Hello To All - I'm Back! So sorry that I have neglected to update my Blog... I have been deep in depression, triggered off by pet loss in December, and stress at work and was too weak to update my long neglected HP... But now I am gradually back to my normal self!
I hope to update my homepage regularly, so please come and drop by if you like! During my "dormant" times, I was concentrating on my family, health and .... shopping - so please feel free to browse on my shopping list - these were all things that helped me relax and be myself in my house again!
My Japanese is terrible but I would appreciate if you could drop by time to time! I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
通勤2時間!愛する子供たちのためなれない環境でいかにGENKIにFAMILY LIFEをENJOYするかで悪あがき中ののワーキングママです。Growing and struggling with my loving kids,a long-distance working bilingual mom's seek for sanity in life in a bedtown...