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Oct 27, 2007
第4回 RYUKYU 民族の祭典/第7回全島旗頭フェスティバル

Belly Danceを始めて見るかたも多いと思いますが、足を止めて見ている方も多く、とても嬉しかったです



最後は出演した人たちで カチャ-シー!!

も~い 、も~い、も~い!!!!
もーいは 沖縄の方言


Kachashi (You Tube)

You Tubeから探しましたよ。




By Wikipadia

The 4th RYUKYU Folk Festival, The 7th All-Island Hatagashira Festival

We did the Belly dance.

I felt nervous very much.

The final「Kachashi」
Everyone danced Kachashi.
This meaning is "dance" (Okinawa dialect )

Modern history
Since the beginning of World War II, most Mainland Japanese, and even many Ryukyuans, have regarded the Ryukyuan languages as a dialect or group of dialects of Japanese. Experts, however, tend to regard them as separate languages. Before the annexation of the Ryukyuan Kingdom to Japan in the late 1800s, nobody would have questioned the status of Ryukyuan languages as independent from Japanese. However, during World War II, in an effort to build consciousness in people as subjects of the Japanese Empire, not only Ryukyuan, but also Korean, Palauan, and various other languages were referred to as "dialects" of Japanese.[citation needed] This was a political usage of the term dialect, but now, only Ryukyuan, which is genetically related to Japanese, still is called a dialect.

After the Ryukyuan kingdom lost its independence, the languages, which were degraded as the "dialects", were severely suppressed in school education. This was different from the other parts of the empire, such as Korea or Taiwan, where the local languages were still briefly taught until the cultural assimilation policy was really enforced later. In Okinawa, when a student spoke in Ryukyuan, he had to wear a dialect card (方言札), a necklace with a card stating he spoke a dialect (thus is a bad student). This punishment was taken from 16th century France, where the regional languages such as Occitan, Provençal, Catalan, or Breton were suppressed in favor of French. The same system was also used in other parts of Japan, such as the hoku region.

Although being an inhumane linguicide, the dialect card system was often supported by Okinawan parents, who hoped their children would be able to work in mainland Japan. The system lasted as late as the 1960s during the US administration.

Nowadays, in favor of multiculturalism, preserving Ryukyuan languages has become the policy of Okinawan Prefectural government. However, the situation is not very optimistic, since the vast majority of Okinawan children are now monolingual in Japanese
By Wikipadia

Maisyちゃん、ランキングに参加中です。 ランキング


Last updated  Oct 28, 2007 02:11:10 PM
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