スイスと言えば、 かのBISが置かれ、
先日、CIAによるブリュッセル偽旗テロ( 予告済みのブリュッセル爆破テロ )を事前警告したサイト見てたら、スイスに関して2つの話題が出ていた、
10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
1. Switzerland is located in central Europe(欧州の中心)
2. Switzerland is the only neutral nation on Earth(中立国)
3. Switzerland is the only sovereign nation on Earth(唯一の主権国家)
4. Switzerland is home to Onyx Interception System(オニキス防御システムの本家)
5. Switzerland is home to Holy See (i.e., the Holy C-I-A)(教皇庁(すなわち、神聖なCIA)の本拠地)
6. Switzerland is home to Bank for International Settlements (BIS)(中央銀行の元締め国際決済銀行(BIS)がある)
7. Names for Switzerland (i.e., CH and Suisse) equate to CIA and SS(スイッツアーランド(すなわち、CHとスイス)の名前は、CIAとSSに等しい)
8. Swiss National Day is same date as the anniversary of the Temple of Spies(国家の記念日はスパイ神殿(Temple of Spies)の記念日8/1と同じ日)
the logo of the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS)(目のマークに注目)
Switzerland and its CIA spy on the underworld
on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland,
9. Switzerland is intimately tied to dictators (e.g., Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc.)(独裁者と親密な繋がりがある(例:ヒットラー、ムッソリーニ、金正恩など))
10. Switzerland was originally founded by the Knights Templar and Order of Saint John(建国はテンプル騎士団とオーダー・オブ・セントジョンによる)
*この話題は、 スイスはCIAの本拠地!SWITZERLAND IS CIA にも解説がある、
で、もう一つの話題は、 CIAの本部は ジュネーブ湖湖底にあり、そ の入り口はCERNにある、というもの、
CIA Headquarters is evidently known as the “North Area”, one of CERN’s so-called experimental sites. The North Area is reportedly the largest of the experimental sites within the Prévessin site which is allegedly the target station for non-collider experiments on the SPS accelerator.
While the North Area evidently serves as cover for CIA Headquarters, CERN is home to the world’s largest supercomputer which is used by the CIA to conduct 24/7 electronic espionage and surveillance, as well as control the underworld (e.g., deflate/inflate currencies, manipulate global markets, execute drone attacks, etc.).
CERN is coincidentally located adjacent to Geneva , Switzerland which was previously home to the League of Nations. Today, Geneva is home to the highest number of international organizations in the world, including the International Red Cross and the United Nations.
Therefore, it makes perfect sense that Geneva, the de facto capital of the underworld , is also home to the infamous Central Intelligence Agency. Since Geneva essentially runs the underworld at the behest of the CIA, it has been given the nickname of “The Global City”.
The notion that CERN is the secret entrance to CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva is corroborated by the fact that as of 2013, CERN had 2,513 staff members and 12,313 fellows, associates and apprentices, a majority of which are likely CIA personal .
1. Big European Bubble Chamber (BEBC)
2. Gargamelle Bubble Chamber
3. Aquarius Reef Base
4. Sub-Biosphere 2
5. Lake Geneva
6. Mir’s Exploration of Lake Geneva
7. Secret Tunnels to CIA Headquarters
8. The Geneva Tunnel
9. CERN: Home of World Wide Web
10. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Supercomputer
11. Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG)
12. LHC Optical Private Network
13. CERN Numerology & Symbology
14. CIA Numerology & Symbology
15. Shiva Statue at CERN
16. CIA Death Star Appears over CERN
17. NASA’s CIA Death Star Hoax
CERNといえば、 CERN(時空間の歪みを創り、ポータルにもなりうる) でも、紹介したが、”地獄の門”を開こうとする装置(by Tom Horn)
+世界中の情報を収集し、操作するCERN (スーパーコンピューター) 、
+ ジュネーブには、赤十字や国連もある、これは深い、
更新日 2016年03月29日 02時00分52秒
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