毎度! HOW特集まだまだ続きます YAY!言っている人いっぱい居ると思いますが、 AGAIN!?と言っている人居るなら、ゴメンね。まだ、文句あるならプライドでもしょうか!おい! (There is PRIDE tomorrow in Las Vegas! だから、ちょっと調子に乗った...)
読んだ? Welcome back!
We often use HOW in questions. Questions to request a measurement of some sort. For example: Cost (How much?), Time (How long?), Distance (How far?) More Specific Information (How big? , How tall? , How heavy? , How fat? , etc.)
距離 Q: How far is it from the apartment to the station? A:It is 2 kms.
時間 Q: How long is the movie? A: It is about 2 hours long.
値段 Q: How much is this car? A: For you? It is $9999. And the winter tires are free.
小錦はどの位デブな? Q: How fat is Konishiki? A: He is so fat that if he stands in front of you, he eclipses the sun! No, really, I think he is 275 kilograms.
小錦のハワイアンクックブックだ!Konishiki's Book of Hawaiian Cuisine!
アンドレ・ザ・ジャイアントの身長どんくらいある? Q: How tall is Andre The Giant? A: Well, right now he is under 6 feet! They buried him! No, really, I believe he was 223 cms tall.
このホットソースはどの辛いな? Q: How spicy is this hot sauce? A: It's so hot, you'll shit fire! I swear to God. I tried it once on some spaghetti and I was blasting fire balls out of my ass at 1000 mph! They could have used me as a secret weapon in Iraq!