static inline void socketerr2(CWinny *A,int a){//00462D18 char buf[8*3],*t;A; switch(a){ case 0x276D:t="WSANOTINITIALISED: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function. ";break; case 0x2742:t="WSAENETDOWN: The network subsystem or the associated service provider has failed. ";break; case 0x273F:t="WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: The specified address family is not supported. ";break; case 0x2734:t="WSAEINPROGRESS: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function. ";break; case 0x2728:t="WSAEMFILE: No more socket descriptors are available. ";break; case 0x2747:t="WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be created. ";break; case 0x273B:t="WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: The specified protocol is not supported. ";break; case 0x2739:t="WSAEPROTOTYPE: The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket. ";break; case 0x273C:t="WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: The specified socket type is not supported in this address family. ";break; default:t=buf; sprintf(buf,"errno: %d",a); } loginfoprint((BYTE*)t); } static inline void WSAAsyncSelecterr2(CWinny *A,int a){//004612C8 char buf[8*3],*t;A; switch(a){ case 0x276D:t="WSANOTINITIALISED: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function. ";break; case 0x2734:t="WSAEINPROGRESS: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function. ";break; case 0x2736:t="WSAENOTSOCK: The descriptor is not a socket. ";break; case 0x273F:t="WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: Addresses in the specified family cannot be used with this socket.";break; case 0x274D:t="WSAECONNREFUSED: The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected. ";break; case 0x2743:t="WSAENETUNREACH: The network cannot be reached from this host at this time. ";break; case 0x271E:t="WSAEFAULT: The namelen parameter is incorrect. ";break; case 0x2726:t="WSAEINVAL: The socket is already bound to an address. ";break; case 0x2748:t="WSAEISCONN: The socket is already connected. ";break; case 0x2728:t="WSAEMFILE: No more file descriptors are available. ";break; case 0x2747:t="WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be connected. ";break; case 0x2749:t="WSAENOTCONN: The socket is not connected. ";break; case 0x274C:t="WSAETIMEDOUT: Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection. ";break; case 0x2742:t="WSAENETDOWN: The network subsystem has failed. ";break; default:t=buf; sprintf(buf,"errno: %d",a); } loginfoprint((BYTE*)t); } static inline void binderr2(CWinny *A,int a){ char buf[8*3],*t;A; switch(a){ case 0x276D:t="WSANOTINITIALISED: A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function. ";break; case 0x2742:t="WSAENETDOWN: The network subsystem has failed. ";break; case 0x2740:t="WSAEADDRINUSE: A process on the machine is already bound to the same fully-qualified address and the socket has not been marked to allow address reuse with SO_REUSEADDR. For example, the IP address and port are bound in the af_inet case). (See the SO_REUSEADDR socket option under setsockopt.) ";break; case 0x2741:t="WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: The specified address is not a valid address for this machine. ";break; case 0x271E:t="WSAEFAULT: The name or namelen parameter is not a valid part of the user address space, the namelen parameter is too small, the name parameter contains an incorrect address format for the associated address family, or the first two bytes of the memory block specified by name does not match the address family associated with the socket descriptor s. ";break; case 0x2734:t="WSAEINPROGRESS: A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function. ";break; case 0x2726:t="WSAEINVAL: The socket is already bound to an address. ";break; case 0x2747:t="WSAENOBUFS: Not enough buffers available, too many connections. ";break; case 0x2736:t="WSAENOTSOCK: The descriptor is not a