Bellydance in the Misty Moonlight

My bellydance Performance etc.

7/22/06' Bellydance home Show hosted by Lily

8/22/06 a volunteer performance at Magee Women's Hospital

8/26/06' Turbo Tabla workshop

9/1/06' "In the Misty Moon Light" hosted by Lily

9/2/06' Bellydance Show at friend home party

9/29/06' ALDO'S performance [Crazy cat Pianist]&[Streamer dance]
&[Steack dance]&[Amy's choreography dance]&[veil dance]

10/22/06' Vegetarian Fundraser show

10/29/06' Halloween Costume Party hosted by Lily

11/8/16' a volunteer performance at Magee Women's Hospital

11/19/06' Dances of a Tribe hosted

1/13/07' Shimmy 2Hosted by Kari and Sterling at Andrew Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall

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