#哲学 #現代思想 #道元 #ニーチェ "Nothing is hidden."(Dogen) What Nietzsche mentioned as a criticism of the person who preaches the Behind the world has been exhausted in this single word.
posted at 19:53:14
2018年01月06日(土)1 tweet source
永澤 護 アーカイブ archives@dharmazeroalpha
#哲学 #ニーチェ #現代思想 David Graeber reevaluates the "originality" of Nietzsche's "On the Genealogy of Morality(Zur Genealogie der Mora)l" that has been overvalued since Deleuze-Guattari's "AntiOedipus", which actually shares the premise of Adam Smith and bourgeois economics.
posted at 11:48:43
2018年01月05日(金)1 tweet source
永澤 護 アーカイブ archives@dharmazeroalpha
#ニーチェ #哲学 #カント Now Nietzsche is popular but when the birth of AGI takes on reality, the spotlight will first move from Nietzsche to Kant. Kant was talking about general finite intellectuals(including AI) who exceeded Nietzsche's superman, which is still human.