I have released new tune Which is so called Sonexy. This was inspired from my guitar which the first one of my Giboson. It was called poorman's Gibson. But sound is the Great. It is big and wild but so sweet with front mic. So anyway somehow I wanted to remain and record this amazing sounds Tune quality is not so good but sounds is so good for me. Also this time I used new effector line6 pocket pod which is family product of pod pro and cheaper in the family. That was the great. It has smooth sound simulation more than boss I have.
If you are interested in please click below Sonexy
Big sorry for you missing this great issue so long time! I thought you have already closed your dairy pages. Anyway it is so cool and show us why we love SONEX. Thank you!
(2010.07.24 10:30:18)
As you said this page is almost completely closed and currently I'm using to increase chance to use English for my learning. Therefe I have not often check it out like your comment and noboday seems to be interested in this page :-)
I'm rellay happy to know that you listend my bad tume and we could get common understanding about my (our) thoughts for Sonnex to some extend.
I'm still expecting to drink witn you talking about Sonex, guitar and music at somewhere in someday...
This is web page which is for English writing for myself.
So probably you are not interested in this page, but neveterless if you like then please give me any comment !