Height 26inches weight 14pounds 15ounces Head 16.5inches
Smiles when sleeping Make sounds with lips. Opens and closes her palms. Does hi-five. Sits without support. Rolls over completely.
5MOS Dipar size 3 Successfully started solid food. 9/3/2004 Propels forward using hands and legs. Walk with a walker. Pulls to stand.
6mos check up Height 28inches Weight 18ounds ounces)
Pulls to sit. Finally crawls on elbows and legs. Craps hands.
Bear crawls. Got the first teeth. (11/01/04) Walks holing onto funiture!(11/01/04) Stands momentarily.(11/14/04)
8 MOS Starts eating table foods. Picks up small objects between index finger and thumb. Dance with music. Does BANZAI(Raises both hands up when she feels good). Waves bye bye. Shows appreciation by using head.
Dances with music by waving sholders and head. Spontaneously shows appreciation by moving head when getting food. Shows preference of food. Stands alone well. Drinks from cup. Points things and says "This! This!" Bangs 2 things held in hands.