Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

テーマ: 英語で日記(534)
カテゴリ: 10-line essays
まず大人から【シリーズ10-line】:マルビル?いえアロマランプ0001.jpg What's HINKAKU【シリーズ10-line】:カラフルオーブ.jpg Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg

1. This is what I learned and became careful very recently:
In writing English sentences, there is a sentence manner to avoid repeating the same words or expressions.
In Japanese sentences, it's regarded as a rule to unify wording and diction in expressing the same things.
Otherwise, it's incomprehensible what words express what, and both writers and readers are confused.
With this sense and point of view, English sentences can look confusing.
In teaching and studying English as non-native, we need to learn the difference of sentence manners, maybe at least from ninth grade or high-school.
At the same time, I cannot help holding questions about the reason why they avoid using the same words or expressions :
If they don't change in wording, those sentences look poor, and readers see that the writer is unintelligent, with little vocabulary.

2. In our country, in eating dishes from small plates or bowls, we are trained to lift those small dishes.
Because if food or drops fall from chopsticks or spoon, it's not only disgraceful but also soils table and clothes.
By holding small plate with non-dominant hand, even if you drop food, you can catch it.

We don't lift large plates or bowls, though.
in the neighboring Peninsular country, it's against manners to lift plates and bowls, even small ones.
The reason is if you lift dishes and eat, it looks like eating like a pig.
It's NEVER matter of superiority; food culture reflects the nature of the locality, social customs, cooking style, ingredients and so on.
 So does table manners.
When it comes to face-consciousness culture, both nations are even, though.

3. Compared to the past two years, from this year, mass infection cases have soared at schools, kindergartens, welfare centers for elderlies and so on.
Although I understand that it's simplistic to close down those facilities as infection control,
Central Authorities' command was not so different from conventional countermeasure; same old constraints on business of restaurants and bars.
While not all the things are the same as before, I wonder all the idea they have is to whip up the flames of people's fear by banning general public's pleasure
-In other words, Panjandrums appeal general public how they work on infection control by knee-jerk reaction.
social situation in our state under Pandemic has already been compared to wartime period :
According to an analysis by an Ex-bureaucrat Psychoanalyst, aerial ramming was unexpected for Allied forces.
 So at first, strike rate was pretty high.
  Soon, they detected commandos' pattern of attack, and more and more bombers were shot down before they hit.
But upper strata of Military authorities just blamed that soldiers lack in spiritual strength, and never reexamined the tactics, discarding numberless of young general soldiers’ lives.

This time? Medical workers' efforts, health center workers' labors, perseverance of children and young people are wasted.
As of May 2022 , I don't have enough comprehension how to compare extreme containment going on at the neighboring Continent country in order to show off correctness of Authorities' ruling,

:Ready to place summery if asked


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最終更新日  2022.05.02 16:44:46
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