In order to analyze this quote we have to analyze different terms to understand what it is implicating. Firstly, I agree with the quote “facts are facts regardless of culture”. One thing that must be considered here is about the nature of facts. How do we know the facts? People frequently confuse what the real facts are because everyone has own thoughts and own perceptions toward the things, everyone takes it in their way of understanding therefore the fact seems to have number of meanings. The facts often turn to be a story when we tell about the fact to people because everyone has different way of understanding and explaining about the fact at times. However, we should always have this in our mind that there is only one fact per one thing.
Your knowledge or experience serves as a kind of filter that obstructs us from seeing the real facts. The term of knowledge for classifying the fact does not only includes the information you learn from your education and books but also the information or the conditioning the culture, religion and society provide you. We are often conditioned to expect things based on prior knowledge and unfortunately most of the time we see what we except rather than to what really happens. More than ninety percent of scientists believe the fact exists in a science. It might be true that general people believes it more. However, it is a wrong statement. For example, the cause of global warming is said to be the increased amount of oxygen gas as like it is a scientific fact. The scientists and governments are having the controversy about it as if it is confirmed fact.
Nonetheless, we should remember it is still one of a theory. By way of parenthesis, it is a fact that the temperature is increasing but we don’t have determination if the temperature has been increasing since the old days. Today could be the time where the temperature increases for short time but it would be back to the past average temperature. Since many scientists from many different cultures sometimes have different truths on a common experiment, some are more valid than others, and maybe none of them are completely wrong.
We are looking for the real facts every time. This is by we doubt about things and experience to know the facts. Humans have always had problems of knowledge to know the facts; these could be uncertainties, biases, limitations of knowledge and limitations of methods. Some truth is the total opposite of scientific truth. In conclusion, although sometimes the facts seem to be different upon different cultures but the fact must be only one and it is our own choice to choose which understanding of the fact we believe in. To know what the real fact is, we should try to find out different information about the fact as much as we can. Thereby if we would like to know the fact, we should learn how to compare and how to see things objectively.