Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg


4. We would have to tolerate advertisements on free websites like weather information, this weblog, and so on.
But frequently, I feel that those ads are intentionally arranged to obstruct viewing and operation.
Also: Sometimes, when I watch online motion pictures with certain length, commercials interrupt suddenly without notice, and drive me mad.
 At least, they must consider timing.
Is it fine if those ads spread negative images of the advertisers?

5. Authorities manage accumulated insurance premiums in order to increase the source of revenue for pension benefits.
 Its result is publicized every year.
  Sometimes, they mismanage the assets and suffer big loss, and general media make big fuss.

I learned that

While the news can bring a lot of credibility to National pension if they praise as much as when they accuse management loss.
On the second thought... as wage level is falling, amount of benefits is falling year after year.
Under such circumstances, if the fact is widely known that Authorities are succeeding in asset management, discontent against National pension may grow among general public.

6. I cannot help worrying that what if mass-infection of the Coronavirus breaks out at the floral tribute site at upcoming State funeral ,
No matter how there is no restrictions on outings this summer and autumn, and the Seventh wave of Infection is slowing down.
Therefore, it's wiser of general public to self-restraint in visiting State funeral site to offer flowers
-This is how to use group-pressure peculiar to our nation, and time for Self-restraint police wannabes on duty, isn't it?
Well... at least, it provides opponents for no attending the State funeral or no going to floral tribute.
Every time recent public opinion poll is taken, more and more people answer that they are against State Funeral for the Longest-officed ex-Premier.
Besides, the approval rating of the present Cabinet has dropped rapidly.

However, the concept of current Ruling-party has been to leave general public out of the loop through and through.
 This is shown crystal-clearly at the last Olympic game.
Simplistically speaking , the Longest-officed ex-Premier solidified the structure during his regime, and the upcoming bulldozed State funeral takes over the concept -is it fine to analyze like this?

It's natural that world leaders put international general meeting on priority than coming to State funeral which is set up haphazardly ; No need to mind our state and farcical State funeral not to do anyone any favors.

:Ready to place summery if asked


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