Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg All 'Bout The Money【シリーズ10-line】:三色信号林檎

The proverb is true that Give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, teach someone how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.
However, what if there is no fish in water area around them, or fishes are not left after overexploitation, or inedible due to water pollution?
This is mere allegory, but I feel that it's emerging in our state.
NOTE: I'm NOT writing about fishery.
Today, I borrowed the title and the most impressive line of a famous novel about a banker who strikes back as he and his young coworker face numerous obstacles from the bank's management -sorry.


So-called Bubble generations criticize younger generation who face job shortage and suffer from ill-paid labor, accusing that their poverty is brought upon themselves.
-As for those who didn't vote at elections, that might be true.
Those younger generation, so-called Lost generation repel that Bubble-generation still cling to lingering glory of Babble era, and what they expect after they reaped up the benefit of Babble era just because of the benefit from the time.
Roughly speaking , currently, our state is ruled by Bubble generations or older.
Especially, Central authorities are consisted of people who know only Bubble era.

However, people older than Bubble generations had worked not for customers or society but for profits of their own.
 Such works go selfishly distorted, inward-oriented and obsequiously.
  As a result, organization go rotten, so does the society in the end.
That's how money game ignoring customers ruined the society, and made up Bubble era that ended up in collapsing and lead to job shortage age.

-Although this was written about ten years ago.
At the same time... I understand enough that the problem won't settle by giving fish to Lost generation.
May I ask for some wisdom or idea for solution? For example, how to teach them the method to fish in the way that fits with times.

-Me? As I've confessed, not so long after I graduated and started working, I had psychotic depression due to what is now called power harassment.
Back then, some unrelated people made a guess that the power-harassment woman was jealous of young people.
At least, it was certain that no young worker had advanced their career in this department , which is obvious from the fact that the youngest member except for me was twice as old as me.
No matter how many young new graduates they hired and assigned to this department, all of them applied for personnel changes or quit.
Putting aside my private past about twenty years ago, as is pointed out, we can have a side view that older generation treat young generation harshly in order to get away while they can enjoy the remnant of the benefit of Babble era.
If older generation do such things -for example, power harassment by bosses and senior workers,
Younger people can suffer from mental diseases or stress-induced illness, then healthcare cost, unemployment allowance expense and livelihood protection subsidy escalate -I was the one who caused it, although luckily I could avoid relying on welfare.
Those people might be unable to adopt themselves to society, and miss career-building opportunity to earn enough deal of money and pay tax a lot -so did I.
Also, they might lose the chance for marriage while they are young enough to have more than one child.
As I placed before, currently, as national wage is decreasing, public pension is reduced in conjunction.
We'll stop having babies and bring labor shortage , which was placed when job shortage became a serious social problem
 Now this is coming true.
  After all, regardless of generation or social status, if you selfishly pursue profits of only your own and exploit others, you'll call forth retribution
-I ended up in concluding innocuously with trite rule of the world.

(Translation: Unable-to-think-up-handle)


最終更新日  2022.07.11 15:45:17
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