Be Mine

Finally Together

Finally together at last you can't question how.

It took me 27 years to finally come to you..
how blessed I am to find my true love ... you!

We're meant for each other in every way.
Knowing I have you and you're there.. get me through the day.

The missing piece of my heart is finally found.
I tried other pieces but they didnt quite fit. Then came you ..
I knew you were it.

With you by my side now, the world looks brand new.
I just think about the things in the future we will do.

Just know through any problems or struggles we have.
I'm there for you through good and bad.

I can't wait to have you in my life every day.
To hold and touch you in every way.

I love you baby with all my heart, from this day forward nothing can tear us apart.

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