



                           出光 良治

1995年1月29日掲載  就職への心得、相手にほれろ




                             出光 良治

1995年2月11日掲載 すべてに努力、中高一貫教育

         Total Diligence in Education

The other day we had a cross-country race at my school. There is one thing here that can be said. My school is both middle and high school and appears to be perceived from the outside as one in which we4 only study. This is not true at all. The truth can be deducted from this race.

I went to a state middle school, where for example the first year middle school students ran 1.7 kilometers in their cross-country race. In comparison , the same at this school runs 2 to 3 kilometers, while the high school students run a 7 kilometers course. This is a big difference from my middle school days. Having both schools together does not mean merely studying. Considering the length of the courses, it is really good to think that everyone put in a lot of effort. I didn’t go that fast, but speed isn’t everything. On the whole, it can be seen that everybody tried their best. This is effort.

Now the third year high school students are working hard for the second round of university entrance exams. I am sure that my seniors, who have been putting in a lot of effort for the last three or six years, will achieve great results.

Written by H.N.


1995年3月4日掲載   被災地への援助、平等に



                             遠藤 康平


When I was first asked to do some translation work for this book, I was delighted. It is the first time I have had the opportunity to do so, and of course gave me the chance to study some more Japanese. As I translated more and more of articles , I found that it did in fact get easier. Despite popular belief amongst the Japanese that their language is virtually impossible for the foreigner to master ,it has shown me that I like any other language , all it needs is time and effort. In the future, I would like to try my hand at translations from English to Japanese.

There were two problems which seemed to reoccur throughout my work. The first one was due to the fact that I am living in a country in which I read, speak and hear more Japanese than I do English. The English that I do come into contact with is of course dissimilar to the native language I am used to. After eight months of broken English, intense Japanese study and isolation from my native tongue, I found that I was often unsure of the translation myself. Words that could have summed up a whole sentence have disappeared from my vocabulary. At times I was not even sure of the grammar. Still、considering that it is more likely this book will be read by those whose native tongue is not English, this regression on my part may help them!

Secondly, my opinion often came into conflict with my role as a translator. In many of the articles, particularly those with reference to Western societies, Japanese misconceptions were evident. I clearly, and somewhat unsurprisingly , also have a very different approach to life in Japan than many of the writers. Yet it gave me the opportunity to digest these ideas. Realizing that I cannot hope to change them, for people generally believe what they want to anyway, nor do I necessarily have the right to do so, I am now armed to use them for my benefit !

My English may not be what it used to be, but the information I have gained from these articles is invaluable.

Written by Dean Durber


氏名     血液型       星座        10年後の職業

出光良治    B型       うお座        教師

吉岡紘史    B型     おひつじ座        医者

新原大基    B型     おひつじ座        医者

北村隼人    A型      おうし座        商売人

H.N.      O型       やぎ座        主夫

島 和英    A型       やぎ座        弁護士

成吉明彦    O型      さそり座        サラリーマン

村上隆太    B型       いて座        弁護士

木本智士    A型      おうし座        科学者

古沢誠司    A型     おひつじ座      宇宙開発エンジニア

小林隆剛    O型      おうし座        公認会計士

原口健二    A型      おとめ座        弁護士

遠藤康平    A型       いて座        外交官

Dean Durber   O型      おうし座        whatever

斎藤賢司    A型       しし座        教師






執筆者  上記一覧表の通り

翻訳   Dean Durber

挿絵   斎藤 賢司

編集者  出光 良治

発行者  出光 良治

定価     374円

copyright reserved by Yoshiharu Idemitsu


平成15年7月7日    出光 良治


昭和48年2月・3月    イギリス語学研修

昭和49年3月~11月   アメリカ(シアトル)語学研修/勤務/派遣

昭和55年5月       韓国旅行

昭和59年7月       アメリカ(ホノルル)新婚旅行

昭和63年7月・8月    アメリカ(ロスアンジェルス)ホームステイ引率

平成6年1月~3月     オーストラリア(シドニー)語学研修

平成9年7月・8月     オーストラリア(ブリスベーン)ホームステイ引率

平成10年3月       アメリカ(ホノルル)家族旅行

平成11年9月       マレーシア勤務/派遣

平成15年2月       アメリカ(ロスアンジェルス)家族旅行


平成3年  出光氏文―出光運平直義の子孫の必読本

平成6年  出光先生ただ今、とうこう中1

平成7年  出光先生ただ今、とうこう中2≪我ら、弘学館一年生≫

平成9年  筑前国唐津街道赤間宿研究者の必読本

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