

The theme of this article is the constitution of Cooperation under the stage of the
global capitalism. We define the constitution of Cooperation as the practice trying to
communicate equally and interactively between I and Others.
We propose the interactive communication of one's own devices/skills concerning
everyday life between I and Others as a practical model of this Cooperation. This
constitution of Cooperation is, we think, the pressing task for our own existence
entangled among the web of network power―biopower―called Empire.
In the chapter1,we argue the relation of the practical model of this Cooperation
to Empire described by Hardt and Negri. In this article, we grasp Empire as the
control-apparatus which subsume and hierarchize infinite differences in our own existence. At this
point, the practice of interactive communication of one's own devices/skills concerning
everyday life between I and Others, and that of networking this process of
communication aims at bringing out the power of the individual which is cleared away
by the hierarchizing function of Empire.
In the chapter2,taking Face as the key concept, this Cooperation is argued
as reconstitution of the unconsciousness. The new process of Cooperation is an
interactive process responding to the appeal of the Other. There is Desire of the
Other (Lacan) at the core of this process. Our own desire is produced by this Desire
of the Other. Hence, we explore this process of Cooperation in consideration of the
insight of Transference through which our own desire is produced.
In the chapter 3,we introduce some cases of practice towards a program constituting
the new Cooperation.
Conclusion: The task of the constitution of Cooperation becomes actual through
the process which includes the experience of one's own Determination in an
encounter with the unforeseen Other.
Key words: constitution of Cooperation, equal and interactive communication, Face,
reconstitution of the unconsciousness, the experience of one's own Determination.

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