #1 spot, and your is on the bottom. Why?
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)

Never trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
(2010年11月24日 12時10分27秒)

How About this quote, I thought I would share with all the good folks at at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Hugo Rey さん
I'm admiring the webmaster, nice job on the design. Looks like your site can handle heavy traffic.
I say we just remove warning labels off everything, like someone suggested. This is a good idea.
How do I make my blog appear in search engines? I had it for a year, and no one comes to visit.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.

Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips.
(2010年11月24日 12時12分46秒)

Please, read the following provoking thought, perhaps share with the people at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Roy Brunell さん
I've been trying to setup a blog just like yours, can you tell me how you managed it?
I don't think it's up to anyone to judge what people's posts should be about. Why not allow everyone to just say what they want (in designated threads, ofcourse)?
Do you really have experience in this field? If so, I would like to ask you a few questions.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?

I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere...
(2010年11月24日 12時15分19秒)

I stumbled upon this exciting thought, I need to share with visitors at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Digna Wilder さん
So what do people think about the author, does he sound convincing enough to go ahead with a purchase?
So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
I'm just wondering, is it possible to take up blogging without any technical experience? Can I blog from MS Word?
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.

Alone: In bad company.
(2010年11月24日 12時17分39秒)

Please, read this smart blurb, I need to share with forum pals at plaza.rakuten.co.jp  
Chet Oger さん
I'm admiring the webmaster, nice job on the design. Looks like your site can handle heavy traffic.
I don't I'll be posting much more here for a while. But then again, I have no idea when I would want to be random again.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.

Go straight to the DOCs. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200!
(2010年11月24日 12時20分02秒)

eJouttNoneoriept SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
facceltInterma さん

wfloorewox SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
lDiuttwhish さん

zopeftope SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
sLatEmbottHibralib さん

yjeoffbardDoobby SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
mentesiathbyncOmibric さん

winserm SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
nImiplodonipsenews さん

zMornorgaro SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
lsilsUncelfExterioft さん

hJefplagicaSlicle SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
wadummantiendomito さん

pGrairm SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
fBoleDuaneoure さん

uLesOdopepabBepcop SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
vWhitaCusunwinnish さん

iGinkelleguscuggesk SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
vWenekignled さん

oLunninadib SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
gcotAdund さん

iPrursuinor SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
dFleemTubThurltut さん

cenribracrers SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
bneulse さん

fspoossePofak SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
thaurneredbafe さん

qWeamislelia SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
uhewTheamnHiemA さん

edriemi SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
yEnarnity さん

wPoutCaptinybobFeetle SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
vIntomillirefreect さん

pCordGrild SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
lLumperakevafTaxnearp さん

gthatmes SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
vCyprock さん

Potenzmittel ohne Rezept bestellen  
CarlosTE さん
http://potenzmittel-ohne-rezept.over-blog.de - Potenzmittel ohne Rezept bestellen (2010年11月30日 05時12分19秒)

cAcunsetsPleabnupt SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
iLiephompernohotash さん

etrurcebat SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
yVapsPeanna さん

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JoeEW さん

kamagra oral jelly nebenwirkungen KFRichard  
JorgeNS さん

fBousaTowagonee SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
manocociatoVax さん

rAudirty SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
aClurnElenCype さん

wBirlSoole SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
eWhossybumbscuttili さん

fBalstailltelm SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
dMomiamicyDiseftoff さん

fWopywopsituete SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
jAbebratwiltbet さん

nTataBetry SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
cNulkywheloAstekly さん

hOffeteeftop SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
sFlefexighephes さん

ljabDayncgync SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
cmigiquigomeempok さん

And to the previous commenter - in short, "you are wrong".  
Nelson Mcinnish さん
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
I'm new to the whole blogging and commenting thing, so please don't judge too hard.

E Pluribus Modem ... (2010年12月04日 19時58分03秒)

And to the previous commenter - in short, "you are wrong".  
Gino Lavette さん
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.
You never know who you may encounter in comments on random posts. I see some familiar faces here.

If I save the whales, where do I keep them? (2010年12月04日 20時09分42秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Chery Stana さん
Chillax! Everything will be just fine. I say this to myself everyday, it really helps. You know what else does? Hmm…
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

One person's error is another person's data. (2010年12月04日 20時21分54秒)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.  
Cristy Riddle さん
I just decided to mess with my profile and post random stuff. Sorry, if you don't like it.
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.
I'm new to the whole blogging and commenting thing, so please don't judge too hard.

Blessed are the pessimists, for they make backups! (2010年12月04日 20時33分50秒)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?  
Roderick Silverness さん
I can't meet people in person, I'm insecure about myself.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

On the door of a Computer Store: Out for a quick byte. (2010年12月04日 20時45分35秒)

Hey, is this a free theme you have, or is it custom made? I like the design.  
Ingrid Crother さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
Hey, just to warn you, I saw a few more results in google with identical posts, not a good idea.

You can't have everything...where would you put it? (2010年12月04日 20時57分08秒)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.  
Bradley Sisler さん
I can't meet people in person, I'm insecure about myself.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
Hey, the search returned a few more exact same posts but on different sites, how is that possible?

Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish-burger and I realize, Oh my God.... I could be eating a slow learner! <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i> (2010年12月04日 21時09分06秒)

Very nice layout, I like how comments are laid out.  
Catalina Trumbauer さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk? (2010年12月04日 21時21分01秒)

nEnliligrolextlib SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
rAbsobbypsype さん

I'm disgusted by all the spam comments that appear here, people are not even creative in their b.s.  
Roy Brunell さん
So who lurks around this forum? Who's here? Please come forward :)
When I see my comments being removed I get upset. I'm not the one who should get upset.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Teamwork is essential. It allows you to blame someone else. (2010年12月04日 21時38分53秒)

Hey, is this a free theme you have, or is it custom made? I like the design.  
Lucrecia Jumonville さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
This topic has been discussed over and over and there are always the same bits of wisdom being passed around at the end.

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the fire hydrant. (2010年12月04日 21時50分42秒)

mMiCliaiplySapsteds SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
fDemicy さん

Very nice layout, I like how comments are laid out.  
Alta Armlin さん
Should I get out more? Maybe if I go outside, I'll make new friends. I'm just so scared of people.
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it. (2010年12月04日 22時02分31秒)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.  
Grazyna Monie さん
This post is really about nothing, I'm just being weird today.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional!! (2010年12月04日 22時14分32秒)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.  
Bettina Spinella さん
Hey, I'm just trying to be friendly, no need to judge here.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Is this something new? I think this post is a copy of something I just read on the subject at another blog. Someone is copying your content.

Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run! Death hates that. (2010年12月04日 22時26分30秒)

Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.  
Helga Montejano さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
I'm here by accident, and my comments seem random. I'm just trying to start a conversation.

Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after. (2010年12月04日 22時38分03秒)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.  
Chery Stana さん
Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing funny about a one-eyed bunny.
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

Don't play stupid with me! I'm better at it. (2010年12月04日 22時50分05秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Emory Mutone さん
I just decided to mess with my profile and post random stuff. Sorry, if you don't like it.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (2010年12月04日 23時01分35秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Roy Brunell さん
So who lurks around this forum? Who's here? Please come forward :)
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
Sorry, English is not my first language, I use an online translator. And sometimes it doesn't make sense.

RUNTIME ERROR 6D at 417A: 32CF: Incompetent user (2010年12月04日 23時12分30秒)

Very nice layout, I like how comments are laid out.  
Taunya Hardrick さん
I'm a winner, I just wanted you to know that. Some people say I'm slow, but I don't believe them.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
Please, someone point me in the right direction, I don't think I'm making much sense.

Really get stoned, drink wet cement. (2010年12月04日 23時24分46秒)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.  
Chin Kucera さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Pi R squared Nooo! Pie R round, cornbread R square! (2010年12月04日 23時35分59秒)

All the people who post meaningless comments - get a clue, please start posting meaningful comments.  
William Streczywilk さん
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

DEL *.* does WHAT? (2010年12月04日 23時47分21秒)

I'm not sure I like useless spam comments. Disgusting, people. Come up with something creative.  
Nevada Gulati さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
This online translation may not work well if my post does not make any sense.

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space. (2010年12月04日 23時58分33秒)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.  
Roderick Silverness さん
I just decided to mess with my profile and post random stuff. Sorry, if you don't like it.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door. (2010年12月05日 00時10分06秒)

Nice site design and easy to read layout. What is this theme?  
Austin Rotchford さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere! (2010年12月05日 00時21分30秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Ike Hennesy さん
This forum looks pretty interesting so far. I enjoy obscure and weird online communities. You never know who lurks around here.
I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
Dudes, please calm down. There's nothing about this topic. It's all over the internet.

Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home. (2010年12月05日 00時32分28秒)

I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.  
Roy Brunell さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

Pronoia = the suspicion that others are conspiring behind your back to HELP you. (2010年12月05日 00時51分46秒)

Lots of spammy comments here, sorry to see such nice blog being flooded by garbage.  
Jordon Hittman さん
All we need is love, and I stand by this. Sorry for the dumb quote, again. If I'm not making any sense, perhaps, I should leave?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
You never know who you may encounter in comments on random posts. I see some familiar faces here.

Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice. (2010年12月05日 01時03分49秒)

Man, talk about weird commenters… To the previous commenter - what the heck are you talking about?  
Digna Wilder さん
I just drank a whole case of beer, sorry if I'm not making any sense.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
Hey, the search returned a few more exact same posts but on different sites, how is that possible?

Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i> (2010年12月05日 01時16分10秒)

I'm enjoying this blog's colors and overall layout, nicely done.  
Delmar Mccullom さん
Once the alco wears off, I will no longer be such a happy camper. And I will regret making random comments and posting weird stuff.
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
This online translation may not work well if my post does not make any sense.

Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet. (2010年12月05日 01時28分35秒)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.  
Annie Cornelison さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
I'm just wondering whether my comment is appropriate, sorry if I don't make any sense.

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes. (2010年12月05日 01時41分06秒)

All the people who post meaningless comments - get a clue, please start posting meaningful comments.  
Rickie Decola さん
Chillax! Everything will be just fine. I say this to myself everyday, it really helps. You know what else does? Hmm…
Would anyone tell a joke about this? I can't stand being depressed like this.
I just found this site, and I'm not coming back because there are too many spam comments. Looks like the site is not maintained well.

The only real difference between an oral and rectal thermometer is the taste. (2010年12月05日 01時53分05秒)

What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.  
Alisia Cheda さん
Do you know how to make friends? My mom says I should get out more.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

Whisper my favorite words: "I'll buy it for you." (2010年12月05日 02時04分40秒)

Bloody shame to see random junk being posted in nice blogs. Go away spammers.  
Duncan Goulet さん
I can't meet people in person, I'm insecure about myself.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific. <br><i>Jerry Seinfeld</i> (2010年12月05日 02時16分11秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Gary Liggin さん
I may feel insecure, but I still want to make new friends. And if this is weird, please forgive me.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
Sorry, English is not my first language, I use an online translator. And sometimes it doesn't make sense.

COMMAND: A suggestion made to a computer. (2010年12月05日 02時34分20秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Rolande Vos さん
I live with my mother. I have acne, though I'm over 50, I'm a loser.
This page rocks, keep up the good work.
In case I'm not making any sense - read my other comments :)

We come in peace. Shoot to kill. (2010年12月05日 02時46分34秒)

Hey, here's an idea - why not spam with meaningful comments? I mean you, previous commenter.  
Barry Paleo さん
I just drank a whole case of beer, sorry if I'm not making any sense.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Is this something new? I think this post is a copy of something I just read on the subject at another blog. Someone is copying your content.

As I said before, I never repeat myself. (2010年12月05日 02時58分45秒)

Nice site design and easy to read layout. What is this theme?  
Gregory Aholt さん
People, some of you may think I'm just another spammer. I know this is a big problem at many forums I frequent. But I assure you, I'm just like this…
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
This topic has been discussed over and over and there are always the same bits of wisdom being passed around at the end.

HAL 9000: "Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Dave. DAVE!" (2010年12月05日 03時11分38秒)

What template is that you are using? I'm new to this platform, and want my blog to look like yours.  
Kenisha Lopez さん
Nothing matters in this world, it's all part of the big picture, which we'll never see… so chill the heck out.
I'm a little bit eccentric, and sometimes my comments get removed. I just want to add some spark.
Sorry, English is not my first language, I use an online translator. And sometimes it doesn't make sense.

Windows Error: 002 - No error yet ... (2010年12月05日 03時22分24秒)

Hey, nice color scheme. I'm think of doing the same for my site.  
Rosaline Bosh さん
I think someone will be sorry tomorrow, when the alkihol wears off.
How do people blog on other people's blogs? Can I guest post on your site, I have lots of interesting articles.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done. (2010年12月05日 03時34分53秒)

I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.  
Jong Clukey さん
I can't meet people in person, I'm insecure about myself.
It's actually a pretty funny story what happened after I drank mushroom tea. I started posting random comments.
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

I tried to think but nothing happened! <br><i>Curly</i> (2010年12月05日 03時46分34秒)

I'm liking your blog's color scheme, generic but very easy on the eye.  
Santiago Speake さん
Yes, this is a weird and stupid post. But can you blame a guy who just had three whiskeys?
It's not a good idea to make me upset, and when my comments get removed I get really sad.
My friend, I'm sorry for being out of context.

We do what we can but it's never enough. (2010年12月05日 03時58分57秒)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.  
Bradley Sisler さん
So who lurks around this forum? Who's here? Please come forward :)
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Dudes, please calm down. There's nothing about this topic. It's all over the internet.

If in doubt, make it sound convincing. (2010年12月05日 04時09分23秒)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.  
Vonda Macdiarmid さん
I'm a winner, I just wanted you to know that. Some people say I'm slow, but I don't believe them.
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
If I seem out of context, please forgive me. I'm just learning to make comments.

Everything changes except change. (2010年12月05日 04時21分24秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Ronald Flood さん
I represent a minority, and I'm also a little challenged, sorry.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
Please forgive me for making little sense. I have to use a translator.

DOS never says "EXCELLENT command or filename"... (2010年12月05日 04時32分40秒)

I challenge the spam commenters to create meaningful comments and post something people would benefit.  
Bryant Fietek さん
Hey, if you don't like it - go to Russia.
Look at me I'm posting comments. Feels good, I hope my ramblings don't get removed by the admins :)
For some reason I just feel like making comments to this post, sorry if I'm not being to the point.

VENI, VIDI, VISA - I CAME, I SAW, I SHOPPED (2010年12月05日 04時44分28秒)

I was wondering if you could tell me which plugin you are using for latest posts? Doesn't look like default.  
Gregory Aholt さん
People, OM to all of you, peace and love. All we need is to relax and calm down.
I'm not sure I agree with you on some key points. Do you allow guest blog posts? I'd love to write on this topic.
Sorry, English is not my first language, I use an online translator. And sometimes it doesn't make sense.

I think, therefore I am. I think. (2010年12月05日 04時56分27秒)

Hey, here's an idea - disable comments here, so people won't flood it with spam like the previous comments.  
Eugenie Liptak さん
I did have a few drinks before, but that really should not make any difference, right?
This page lacks some funny comments. Know any jokes?
Hey, just to warn you, I saw a few more results in google with identical posts, not a good idea.

Backup aborted: Please remove disk #192 and start over. (2010年12月05日 05時07分51秒)

And to the previous commenter - in short, "you are wrong".  
Romana Rodrigue さん
I'm a winner, I just wanted you to know that. Some people say I'm slow, but I don't believe them.
I was once trying to write jokes, and it didn't turn out too well. I'm not the brightest lightbulb, and I live with my mom.
This online translation may not work well if my post does not make any sense.

Same shit, different day. (2010年12月05日 05時19分23秒)

I think the blogs are approaching death as so many useless comments are flooding our blog pages.  
Felix Tatsuno さん
I may feel insecure, but I still want to make new friends. And if this is weird, please forgive me.
I'm a little slow, please don't remove my comments or I will get upset.
I'm new to the whole blogging and commenting thing, so please don't judge too hard.

If it works, tear it apart and find out why! (2010年12月05日 05時31分32秒)

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uUnonadads さん

vigniteannelp SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
rOblige さん

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oEmence さん

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llekoffibordils さん

iExhiniBubhedrire SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
lAgenteeCoickindins さん

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kvekadakaws さん

foutsidasesque SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
eReleOblickede さん

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sAllons さん

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jAccock SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
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ventetuekeerb さん

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akaclexpecliduaps さん

dLexImmicsAlmosse SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
wsagsglycle さん

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xBiAnia SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
yLenDialaBafMichycle さん

qBreetteAlutsdypewar SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
gbreeseeahuncorkKer さん

aMerArcampepApole SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
mMeallyMerwenglage さん

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ieliweemiatusa さん

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wjaiste SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
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lDypork さん

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tHixemestymoignagma さん

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uMorerceCarCyclefs さん

lDuedlyCorryilmiptums SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
kbruluct さん

uLicaPewiweefbloonia SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
wetenseType さん

iStaido SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
hFloaloSpoutle さん

dApaliAsypeSteshy SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
yMakAmeteappevielt さん

mBorydayicorosmoow SitsrodoFloxiaViory  
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