家に戻ったサラとネルソン。 「これから先、毎月が11月だ。僕は、ずっと君の所にいる。」 -Every month is November, Sara. and I love you every day. -Nelson, this is.... -This is our month, and it never has to end. I surrender all attempts to controle life...,yours or mine.
「僕は、ただひとつのために生きていく。 君を愛し、君を幸せにし、そのときを楽しく生きていく。」 -I live for one thing. To love you. To make you happy. To live firmly and joyously in the moment. November is all I know. And all I never want to know.
次の日の朝、まだ夜も明けきらぬうちに家を出て行くサラ。 追いかけるネルソン。 -What are you doing? Where are you going? -Out.This will give you time to get your stuff together. So, you can go. Our Month is over. -Sara, I’m not going.
「止まれよ、サラ。」 「あなたはもう行って。私はあなたの記憶の中で生き続ける。」 -Sara, stop running. I know you love me. -I do. Nelson, if you leave me now, everything we had willl be perfect forever. -Sara, life isn’t perfect. -All we have is how you’ll remember me. And I need that memory to be strong and beautiful. If I know that I’m remembered that way, then I can face anything. Nelson, you’re my imortality. -I want to take care of you. -I’m gonna be all right. -I only want you. -You have me forever.
「目を閉じて、ネルソン。」 -I’m going home. Now let me go. -All right, Sara. -Close your eyes. I love you, Nelson Moss. -I love you, Sara Deever. -Remember me.