
Account Payable
Amounts due the company on account from customers who have bought merchandise or received services. Accounts receivable are presented as a current asset in the balance sheet.

Note Payable
Written promise to pay money at a future date. The payment consists of principal and usually interest.

Current Liability
Obligation payable with in one year or the normal operating cycle of the business. A current liability requires payment out of a current asset or the incurrence of another short-term obligation.

Written promise by a company, government, or other institution to pay the face amount at the maturity date.

Convertible Bond
Bond exchangeable for a specified number of common shares at a predetermined price, usually at the opinion of the holder. The investor in a convertible bond desires higher income than is available from common stock and the greater potential for capital appreciation than is possible with regular bonds.

Interest Expense
Current period cost of borrowing funds that is shown as a financial expense in the in come statement.

Legal document that specifically states the conditions under which a bond has been issued, the rights of the bondholders, and the duties of the issuing corporation.

Term Bond
Issue whose component bonds mature at the same time.

Serial Bonds
Bonds that mature in installments rather than at one maturity date.

Deep Discount Bond
Bond that has a coupon rate far below rates currently available on investments and that consequently can be traded only at a significant discount from par value.

Pension Fund
Resources set aside on a periodic basis by the employ and/or employer that will earn a return so that the accumulated principal and interest will be sufficient to meet employee retirement benefits.

Defined Contribution Pension Plan
Program under which an employer agrees to make a specified contribution each year based on the pension benefit formula. The formula may consider such factors as years of service, salary levels, and age. Note that only the employer’s contribution is defined and that there is no guarantee regarding the future benefits to be received by employees.

Defined Benefit Pension Plan
Program stipulating the pension benefits employees will obtain when they retire. The pension benefit formula usually is based on the worker’s salary level nearing retirement age and considers the employment years. The calculation must take into account the current year employer contribution to satisfy expected pension benefit payments at retirement.

Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO)
Actuarial present value as of a date all benefits attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee service performed before that date.

Accumulated Benefit Obligation (ABO)
Actuarial present value of benefits.

Minimum Pension Liability
Condition that is recognized when the Accumulated Benefit Obligation is greater than the fair value of plan assets. However, no recognition is given in the opposite case.

Operating Lease
Rental of property between the lessor and lessee for a fee. An example is renting of an apartment or automobile. The lessee debits rental expense and credits cash.

Capital Lease
1. リース資産の所有権がリース期間終了時に賃借人へ移転する。
2. 割安購入オプションが存在する。
3. リース期間がリース資産の経済的耐用年数の75%以上である。
4. リース期間が最低リース支払額の現在価値がリース資産の公正価格の90%超である。
One in which the lessee obtains significant property rights. Although not legally a purchase, theoretical substance governs over legal form and requires that the leased property be recorded as an asset on the lessee’s books. The asset equals the present value of Minimum Lease Payments. A capital lease exists if any one of the following four criteria is met:
1. The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee at the end of the lease term.
2. A bargain purchase option exists.
3. Lease term is 75% or more of the life of the property.
4. The present value of minimum lease payments equals or exceeds 90% of the fair value of the property.

Direct Financing Lease
Method used by lessors in capital leases. The lessor purchases the property only for the purpose of leaving it. The difference between the gross investment in the lease and the cost of the leased property is reported as unearned interest income.

Fair Market Value
Amount that could be received on the sales of an asset when willing and financially capable buyers and sellers exist and there are no unusual circumstances such as liquidation, shortages, and emergencies.

Sale and Leaseback
Sale of property by the owner to a purchaser who then lease it to the former owner. The net effect of this transaction is similar to a loan to the former owner with the property serving as collateral.

Temporary Difference
Difference between years in which a transaction affects taxable income and accounting book income.

Permanent Difference
Difference between book income and taxable income caused by an item that affects one but not the other.

Deferred Liability
Debt where the payment made is postponed beyond the present date.

Cash Surrender Value
Portion of life insurance premiums paid that can be received if the policy is canceled. Cash surrender value is classified on the balance sheet under Investments.

Land Improvements
Items having limited lives, such as walkways, driveways, fences, and parking lots. It is a different account than land.

Liquidating Dividend
Return of capital rather than a distribution of retained earnings. A company in a state of liquidation desires to distribute cash or other assets on a pro rata basis to its owners.

Loss Carryback
Offsetting the current year’s net loss against net income of the previous years for tax purpose. For financial reporting purposes, the tax effects of a loss Carryback should be allocated to the loss period.

Loss Carryforward
Offsetting the current year’s net operating loss against future years’ net incomes of for tax purpose, assuming that a Loss Carryback is not possible in whole or in part.

Lump-Sum Purchase
Acquisition of a group of assets for a single price. The cost should be allocated to the assets based on their fair market values.

Contingent Liability
Potential liability that may exist in the future depending on the outcome of part event. Examples are lawsuit and notes receivable discounted. Footnote disclosure is required of the circumstances for possible losses.

Compensated Absence
Expected payments to employees who miss work because of illness, vacation, or holidays. If the amount is not determinable, accrual is not possible but footnote disclosure should be given.

Detachable Stock Warrant
Certificate conferring the right to buy stock that is issued along with a detachable bond. The warrant has a market life of its own. The portion of the proceeds received for the bond and warrant that are allocable to the warrant should be accounted for as Paid-in Capital.

Undetachable Stock Warrant
One issued along with along with a bond that requires simultaneous exercise of both to obtain stock. If the warrant is not detachable, the bond is, in essence, convertible debt only. The excess received on the issuance attributable to the undetachable stock warrants is credited to premium on bonds payable since the issuance is accounted for solely as debt.

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