#イエス #仏陀 Those dazzled by Christianity as a system and criticize Jesus' original sin in anti-moral position are completely beside the point including Nietzsche.The original sin is nothing but the fundamental ignorance Buddha talks about. Anti-morals are Jesus and Buddha.
posted at 16:47:11
2018年01月08日(月)1 tweet source
永澤 護 アーカイブ archives@dharmazeroalpha
#仏陀 Buddha met a man who can walk on the water one day.He asked for a demonstration and the man was willing to walk.When Buddha asked how long time it took to acquire that skill,he answered thirty years.Buddha said:"Whew! Boy,You need to pay only 200 yen at the boat hall!"
posted at 15:12:40
2018年01月06日(土)1 tweet source
永澤 護 アーカイブ archives@dharmazeroalpha
#仏陀 #ソクラテス #ドゥルーズ Buddha and Socrates stand at the same point in the practice of insight that staying in ignorance is the root of all disasters, but awareness of ignorance is already in the process of escape from there.For example,could Deleuze share that awareness?